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So in the case of not being a last resort, hard rushing is the worst choice, and it is Chu Fengmian’s last remaining method.

“The Sea of ​​Nine Nether? Your lord has decided to participate in the Nether War at this time?”

The Immortal King martial artist heard Chu Fengmian’s words and said with some surprise.

“Nether War?”

Chu Fengmian was a little surprised when he heard this Immortal King martial artist’s words.

“It’s only been three years since the last Nether Warfare?”

Nether War is a decisive battle of Nine Nether World once every ten years. It is a melee. All martial artists of Nine Nether World can get involved. Ten of the winners will have access to Nine Nether. The qualification of the sea.

The sea of ​​Nine Nether is the source of Nine Nether World’s power, and it is also the foundation of Nine Nether World. It is the place that all Nine Nether World martial artists aspire to.

So in the Nine Nether World just born, the four major inheritance forces began to take control. After the Nine Nether World was dominated, the sea of ​​Nine Nether was firmly controlled by the four major inheritance forces.

Except for the dísciples of the four major inheritance forces, other Nine Nether World martial artists can only gain access to the Nine Nether Sea through Nether Warfare.

It is said that the origin of this nether warfare is extremely old, even more ancient than the four major inheritance forces. Since ancient times, it has been inherited in the Nine Nether World.

The current four major inheritance forces have only taken over the right to organize the Nether War.

Through the Nether Warfare, it is the easiest way to enter the sea of ​​Nine Nether.

The former Dark Sword Tianzun successfully entered the Nine Nether Sea through the Nether Warfare, and obtained a lot of opportunities in the Nine Nether Sea, and finally his strength broke through the high rank Immortal Emperor. The bottleneck.

Only the last Nether War was held three years ago. According to the rules, after seven years, the next Nether Station will be held.

Chu Fengmian impossible In this Nether World, I stayed for seven years, so the path of Nether Warfare was directly rejected by Chu Fengmian.

Listen to the words of Immortal King martial artist, Nether War seems to be in the vicinity.

“The adults don’t know?”

Listening to Chu Fengmian’s words, the Immortal King martial artist was a bit strange, but when he thought, Chu Fengmian seemed to have just left the customs, so he was relieved and directly explained.

“The Nether War at this time was held in advance. It is said to be due to the outbreak of the Sacred Domain war. The four major inheritance forces also chose to start another Nether War. If the adults want to enter the Nine Nether Sea, participate in this time. The Nether War is the day it is held, just five days later.”

“Nether Warfare, five days later?”

Hearing the words of the Immortal King martial artist, Chu Fengmian’s eyes lit up.

If you can enter the sea of ​​Nether Nether through Nether Warfare, it won’t attract anyone’s attention. Chu Fengmian can also enter it to find the jade box left by Lord of Sword Dao.

This is a lot easier than trying hard.

As for whether he can pass the Nether War, with the current strength of Chu Fengmian, he wants to compete for the place to enter the Nine Nether Sea, with no difficulty.

“Many thanks.”

Chu Fengmian gave the Immortal King martial artist a few more immortal stones. Thanks to the Immortal King martial artist’s great kindness, Chu Fengmian let him leave.

“The place where the Nether War is held is in the city of Nine Nether. It will take three days for us to rush over now.”

For the Nether War, the Dark Sword Heavenly Sovereign is still very familiar. He also participated in the Nether War before, and from it, he fought for a place to enter the Nine Nether World.

The place where the Nether War is held is Nine Nether City. This Nether City is the largest and oldest city in Nether Nether World. Nine Nether World was just born when Nine Nether City was established.

Even in later generations, the Nether World has become larger and larger, and countless ancient cities have appeared, but there is no city that can replace the status of Nether City.

The current Nine Nether City is jointly controlled by the four major inheritance forces of Nine Nether World.

This Nine Nether city is located in the center of Nine Nether World, on the edge of the Nine Nether Sea. It takes about three days to rush from here.

“Let’s go now.”

Chu Fengmian was going to visit this city of evil, and bought some secret Principle Supreme Treasure by the way.

However, since this time is known, the Nether War is about to be held in the next five days, and Chu Fengmian naturally wants to rush to the Nether City as soon as possible to participate in the Nether War.

This is a great opportunity for Chu Fengmian.

In the Nine Nether World, the highest quality Dark Principle Supreme Treasure is also in the Nine Nether Sea. As long as Chu Fengmian can enter the Nine Nether Sea, get the Dark Principle Supreme Treasure, with no difficulty.

Just when Chu Fengmian and Dark Sword Tianzun were about to leave.

Suddenly, above the sky, one after another pitch-black chain suddenly appeared, this one after another pitch-black chain, which is ten thousand meters long and extremely strong, all directions appeared in this city of evil The sky above.

The evil city of this day was completely sealed in it.

“A high rank Immortal Emperor has taken a shot”

Chu Fengmian complexion changed.

Did someone discover his identity?

Although Chu Fengmian and Nine Nether World, lacking hatred and enmity, whether in Three Great Saint Territories or Tian Nine Domains, Chu Fengmian’s heads are all priceless.

Under the huge reward, it is not surprising that some powerhouses of Nine Nether World want to take the head of Chu Fengmian in exchange for wealth.

This is why Chu Fengmian chose to hide his identity when he entered the Nether Nether World.

Suddenly, the high rank Immortal Emperor took action, and Chu Fengmian immediately felt that someone had done something to him.

The power in him is always ready to explode.

But at this time, Chu Fengmian was keenly aware that the Spiritual Consciousness above the sky, not at all, fell on Chu Fengmian’s body, but instead fell on the City Lord Mansion in the center of Tiansha Among.

“This is someone who wants to do something to the Sky Lord City Lord?”

Chu Fengmian immediately determined the intention of this man.

The City Lord of the Sky Lord was injured and retired. It was in the City Lord Mansion of the Sky City. Now this person is blocking the Sky City. The Spiritual Consciousness is directly at the City Lord Mansion. His true goal is without saying Metaphor.

“It’s the Dark Wolf City Lord.”

“Dark Wolf City Lord, really can’t help it.”

Some martial artists around it is not surprising to see chains appearing above the sky.

Dark Wolf City is one of the most powerful ancient cities near the evil city of this day. The Dark Wolf City Lord has always had great ambitions and wants to annex more ancient cities.

At this time, facing the siege initiated by Sky Fiend City, the leader was the Dark Wolf City Lord. Now Sky Fiend City seems to be on the verge of collapse and has no resistance. This Dark Wolf City Lord, Finally, I couldn’t help but do it myself.

Starting from the severe injury of the Sky Lord City Lord.

The martial artist in Tiansha City anticipated this day. In Nine Nether World, strength is the only one.

The City Lord of Tiansha was injured, and he was not qualified to continue occupying this ancient city.

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