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Chu Fengmian is the first time to come to such a world.

Heaven and Earth Law of this World seems to have lost its balance. Power of Darkness is the dominant family. As for the other nine Heaven and Earth Laws, they are all suppressed by Power of Darkness.

It will make this Nine Nether World become such a pure Dark World.

General Smaller Thousand Worlds, Intermediate Wide World, will maintain a balance, just like the bloody world, ancient territory, although there are laws and regulations, but the overall is extremely balanced.

Even mortals without cultivation can live in it.

But in this Nine Nether World.

“With such a strong Power of Darkness, I am afraid that even a martial artist with a slightly weaker strength will not be able to live in it.”

Chu Fengmian looked around for a week, and frowned said.

This kind of Power of Darkness everywhere, for the martial artist of the Martial Dao cultivation of the law of darkness, it is naturally like a heavenly place, but for the martial artist who has not yet cultivation of the law of darkness.

These Power of Darkness are not good things, but may threaten themselves.

“In Nine Nether World, all newly born people must experience the erosion of Power of Darkness. Only those who can accept Power of Darkness can grow up. As for those who cannot carry Power of Darkness, they will Died early.”

Listening to Chu Fengmian’s doubts, Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate explained.

“In the Nine Nether World, among the ten babies born, nine will die. Only the last one can bear the Power of Darkness everywhere in the Nether World. Grow up gradually.”

“Once he grows up, he is born with an affinity for Power of Darkness, and has a very high aptitude along the way of the cultivation law of darkness.”

Heavenly Venerate also sighed opened the mouth and said.

“If you cannot accept the environment of Nine Nether World, you are not qualified to live in this Nether World. All the creatures in Nine Nether World, whether it is humans, some Demonic Beasts, and even some Desolate Ancient Hundreds are all adapted to the Power of Darkness of Nine Nether World, and finally live in this Nether World.”

Heavenly Venerate, the dark sword, is actually a lucky person. He is born with a very high aptitude of the law of darkness, and has an innate affinity for Power of Darkness.

In this Nine Nether World, Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate is an out-and-out genius. Without joining the four inheritance forces, Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate has stepped into the realm of Heavenly Venerate in one fell swoop Finally, he left Nine Nether World and entered the Nine Domains.

“Martial artists who can grow up in this environment, I am afraid they are terrifying.”

Chu Fengmian sighed after listening to Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate. The more dangerous the environment, the more powerful a martial artist who can grow up.

This is also the reason why Nine Nether World can still be guarded by Nine Nether World under the flanking attack of these two huge things.

“Lord of Sword Dao’s jade box was thrown into the sea of ​​Nine Nether. First we must find the sea of ​​Nine Nether.”

The secret of Nine Nether World, Chu Fengmian didn’t bother to investigate. The real purpose of his trip, or for being Mo Hong, was still in the sea of ​​Nine Nether. Lord of Sword Dao wanted to give Chu Fengmian a jade box.

He sneaked into the Nether Nether World this time.

I intend to enter the sea of ​​Nine Nether without disturbing anyone to find the jade box of Lord of Sword Dao.

“Where is the sea of ​​Nine Nether?”

Chu Fengmian looked towards the surroundings with a blank face. This is obviously an extremely remote area in Nether World. After Chu Fengmian’s Spiritual Consciousness scanned it, no Nine Nether World martial artist was found.

Chu Fengmian once obtained from the martial artist and the Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce. None of the maps of Nine Nether World recorded such an area. For a while, he could not determine the direction of the Nether Nether Sea.

“The sea of ​​Nine Nether, in the center of Nine Nether World, our place is located in the extreme south of Nine Nether World, so it is very remote. As long as you go north, you can reach the sea of ​​Nine Nether.”

After hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate was quickly replied.

“By the way, adults must be careful. Recently, the four major inheritance forces in Nine Nether World are all arresting those outsiders who entered Nine Nether World. When I first entered it, I was almost caught People caught, but luckily I escaped, so it was delayed for a while.”

“Catch Outsiders.”

Chu Fengmian frowned.

The four major inheritance forces in the Nine Nether World are actually arresting Outsiders. For Chu Fengmian, it is much more difficult for Chu Fengmian to go to the Sea of ​​Nether.

Fortunately, Chu Fengmian got the inheritance of the old man of Shinto. In concealing his identity, this move, unless it is more powerhouse than Chu Fengmian’s, otherwise it is impossible to see the identity of Chu Fengmian concealed.

The Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate itself is an aboriginal from the Nine Nether World. Even if he is now a sword slave, his power and breath remain unchanged.

So when the Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate entered the Dark Hell, there was no reaction in the Dark Hell. The two of them now change their identities and pretend to be the native martial artists of the Nine Nether World, which should be enough to hide most people.

Chu Fengmian body moved, the appearance on his face did not change much, but the breath on his body showed a pure Power of Darkness, which is unique to the Nine Nether World martial artist.

Chu Fengmian is now disguised. Compared with the breath of a real Nether World martial artist, it is very similar.

The Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate on the side also concealed the aura of being a sword slave, and looked like an ordinary Nether World martial artist.

After doing all this, Chu Fengmian and Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate, turned into two Nether Nether World martial artists, flew northward.

This extremely southern land is one of the most desolate areas in Nine Nether World. On the edge of this extremely southern land, there are many Demonic Beasts entrenched in the vicinity.

So there are some Nine Nether World martial artists who choose to come to experience, enter the edge of this extreme south, fight with some Demonic Beast, to hone Martial Dao.

But when you enter the depths of the extreme south, it is boundless desolate, without any creatures, and nothing of value. Even Power of Darkness is thinner than outside.

In this Nine Nether World, the extremely southern land is considered the least valuable area. There is no power sect of the Nine Nether World. I want to take this extremely southern land as my own. Because here is too barren and desolate.

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