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The reason for all this is because of the Lord of Sword Dao.

“Lord of Sword Dao.”

Witch Saint Ancestor was silent for a while before slowly opening the mouth and said.

“The reason why the Lord of Sword Dao was targeted by Myriad Realms, I don’t know much, but as far as I know, it should be Lord of Sword Dao. There was a thing that happened, because of that thing, it will be Myriad Realms Watch.”

“Because of something? What?”

Chu Fengmian hurriedly asked.

“I don’t know, what that thing is, I don’t know, but it can make Myriad Realms so crazy. The thing Lord of Sword Dao got is not trivial, and it is even big enough for Myriad Realms Threats will make Myriad Realms besiege Lord of Sword Dao at all costs.”

“The people who once besieged the Lord of Sword Dao were enough for the eleven ninth-order Immortal Emperor, but there were four of them all fell into the hands of the Lord of Sword Dao, and Myriad Realms also paid a lot. The price.”

Witch Saint Ancestor slowly opened the mouth and said.

“The one who besieged the Master, actually had enough eleven Tier 9 Immortal Emperor? Even four of them were killed by the Master?”

Chu Fengmian heard the words of Saint Ancestor Wu, and he had a stormy sea in his heart. He never knew this.

Chu Fengmian only knew that it was the seven god emperors behind Seven Great Sects who shot and killed the Lord of Sword Dao, but he did not expect that they were not only seven of them, but that they had the eleven ninth-order Immortal Emperor. , Teamed up to siege Lord of Sword Dao.

In the siege this time, the Lord of Sword Dao also killed four of them. You must know that this kind of beheading is not only as simple as killing the fleshy body, but directly killing the four 9th-order Immortal Emperors. The body is all destroyed and killed.

Faced with the siege of the eleven 9th-order Immortal Emperor, the Lord of Sword Dao could kill all four of them. This kind of strength is indeed terrifying.

Chu Fengmian didn’t find out about this incident at all from the intelligence of the investigation. It seems that it should have been from Myriad Realms and deliberately concealed it.

As for characters like Saint Ancestor, I know the truth of the siege of Lord of Sword Dao.

“Lord of Sword Dao is indeed the Number One Person under the dominance. His original strength, I am afraid it has surpassed me, but unfortunately, he is still targeted by Myriad Realms.”

Witch Saint Ancestor sighed, and in his tone, there was some regret.

Lord of Sword Dao, almost the most promising, has hit the dominant sword cultivator.

Even in that era, in the hearts of countless Immortal Emperor Heavenly Venerate powerhouses, Lord of Sword Dao’s impact on Ruler Realm is already a sure thing.

So much so that the Lord of Sword Dao, still in the realm of the 9th-order Immortal Emperor, is already called the Lord of Sword Dao, but the Lord of Sword Dao eventually died in the hands of Myriad Realms.

After the Lord of Sword Dao, I don’t know how long it will be before the next sword cultivator powerhouse appears.

The current Sword God Emperor, speaking of which seems to be one of the strongest Immortal Emperors under the rule, but from the last time the Emperor Sword God took action, facing the four 9th-order Immortal Emperors of the Three Great Saint Territories Look, the strength of the Sword God Emperor is far from reaching the previous Lord of Sword Dao level.

“You were only targeted by Myriad Realms. Actually, it was because the thing that Lord of Sword Dao got was not at all found by Myriad Realms.”

Wu Saint Ancestor suddenly turned around and looked towards Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

“After the fall of Lord of Sword Dao, Myriad Realms also madly hunted down the dísciples and servants of Lord of Sword Dao, but that thing has never been found by Myriad Realms, so that the current Myriad Realms , Is also always looking for someone who has contact with Lord of Sword Dao.”

“Everyone connected with Lord of Sword Dao has been included in the killing list of Myriad Realms, so it is not surprising that you are being targeted by Myriad Realms.”

“That thing was not found by Myriad Realms?”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes narrowed.

Even the wizard Saint Ancestor doesn’t know what Lord of Sword Dao got, but based on Myriad Realms’s reaction, it’s not trivial enough to threaten the rule of Myriad Realms. It made Myriad Realms so crazy, it used the eleven 9th-order Immortal Emperor to besiege Lord of Sword Dao.

eleven Immortal Emperor.

This is almost all the power that Myriad Realms can use.

Although Myriad Realms succeeded in the end, Lord of Sword Dao fell under the siege of Myriad Realms, but Myriad Realms also paid the price of the fall of four 9th-order Immortal Emperors.

This kind of price, for Myriad Realms, is a traumatic blow.

And that thing, since it was not found by Myriad Realms, it should still exist in a corner of this world, deliberately hidden by Lord of Sword Dao.

Thinking of this, Chu Fengmian suddenly thought of the jade box that the Lord of Sword Dao gave to Mo Hong. The jade box was specially asked by the Lord of Sword Dao to Mo Hong, ready to hand it over to Chu Fengmian.

Lord of Sword Dao knew that Chu Fengmian would be born again ten thousand years ago.

Chu Fengmian was reborn and returned, and his second generation is human, and he is inseparable from the Lord of Sword Dao.

The jade box, which was thrown into the sea of ​​Nine Nether world by Mo Hong, is the key to unlocking all these secrets. It is very likely that the thing obtained by Lord of Sword Dao will also follow this jade box, some connections…

“There is only so much I know.”

Witch Saint Ancestor looked towards Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

In the era of the rise of Lord of Sword Dao, Saint Ancestor Witch was already sleeping in retreat.

Of course, Saint Ancestor the Witch is asleep in name, but he has been awake all the time, but the fleshy body is sealed and unable to move. However, with the power of the Witch Clan and the Witch Clan’s intelligence network, he is very much It’s also well known.

But that’s all.

Wu Saint Ancestor’s answer, although not completely satisfactory to Chu Fengmian, it also reduced the fog in Chu Fengmian’s mind.

Chu Fengmian thought about it again, and then he asked his second question.

“Myriad Realms, what kind of organization is it, what is the relationship between Era Club, Sacred Hall, and Myriad Realms?”

Myriad Realms, Epoch Club, Sacred Hall.

These three forces seem to be hidden in the dark, but they are all unexpectedly huge. Myriad Realms is known as the secret mastermind that governs All Heavens Myriad Realms, and their forces are terrifying to the extreme.

The Myriad Realms that Chu Fengmian can see are just the tip of the iceberg in Myriad Realms, but it has made Chu Fengmian clearly feel the horror of Myriad Realms.

And Sacred Hall, Epoch Club, these two forces are much lower-key than Myriad Realms.

But Chu Fengmian can also feel that these two forces are deeply hidden.

Especially Sacred Hall.

Sacred Hall is much more low-key than the Epoch Association, and unlike the Epoch Association, it has a clear purpose and looks like an extremely loose organization.

Chu Fengmian thought that Sacred Hall was just a loose and unremarkable organization.

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