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Chu Fengmian sits on the throne of the great hall.

King Kongzhen is at the bottom, which is one after another telling the various things that happened to the Wu clan during the ten years since Chu Fengmian left the ancient territory.

Although the Witches are now also affected by the Sacred Domain war, now that the Sacred Domain defense line of the Sacred Domain Alliance is still there, it can withstand a lot of pressure for the Witches.

Even though there is a loss, it is not to the point where it hurts.

In addition, in order to deal with this time Sacred Domain war, the black witch emperor is also an order, the witch clan side, the large amount of resources accumulated until now are taken out, in a short time, the witch clan was born A lot of powerhouse.

Now the overall strength of the Wu Clan is stronger than when Chu Fengmian left the ancient territory.

Of course, this is the case, but the situation is still not optimistic. The increase in the overall power of the Wu Clan now consumes a lot of resources. In addition, Chu Fengmian broke the Divine Palace and brought out a large number of wizards. The power of the witch clan is greatly enhanced.

But after all, it is drinking poison to quench thirst. It is strong in appearance but weak in reality. The witches cannot lose any power now, so the plan adopted by the witches as a whole is passive defense, apart from this, and there is no other way.

This time Chu Fengmian entered the Saint King leader and rescued the witches who were captured by the martial artist of the Saint King leader. It was considered as the current witches and he took a sigh of relief.

Here, the Vulcan leader, under the leadership of King Fenghao and King Kongzhen, is thriving, and the power is growing bigger and bigger. The arm-flinging shopkeeper Chu Fengmian is not there, but there is no problem.

“you did good.”

After listening to King Kongzhen’s return, Chu Fengmian was also nodded, took out a space ring and handed it to King Jinjue next to him.

“These are some of my gains during this time, you can share them with them.”

In this space ring, there are gifts prepared by Chu Fengmian for the Wu Clan of the Vulcan leader. Among them are some gains from Chu Fengmian’s beheading the Nine Domains powerhouse, and some are useless treasures for Chu Fengmian.

Those treasures, although they are of little use to Chu Fengmian today, are even incredible Supreme Treasures for some witch emperors, and there are even three Extreme Dao Immortal Weapons.

This is roughly half of the treasures Chu Fengmian has harvested from Nine Domains.

This half of the treasure was given to the Vulcan leader by Chu Fengmian. As for the remaining half, Chu Fengmian was prepared for the Sword Dao gate.

Whether it is the Vulcan Leader or the Sword Dao Gate, they are all forces under Chu Fengmian’s command, and Chu Fengmian treats them equally.

Taking the space ring and looking at the dazzling treasures piled up in it, the King of Jinjue’s eyes flashed a little surprised look.

Wizards occupy this northern territory, although it is not barren, but because the Witches are almost completely ignorant of refining tools, Dao of Alchemy.

As a result, among the witches, Immortal Grade and elixir are extremely lacking. Especially when the Sacred Domain war broke out, the consumption of Immortal Grade elixir was much more than that of normal.

Immortal Grade elixir is the most lacking among the Wu clan right now, and the space ring that Chu Fengmian gave him contains a large amount of Immortal Grade elixir, which can be said to solve the urgent need of the Wu clan.

Of course, this was also intentional by Chu Fengmian.

Wizards are generally not picky about weapons, so Chu Fengmian left all the Sword Immortal weapons he got outside of the Sword Dao gate, and the remaining Immortal Grades were given to the Witches side, and there were some body parts. The refinement elixir is of great use to the Wu Clan.

Chu Fengmian entered the Saint King’s collar before and made a lot of trouble in the jail, where he killed countless Saint King martial artists. From those Saint King martial artists, Chu Fengmian also got a lot of body The refinement elixir was taken out by him, put in the space ring, and handed over to the king of Jinjue.

The King of Jinjue soon divided the Immortal Grade into pieces.

“Peerless Sword, you are finally back.”

At this time, from outside the Divine Palace, there was a familiar voice.

When Chu Fengmian heard it, he knew who this person was.

“The Emperor Jiuli, please come in soon.”

Following Chu Fengmian’s words, a silhouette stepped into the Divine Palace of the Witch. Many Witch Kings of the Vulcan leader saw all the people coming one after another saluted.

This person is the Jiuli Wudi.

Behind the Emperor Jiuli, was a young woman, who was the red moon.

Chu Fengmian glanced over and saw a wave of Heaven and Earth Law Power on this red moon.

In the past ten years, Red Moon has also stepped into the realm of Immortal Emperor, becoming the Red Moon Witch Emperor of the Witch Clan.

Seeing Chu Fengmian, Hongyue also greeted him, and Chu Fengmian also responded nodded.

“Please sit down.”

Without Chu Fengmian’s order, the two Witch Kings arrived with two thrones and placed them next to Chu Fengmian. The Nine Li Witch Emperor and Hongyue were also seated.

“Didn’t expect Peerless Sword this time, you just came back, and you made such a big noise. Compared with you, my Old Guy, this time is just like living in vain.”

The Nine Li Wudi looked towards Chu Fengmian, said with a smile.

What he was referring to was that Chu Fengmian blasted Saint King’s prison and saved those imprisoned witches.

Those witches who were rescued by Chu Fengmian were released when Chu Fengmian returned to the north. Through them, the news of Chu Fengmian’s saving lives has spread like wildfire. Within time, it has spread throughout the entire northern border.

It can be said that everyone knows that everyone is known to everyone.

In order to shrink the defense, the witches can only passively defend against the repeated captures of Saint King, which makes the hearts of many witches extremely frustrated.

Now Chu Fengmian has directly entered the Saint King’s collar, and even destroyed the Saint King’s sky prison, leaving those imprisoned Witches, and even Saint King’s sky prison. The Lord, the Great Elder, was beheaded by Chu Fengmian.

This makes many witches feel extremely happy. This word gets around, but in a day’s time, no matter whether it is the Northern Territory or the ancient territory, almost no one does not know about this.

Emperor Jiuli has heard of it, and it is not surprising.

“I haven’t returned for ten years, I always want to do something for the Wu people.”

Chu Fengmian smiled and opened the mouth and said.

“But it seems that you have had a good time in the past ten years.”

The Jiuli Witch Emperor in front of him has already become a Tier 4 Witch Emperor.

Although compared to the King of Jinjue, the King of Business and Land’s speed is much unremarkable compared to the rocket-like speed.

However, the Nine Li Witch Emperor himself did not have the accumulation of the King of Jin Jue in the Witch Divine Palace. His improvement in strength was solid. In just ten years, he was promoted to the fourth-order Witch Emperor. Emperor Li Wu also got a lot of opportunities.

After all, for a witch emperor, promoting one realm requires an era, or even several eras.

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