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The True Water Wudi came over, slowly picked up the Life Fruit, and walked towards the Wu Saint Ancestor.

Witch Saint Ancestor is now sealed in this jade coffin, and he can still struggling on whilst at death鈥檚 door. Once he leaves the jade coffin, his weak body will not be able to support it for a year.

“This is?”

Witch Saint Ancestor looked at the raw Life Fruit, his face changed slightly.

“Foundation Tree Fruit?”

Witch Saint Ancestor, as early as in the Desolate Ancient era, became a ninth-order witch emperor, supreme magnate, and he also saw Foundation Tree with his own eyes.

At the moment when he saw the life fruit, Saint Ancestor Wu felt that this is the power of the Foundation Tree.

“No, the life force contained in the fruit of the Foundation Tree should be much larger than this, but the aura on it is indeed a good one from the Foundation Tree.”

“This should be the fruit of the Divine Tree condense, a descendant of Foundation Tree.”

Witch Saint Ancestor muttered to himself.

With a few words, I have clearly recognized the true origin of this life.

The witch Saint Ancestor is indeed a living legend, a living myth, and his experience is indeed beyond anyone Chu Fengmian has ever seen.

However, Chu Fengmian used the Birth Life Fruit at this time. He didn’t think that he could hide it from Saint Ancestor.

This time Chu Fengmian is willing to take the Birth Life Fruit as a reality, with only one purpose, which is to save people.

Save the witch Saint Ancestor.

Chu Fengmian is now standing on the same warship as the Wu Clan.

Once the witch Saint Ancestor falls, it will only plunge Chu Fengmian into a more dangerous situation.

The same witch Saint Ancestor is also a living fossil in the witch tribe. He has experienced the great catastrophe of Heaven and Earth. What he knows is far surpasses Chu Fengmian.

So if it is possible to prolong the life of Wu Saint Ancestor, Chu Fengmian can ask Wu Saint Ancestor some things that he has been puzzled in his mind, which will also have greater benefits for Chu Fengmian.

“Is this thing useful for Saint Ancestor?”

Chu Fengmian asked.

He didn’t dare to guarantee that the life fruit of this life could extend the life of Saint Ancestor.

Witch Saint Ancestor has lived too long after all.

The Supreme Treasure he has swallowed is already countless. The Supreme Treasure in the world, Saint Ancestor, has already swallowed most of them, like the Supreme Treasure of life extension, once it swallows too much , The effect will be weakened.

Like a medicinal pill.

The effect gradually weakened, until it was useless.

With the power of the witch clan, it is impossible to find the Supreme Treasure at all.

But now it鈥檚 impossible to extend the life of the witch Saint Ancestor, because the Supreme Treasures found by the witch tribe are of no use to the witch Saint Ancestor.

Chu Fengmian is not sure now, whether his life fruit is real, and whether he can prolong his life for Saint Ancestor.

“Yes, I have not swallowed the Foundation Tree fruit, but the life force contained in this fruit is too little.”

Witch Saint Ancestor sighed.

The life force contained in a raw Life Fruit is even enough to extend the life of an Immortal Emperor for more than 300,000 years.

But in the eyes of Wu Saint Ancestor, the life force contained in this is still too little.

The life force contained in such a raw Life Fruit is nothing but a drop in the bucket for Saint Ancestor’s fleshy body, which is now approaching. It can’t even extend his life.

“I understand your heart, but I, Old Guy, should have fallen a long time ago. It is the limit to be able to live until now.”

Witch Saint Ancestor looked towards Chu Fengmian, but there was not much disappointment in his eyes.

Witch Saint Ancestor has lived for so long, and has been accustomed to this kind of disappointment after experiencing life extension again and again, and now it seems very indifferent.

“Will it be useful?”

Chu Fengmian heard the words of Saint Ancestor Wu, but his heart moved.

Since this Life Fruit is really useful.

The life force contained in a fresh Life Fruit is not enough.

Chu Fengmian’s hands can have more life fruit.

“So, are these enough?”

Chu Fengmian’s palm moved.

This time, from the palm of his hand, dozens of raw Life Fruits appeared suddenly.

With dozens of raw Life Fruits, it is probably the third of the raw Life Fruits that Chu Fengmian currently owns.

Chu Fengmian entered the Saint King and killed many powerhouses under Saint King. Especially after the Great Elder, he completely swallowed their blood essence and turned it into the supply of the Foundation Tree, making the Foundation Tree again It has produced more life fruit.

“So much?”

Seeing these raw Life Fruits that Chu Fengmian took out, the real water witch Imperial Capital’s eyes were so big that they seemed to be confirming this again and again, and the look in their eyes was unbelievable.

Healthy Life Fruit.

Just now, from the moment when the Emperor Real Water Witch obtained the Life Fruit, he could feel the pure to the extreme life force, and the Supreme Treasure of this quality.

To be placed outside now is enough for many high-rank imperial Imperial Capital to break their heads and compete.

But now, Chu Fengmian turned out to be like a Chinese cabbage. He took out dozens of them in one breath.

If it weren’t for the life force contained in these life fruits, the real water witch emperor thought Chu Fengmian was deceiving people.

“So much?”

Not only the real water witch emperor, but even the witch Saint Ancestor’s eyes were a little shocked.

Wu Saint Ancestor also thought that Chu Fengmian should have had a chance, and happened to get such a life fruit.

So I didn’t have much expectations.

After all, a life fruit is real, and it can’t alleviate his current life problem.

But there are so many raw Life Fruits, but they are different. If these dozens of raw Life Fruits can be swallowed by him, the life force in them is enough to reverse the decay of his current body, enough to make him The longevity of life is extended by at least hundreds of thousands of years.

Although this number is not high, it is sufficient for Saint Ancestor. If it is sealed for a long time, hundreds of thousands of years of life will be enough to make Saint Ancestor survive for several generations.

This is for Saint Ancestor, and relieves his urgent need.

Witch Saint Ancestor’s old eyes are filled with rays of light of hope.

He thought that this time must have fallen.

That’s why it’s so indifferent, because it doesn’t give hope to any Supreme Treasure.

But under this desperate situation, seeing the reality of these life fruits is equivalent to seeing the last glimmer of survival.

“Are these enough? If not, I have some in my hands.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Saint Ancestor Wu said.

“Enough is enough.”

Witch Saint Ancestor calmed down the excitement in his heart, then looked towards Chu Fengmian, slowly opened the mouth and said.

“I don’t know Peerless Sword, what kind of conditions do you need? As long as I can do it, I can promise you.”

Wu Saint Ancestor also knows that there is no free lunch in the world.

This Life Fruit is in fact, any one is of great value.

Now Chu Fengmian prolongs his life this time, and he has taken out dozens of raw Life Fruits. This is a great kindness.

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