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But the Lord of the Hell, Emperor Five Elements Sword, stood beside Chu Fengmian, with a respectful look, but he couldn’t be fake.

“It seems that in the past ten years of the disappearance of adults, the gains have been more amazing than those shown.”

The king of Jinjue, the king of business and the others can’t help thinking about it.

Originally, in the past ten years, Chu Fengmian had just stepped into the Immortal Emperor’s strength, and in a single leap he reached the strength comparable to the eighth-order Immortal Emperor.

The speed of this increase in strength is already shocking the world.

But now it seems that Chu Fengmian has gained more opportunities in the past ten years. The two high rank Immortal Emperors in front of him are also Chu Fengmian’s subordinates in the past ten years.

But for the witch emperors of the Vulcan leader.

The stronger Chu Fengmian shows, the better it will be for them, and it will be easier to enjoy the cool under the big tree.

Chu Fengmian is now the mainstay of the Vulcan leader, and the witch emperor present also hopes that the strength of Chu Fengmian is as strong as possible, so that the witch emperor under their Vulcan leader can also be blessed by Chu Fengmian.

Especially originally, after listening to Chu Fengmian, he wanted to send someone to stay in the Vulcan collar.

Some of the witch emperors present were a little unconvinced. After all, the person Chu Fengmian was going to send was definitely not a witch clan, and this behavior was more like a kind of supervision.

A few people came to ride on the head for no reason, and the Wudi present was naturally extremely dissatisfied.

However, after seeing the strength of the Lord of the Inferno, Emperor Five Elements Sword, all the dissatisfaction in the hearts of the emperor Witch who was present was dissipated.

The witches respect powerhouse.

Especially the Lord of the Inferno, Five Elements Sword Emperor, are all high-level Immortal Emperors, their strength far surpasses them, in the face of absolute strength, there are not too many witch emperors present, even more how this The two are still under Chu Fengmian’s.

“You are cultivation in this Vulcan collar. If there is some trouble, you can take action to solve it. If it can’t be solved, sound transmission to me.”

Chu Fengmian glanced over and saw the thoughts of the emperor witch present, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to the lord of the prison, the emperor Five Elements Sword.

For the Wu people, Chu Fengmian is still more trusting, but Chu Fengmian has always been cautious, he will not trust unconditionally.

Compared with the loyalty of the Wu clan, these sword slaves are worthy of Chu Fengmian’s trust. After all, Chu Fengmian’s control of this blood pool means mastering their power of Life and Death. No sword slave can betray Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian left the Lord of the Hell, Emperor Five Elements Sword, first to supervise the Vulcan leader, and second to help the Vulcan leader and solve some problems.

Vulcan is extremely powerful, but it has a great hidden danger, that is, no true powerhouse that can deter all parties.

This true powerhouse refers to the high rank Immortal Emperor.

After the outbreak of the Sacred Domain war.

Only the high-rank Immortal Emperor is qualified to be called a true powerhouse. Without the power of the high-rank Immortal Emperor, it is not worth mentioning.

It’s like Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce.

The Lord of the Hell, the Emperor Five Elements Sword guarding the Vulcan collar, also happens to make up for the hidden danger of the Vulcan collar without the high rank Immortal Emperor, and also allows Chu Fengmian to leave more safely.

“As you bid.”

The Lord of Inferno, Five Elements Sword Imperial Capital is respectfully replied.

Compared with the life of being kept in a blood pool, like a cage, letting them move in the outside world, even if they are still unable to be completely free, it is much better than being locked in a blood pool.

After confessing a few more words, Chu Fengmian left the Lord of the Hell, Emperor Five Elements Sword, and left the ancient territory with the other four sword slaves.

Before leaving, Chu Fengmian also asked the True Water Witch Emperor to say something about him, and then he entered the Northern Territory.

In the Northern Territory, there is this Transmission Passage connected to the blood martial world. That is the first time Chu Fengmian used the world seed to enter the space channel left by the blood martial world.

Later, as Chu Fengmian mastered the blood war world, he solidified the space channel and turned it into a Transmission Passage, allowing the warriors of the blood war world and the Wu clan to communicate with each other.

Because of Chu Fengmian.

The relationship between the blood martial world and the Wu clan is fairly close, and they have frequent contacts.

But with the outbreak of the Sacred Domain war.

Now the witches are also shrinking forces.

Like this side, it was originally the fringe area of ​​the northern border. It used to be sparsely populated, but now it is completely deserted.

Looking over, I saw that in front of Chu Fengmian, the Transmission Passage that used to travel to the north and the bloody world had disappeared.

Not disappeared, but hidden.

Sacred Domain war broke out, and Smaller Thousand Worlds were also greatly affected.

Especially Smaller Thousand Worlds, no more than Three Great Saint Territories, any Smaller Thousand Worlds, facing the leader of Heavenly Sword, are impossible to withstand a single blow and be crushed instantly.

Even a few powerhouses of Nine Domains once shot, it is easy to conquer and occupy a Smaller Thousand Worlds.

So most of the Smaller Thousand Worlds in the world now choose to block the Transmission Passage, hiding themselves as much as possible, so as not to be discovered by the army led by Heavenly Sword, and the same is true for the bloody world.

This Transmission Passage is hidden, but Chu Fengmian is the master of the bloody world.

This Transmission Passage was the first to be opened by Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian moved his mind, and with a claw in his hand, in the space in front of him, the space began to twist, and soon it turned into a Transmission Passage. .

Chu Fengmian stepped out, and this Transmission Passage was opened directly, waiting for Chu Fengmian’s body to step into the Transmission Passage, and this Transmission Passage gradually disappeared.

Blood Martial World.

The former blood war world is just a wild world, without contact with the outside world. The inheritance of Martial Dao is also from the Martial Dao inherited from the War King Aristocratic Family inheritance, and has been inherited to this day.

In the previous bloody and martial world within the realm, but even Xianzun did not, and Xiansheng was the most powerhouse among them.

But now, with the entry of the Sword Dao gate, the strength of the martial artists of the blood martial arts world is rapidly improving, especially the Sword Dao gate, which has already used the blood martial arts world as the backup force of the Sword Dao gate. The teaching Sword Dao.

In the current blood martial arts world within the realm, almost every martial artist is cultivation Sword Dao, all sword cultivator.

As soon as Chu Fengmian entered the blood martial arts world, he felt a surge of Sword Intent, a Smaller Thousand Worlds martial artist, all sword cultivators, everyone practiced swords, and Sword Intent gathered soaring to the sky.

On the sky, a huge sword shadow has emerged. This is the sword of many warriors in the blood martial world, who have learned about Sword Dao, the condensed Sword Intent, gathered in the air and turned into a sword shadow.

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