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A unit of the blood essence of the witches means that the blood essence of the witches is full of a jade bottle.

Although Saint King led the arrest of a large number of witches and imprisoned them in the Heavenly Prison, they charged blood essence every day, but it takes a lot of time to extract a jade bottle of witch blood essence, usually one month Less than 100 units of the blood essence of the Wu clan were extracted.

Now when Shengxi speaks, he wants a full 100 units of the blood essence of the witches, which is equivalent to the amount of blood essence drawn from the whole Heavenly Prison in one month.

Even the Saint King leader Elder originally wanted to please Sheng Xi, but now he dare not agree directly and pay for said with a smile.

“Heavenly Prison, we need to supply the entire Saint King leader’s blood essence needs of the witches. Saint Xi Elder, you know, this thing is very popular. How many Elders, even some Supreme Elders, want this thing. .”

“If you directly give you a hundred units, then we can’t explain it.”

“hmph, one hundred units, the quantity I want, it shouldn’t be too much, even more how I lead for Saint King, how many witches have been captured, how trifling 100 units of witch blood essence , Do not give it to me?”

Shengxi heard this, coldly snorted and said.

“Since there is, give it to me, lest I have to go directly to the Great Elder when I can.”

Hearing the name of Xing Great Elder, that Saint King led Elder’s complexion stiffened, his eyes turned again and again, as if he was thinking.

The Great Elder is the lord of the Heavenly Prison of Saint King, and the Holy Prison is a Supreme Elder. Among the Saint King, only the high rank Immortal Emperor is eligible to be promoted to the Supreme Elder.

even more how this punishment Great Elder is also the immediate boss of this Saint King leader Elder.

This Saint Xi is not only the most dazzling genius in the younger generation of Saint King, but his Master is also a Supreme Elder of Saint King, and that Supreme Elder, but he has a close relationship with the Great Elder of Xing.

Instead of offending Shengxi now, when Great Elder spoke up, he also had to hand over the blood essence of the Witch race. It’s better to give it to Shengxi now.

Thinking of this, the Saint King leader Elder didn’t insist, and hurriedly ordered a Saint King leader martial artist next to him.

“Go and get a hundred units of the blood essence of the witch race and come here.”


The Saint King leading the martial artist, upon hearing the order, hurriedly ran into the depths of the Heavenly Prison, while Shengxi was sitting on a throne next to him, waiting.

“This time Shengxi Elder went to the north, it seems there is no gain?”

The Saint King led Elder and simply sat next to him, opening the mouth and said at will.

“Recently, the demand for blood essence of the witches has increased a lot. It is said that some Supreme Elder tried it after leaving the customs, and found that the blood essence of the witches can improve their strength, so I came to ask for the witches There are a lot of blood essence.”

“Recently, the price of the witches is also as the tide rises, the boat floats. If Shengxi Elder can catch some, our price will be much higher.”

“The recent witches are not easy to catch, but it’s okay, next time I shoot, I will catch more witch kings for you.”

Shengxi heard this, nodded.

“Unlucky at this time, I was stopped by a witch emperor. When I met him next time, I must kill him.”

The words of this Shengxi did not fall, and suddenly his eyes were frozen, looking towards the front.

“Sanxi Elder?”

The Saint King leading Elder next to him also felt a little strange. He couldn’t help but glanced over, only to find that in this Heavenly Prison, two figures came out slowly.

“Who are you?”

The Saint King leader Elder couldn’t help but said in surprise.

The clothes and breath of these two figures are obviously not like the martial artist under the Saint King collar, but they actually entered the Heavenly Prison under the heavily guarded Saint King collar.

Moreover, what surprised the Saint King leader Elder was that these two figures swaggered into the Heavenly Prison. As the person in charge of the Heavenly Prison’s prohibition Array, he was unaware of it.

The countless array of prohibitions in this Heavenly Prison seems to be seen as nothing in front of these two people.

These two figures are exactly Chu Fengmian following Feng Hao Wang.

The two of them swaggered into the Heavenly Prison led by Saint King.

“Kill me next time we meet? Now we meet again.”

Chu Fengmian ignored the Saint King leader Elder, his gaze fell on Sheng Xi in front of him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Chu Fengmian sensed the gathering place of the Witch Clan’s breath, and entered the Heavenly Prison under the Imperial Palace of Saint King.

It did not occur to him that as soon as he entered, he would actually meet an acquaintance. The Shengxi in front of him was in the northern realm, the fleshy body who was beheaded by Chu Fengmian. In this Heavenly Prison, Met up.

“Witch! Damn it!”

Sheng Xi stared at Chu Fengmian with wide eyes. He was impossible to forget the appearance of Chu Fengmian for the rest of his life.

Because of Chu Fengmian, all the gains from his trip to the north this time were in vain, and even his fleshy body was beheaded and he lost two empty profound crystals.

He never dreamed that Chu Fengmian would actually come to Heavenly Prison now.

After a brief surprise, Shengxi was ecstatic.

“Okay, very good. You dare to come to the Saint King leader. It seems that you are also impatient to live. You can come in here. Compared with the empty mysterious crystal in your hand, you just killed it. You, return all those empty profound crystals!”

At this moment before Shengxi’s words fell, he made another shot. The power of Saint King True Body burst out, and he directly hit Chu Fengmian with a punch.

At the same time, Sheng Xi was also looked towards the Saint King next to Elder, loudly shouted.

“These two people are witches, use the great array to kill them!”

The Witch!

The Saint King leader Elder, when he heard Shengxi’s words, also reacted immediately, and saw his big hand wave, all the Array restraining power around here burst out.

Thousands of arrays exploded at the same time. Just above the sky, they condensed into an extremely huge array, which is towards Chu Fengmian and Feng Hao’s strikes.

Here, Saint King leads Heavenly Prison.

This is the place Saint King used to detain felons.

even more how Now, in order to imprison these witch races, more Array prohibitions have been temporarily arranged. A high rank Immortal Emperor entered into this Heavenly Prison, facing countless array prohibitions in Heavenly Prison, Can’t ask for any benefits.

This is why Shengxi is so ecstatic when he sees Chu Fengmian coming to Heavenly Prison.

He knew that Chu Fengmian in front of him was definitely a genuine high rank Immortal Emperor, but a high rank Immortal Emperor could not be impudent in this Heavenly Prison.

The power of the Heavenly Prison Array converged, and it suddenly turned into a golden silhouette. This golden silhouette is extremely vague and indistinguishable, but it contains the pure power of Saint King, and the simple punch ordinary is Blasted towards Chu Fengmian.

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