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Chu Fengmian wants to behead the Great Elder this time, and is also worried that it will attract other powerhouses in the imperial city of Saint King to disrupt the situation.

So when Chu Fengmian took out his sword, he once again blocked the surrounding space with the ancestor Heavenly Dragon Bloodline Strength.

Feeling that the surrounding space was blocked, the Great Elder complexion changed, as if thinking of Chu Fengmian’s idea, he immediately shot and punched the surrounding area, trying to break the blockade that Heavenly Dragon had become.

But at this moment, Chu Fengmian’s Taichu Sword moved once again, and it was another sword, beheading the Great Elder directly.

“Nine Domains! Open the sky!”

Nine Domains Sword Technique’s 1st Style, which is also the purest power sword among them, burst out loudly, beheading the Great Elder directly.

The strength of Chu Fengmian’s display of this sword is that he does not hide any power, do it quickly, he also quickly beheads the Great Elder.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in this One Sword Splitting The Heavens, Xing Great Elder also changed his face drastically, and hurriedly mobilized all his power to resist this might of a single sword.

“Saint King Invincible!”

The fleshy body of the Xing Great Elder swelled up violently and turned into Saint King True Body.

The Saint King True Body that the Great Elder turned into was compared to what Chu Fengmian had seen. The Saint King True Body displayed by other Saint King leaders Immortal Emperor, I don’t know how many times it would be tyrannical. The fleshy body showed a colorful color like Vajra glazed glaze.

The Saint King True Body of the Great Elder, among the Saint King collars, is almost second only to the creator of Saint King True Body. Saint King is the god emperor. It can be regarded as the real Dao of Body Refinement and cultivation to the extreme. The presence.

And the most defying thing is that the Saint King True Body of the Great Elder, to achieve such attainments, hardly any external force is used, and he did all of this with his pure cultivation.

The huge Saint King True Body erupted, and the wound on Great Elder’s chest recovered instantly. With his bare hands, he volleyed with a punch at the open sky sword.


The fist collided with the blade.

It turned out to be a metal crashing sound.

This open sky sword slashed on the fist of the Xing Great Elder, and it could only cut a small gap in the fist of the Xing Great Elder.

This gap is extremely small, like a small crack. If you don’t look closely, you can hardly find it.

The sword of Taichu, but Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon.

The Open Heaven Sword is also the 1st Style of Nine Domains Sword Technique. It is also the purest power sword among the Nine Domains Sword Techniques, known as the power of splitting heaven and earth apart.

Now it was cut on the fist of this punishment Great Elder, and it was only in his fist, and a gap was cut.

“Really strong fleshy body.”

Chu Fengmian sighed involuntarily.

The body of this Great Elder is definitely the hardest body that Chu Fengmian has ever seen.

Chu Fengmian hasn’t seen any Fleshy body of a powerhouse that can be compared with the Great Elder.

This kind of fleshy body’s defense is stronger than Chu Fengmian’s Witch God’s body, even Chu Fengmian’s Witch God’s body has reached its limit, but the Witch God’s body is not purely for defense after all. The fleshy body, the strongest point, is the endless ability to restore strength in the eternal Divine Body.

And this Saint King True Body is a pure defense and strength-enhancing fleshy body. It is not surprising that in defense, it surpasses the true body of the wizard god.

Now the fleshy body of the Great Elder is definitely beyond the ordinary Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon. A high-rank Immortal Emperor holding the Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon cannot break his fleshy body. Fleshy body is the word extreme. , It is perfect for the Great Elder.

However, the fleshy body of this punishment Great Elder is stronger.

Chu Fengmian may not be impossible to break.

Before the power of the Open Heaven One Sword is over, Chu Fengmian once again raised the Taichu Sword in his hand and slashed it down with one more sword.

“Nine Domains! Unite!”

It was another sword glow, beheading the Great Elder.

This sword is the 2nd Style of Nine Domains Sword Technique, unified.

Chu Fengmian uses the five styles of the first sword technique created by the first sword emperor, condensed together and transformed into a sword technique, unified, containing the mystery of the first sword technique.

This belongs to one after another sword, and once again beheaded down, without giving this punishment Great Elder, any chance of breathing.

Under the successive attacks of Chu Fengmian’s swordsmanship, the punishment of Great Elder is too busy to spare time for a separate task. It cannot break the space blockade around it. It can only use its full strength against Chu Fengmian’s one after another. Killing sword glow.

“3rd Style! Too great!”

“4th Style! Heavenly Sword!”

“5th Style! Blood Slaughter!”

The Nine Domains Sword Technique created by Chu Fengmian, the five styles of which are pouring down, instantly beheading the Great Elder to kill the past.

The fleshy body of the Great Elder is stronger.

His fist is hard.

Under Chu Fengmian’s continuous sword glow beheaded now.

On the fist of this punishment Great Elder, the small cracks all began to expand, and his fists were all defeated a little bit.

Saint King True Body, in terms of defense, is indeed to surpass the true body of the wizard god.

However, Chu Fengmian also possesses the true body of the witch god, the eternal Divine Body, and that endless power recovery ability. By virtue of this, he almost never stops, using swordsmanship towards the Great Elder of Xing, repeatedly beheading.

Under the terrifying resilience of the eternal Divine Body, Chu Fengmian’s power is almost endless.

On the other side, no matter how strong this penalty Great Elder’s defense is, after successive swordsmanship beheaded, it is a little bit beginning to be unbearable.

even more how the formidable power of the Nine Domains Sword Technique is almost stronger than one.

After fighting against Nine Domains Sword Technique’s 5th Style and Blood Slaughter, Great Elder’s fist was crushed with a crack, and countless blood poured out of it.

Saint King True Body is also a perfect body that presents crystals. If the body is always perfect, it is perfect and without blemish. All power will be vented by the crystals in the body.

But once it is damaged, the consequences will be devastating.

“You can’t just keep on defensively! Just shoot directly, fight for serious injuries, and kill this person. As long as you get the reward from the emperor, even if it is severely injured, you can recover!”

Xing Great Elder at first was also planning to use Saint King True Body to forcibly consume Chu Fengmian. This is also the way he has always been against the enemy.

The terrifying defensive power of Saint King True Body is his biggest trump card. Most of the high rank Immortal Emperors hold the Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon and slash them on his body. He is unharmed, and an Immortal The Emperor will also have a time of exhaustion.

As long as the Saint King True Body is used to resist the attack, and when the opponent is exhausted, he will launch an attack, which is a ten-year-old. With this move, the Great Elder has also defeated many high rank Immortal Emperors.

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