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The Shengxi in front of me, even if it is the real realm, is only a sixth-order Immortal Emperor. Under the beheading of Chu Fengmian’s sword, the power that Shengxi just broke out is completely crushed. .

In the face of absolute power, everything has no meaning.

Even if this Sheng Xi is a genius of the younger generation of Saint King Sect, breakthrough in this desperate situation, but in the face of Chu Fengmian’s absolute strength, it is still impossible to withstand a single blow.

“no! ”

Sheng Xi roared, and saw in an instant. Above Sheng Xi’s head, a wave of Power of Heaven and Earth suddenly erupted, vaguely a huge kingdom appeared on top of Sheng Xi’s head. on.

This is a world, a Smaller Thousand Worlds, which is the body world of Shengxi.

When Shengxi’s fleshy body was about to be beheaded by Chu Fengmian again, this Shengxi turned out to mobilize the power of the ontology to descend onto the ontology world.

If this fleshy body is beheaded by Chu Fengmian again, the strength of this Saint Xi’s body may decline, or even decline, when his strength is difficult to go further.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Shengxi, a genius who has boundless prospects. If he faces this Chu Fengmian, he will not hesitate to take risks and use the power of the ontological world.

The power from the body world, dropping from the sky, was blessed on Shengxi. I saw that Shengxi’s power was rising steadily. During these few breaths, it increased dozens of times. , And even burst out of power close to the 7th grade Immortal Emperor.

“Using the power of the ontology world?”

Chu Fengmian originally encountered Shengxi this time, but he only planned to kill his fleshy body once again, so that Shengxi’s future strength can no longer go any further, and it can be regarded as a lesson and a punishment for him.

After all, this person, Shengxi, has made dozens of shots in the Northern Territory one after another. Among the witches captured by Saint King, close to 20% of them were captured by this Shengxi. There is no crime. Excuse me.

Unexpectedly, this Shengxi turned out to protect the fleshy body and mobilize the power of the body world. After a brief surprise, Chu Fengmian’s eyes showed a killing intent.

If the body of Shengxi has been hidden in the Holy Land led by Saint King, Chu Fengmian really has nothing to do with him.

After all, with the current strength of Chu Fengmian, if you dare to enter the Holy Land of Saint King, it is the same behavior as bring about one’s own destruction.

But now this Shengxi turned out to protect his fleshy body, mobilizing the power of the ontological world, and taking the initiative to descend on the ontological world. For Chu Fengmian, this is the best opportunity to kill Shengxi’s body.

If you want to really kill an Immortal Emperor, you must destroy his body.

Watching Shengxi burst out of the power of the body world, resisting the sword that Chu Fengmian just made.

Chu Fengmian’s expression remained unchanged, and once again he cut out with a sword, but the formidable power of this sword was no longer hidden, but his true strength burst out.


A flame, the fire of the Sorcerer God, burned blazingly on the sword of Chu Fengmian’s hands. With Chu Fengmian’s sword cut out, the fire of the Sorcerer God turned into a boundless sea of ​​fire, all of a sudden. Towards the Smaller Thousand Worlds above Shengxi’s head, beheaded the past.

This Shengxi actually dared to mobilize the power of the body world, so today, Chu Fengmian is about to truly destroy his body.


Under Chu Fengmian’s sword light, the defense of this Shengxi’s body world was instantly defeated, and this sword glow was directly cut into his body world.

The moment the sword edged into the world of Shengxi’s body, it broke out in an instant, and countless witch gods’ fire ignited everything.

This Shengxi’s body world, in an instant, is turned into a fire sea, countless witch gods fire, burning everything in it, Heaven and Earth, vegetation, and ocean.

Everything in Shengxi’s body world is burned by the fire of this wizard god, and there is no residue. You can only listen to the sound of crack cracks, and even the entire Heaven and Earth of Smaller Thousand Worlds. Law, it’s all cracking.

This sword of Chu Fengmian, under his true full strength, the body world of Shengxi, a Smaller Thousand Worlds, is on the verge of destruction!

“How is it possible? Your power? How can your power be so powerful? What kind of swordsmanship is this?”

Sheng Xi was trembling violently. His fleshy body is now integrated into Smaller Thousand Worlds. All the power is integrated into his ontological world, but it is so. Unable to withstand the power of Chu Fengmian’s sword.

The power of this sword has already surpassed the 7th grade Immortal Emperor.

The Master of Shengxi is also a Supreme Elder in the collar of Saint King, a real 7th grade Immortal Emperor, so Shengxi is very familiar with the power of the 7th grade Immortal Emperor.

It’s just the formidable power of Chu Fengmian’s sword, but it far exceeds the power of the 7th grade Immortal Emperor that he has seen.

“The Eighth-Order Immortal Emperor!”

Sheng Xi’s trembling voice was transmitted from his body world.

This Shengxi never thought that the Chu Fengmian in front of him turned out to be an Immortal Emperor of the eighth order. If he had known that Chu Fengmian was an Immortal Emperor of the eighth order, I am afraid that from the very beginning, will not have I want to start with Chu Fengmian.

It’s just that how this Shengxi regrets now is beyond reach, and it is meaningless. His body world, under the burning of the witch god’s fire, all began to collapse and eventually shattered completely.


Under the scream of Shengxi, his real world gradually collapsed, and eventually even the screams disappeared. The last thread of aura of Shengxi disappeared.

This means that the genius Shengxi, once led by Saint King, has fallen like this.

“Eighth-order Immortal Emperor!”

The King Fenghao next to him, watching Chu Fengmian behead Shengxi and destroy the Smaller Thousand Worlds of Shengxi in this way, he was stunned, especially when he heard Shengxi’s last words, he was a little unbelievable. looked towards Chu Fengmian.

The King Feng Hao couldn’t imagine that in just ten years, the current Chu Fengmian has become an Immortal Emperor of the eighth order.

If it weren’t for the witch god fire that Chu Fengmian had just exploded, it was indeed only the witch race of the bloodline of the fire witch god that could display it. He even thought that Chu Fengmian in front of him was pretending to be someone else.

However, this matchless in the world swordsmanship, coupled with the fire of the wizard god, is the best proof of Chu Fengmian’s identity.

In the world, there is a second person impossible who also masters these two powers. Even a 9th-order Immortal Emperor cannot do it. The Chu Fengmian in front of him is indeed the Peerless Sword.

In just ten years, Chu Fengmian’s strength has reached an unimaginable realm.

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