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Wizards, even though they were the darlings of the last era, they were unable to withstand a single blow in the face of the general trend of this era.

In fact, it is not only the Witch clan. Under the Desolate Ancient catastrophe, most of the Desolate Ancient clan that survived are like this. In contrast, the Witch clan is the best among them.

In the Lihentian dominated by humans, it can also occupy the northern territory, such a fertile land.

The Witch Clan’s background is very strong, even compared to Overlord Influence such as Qingfengzong and Xianqiong Zong, the background is deeper, but the biggest problem of the Witch Clan is that there are no successors.

Most of the witch emperors are the slumbering and retreats that have gone through countless ages. In fact, there are only five witches of the new generation.

Black Witch Emperor, Jiuli Witch Emperor, Time Witch Emperor, Kong Witch Emperor, Jin Jue Witch Emperor and No one.

After the incident at the Witch Divine Palace, the Shi Witch Emperor, the Empty Witch Emperor, and the Jin Jue Witch Emperor all betrayed from the Witch Clan, making the power of the Witch Clan even more empty.

If it weren’t for the joining of Chu Fengmian, the squabbling for the witch gods brought out by Chu Fengmian in the witch Divine Palace, in the past ten years, has become the witch emperor.

Now the power of the witch clan, I am afraid that it will decline even more, but this is only a return to that’s all after all.

With the current power of the Witch Clan, it can no longer be consumed with the Saint King. If it is a true confrontation, it may have the ability to fight, but once they are consumed with each other, the Witch Clan has absolutely no way.

Saint King is in the Nine Domains. Even if the Witch Clan wants to really fight with Saint King, they do not have the ability to directly enter the Nine Domains.

The Saint King leader valued this, and he would continue to harass the North.

“Do you know where the Witch Kings who were captured are being held?”

Chu Fengmian suddenly looked at Wang Fenghao, opened the mouth and said.

“According to some witches who were rescued accidentally, they were all imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison of the imperial city of Saint King. Every few days, the martial artists of Saint King would extract blood essence. Those witches who were rescued, the very difficult to deal with, whose realm has fallen, have endured a lot of torture.”

Wang Feng Hao said here, a bit of anger flashed in his eyes.

bloodline is the source of power for a witch race.

All the witches rely on Bloodline Strength to fight, like the witch god child, why have the strength far surpassing other witches is because they inherit the purest witch bloodline.

The Saint King leader valued precisely the bloodline of the Witch tribe. The Witch tribe who was captured by the Saint King were all imprisoned, regularly drawing blood and a large amount of blood essence. Those who were rescued , Many have only half their lives left.

“Saint King leads imperial city Heavenly Prison?”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes narrowed, and he didn’t continue to ask.

Since I knew the Witches who were captured and imprisoned there, there is a solution.

Among the witches captured, many even belong to the witches of Chu Fengmian.

This submission to humiliation is not what Chu Fengmian did.

Chu Fengmian followed Feng Hao again and chatted for a while, and soon he entered the Central Domain.

The group of witches in the volcanic domain, after a lot of gratitude, left with the volcano king. The black witch emperor was in the Central Domain and also divided areas for the witches of various tribes so that they could be in Live in Central Domain.

“My lord, do you plan to return to ancient territory now?”

Looking at the group of tribal witches leaving, King Feng Hao turned his head and looked at Chu Fengmian.

“I have already told the black witch emperor the news of the adult’s return. Many ancient witch emperors in the witch clan want to see the adults, especially the real water witch emperor, but also want to see the adults.”

“By the way, the real water witch emperor is the latest awakened ancient witch emperor of my witch clan. He has fallen asleep for dozens of ages. He is an eighth-order witch emperor. Aroused him and awakened him. He is one of the strongest witch emperors in our witch clan.”

The eighth-order witch emperor, the real water witch emperor.

After hearing King Fenghao’s words, Chu Fengmian didn’t think it was any strange. Among the witches, there must be witch emperors with the strength of this high rank Immortal Emperor, and the number will definitely not be too small.

Otherwise, with the forces of the Qingfengzong, the witch clan had already been driven out of the northern border, so how could it be possible to tolerate the witch clan occupying the northern border.

This time the establishment of the Sacred Domain alliance, the Qingfengzong can seize power, is enough to prove the terrorist force of the Qingfengzong. Now the Alliance Leader of the Sacred Domain alliance is an Old Ancestor in the Qingfengzong. A true 9th-order Immortal Emperor.

The Witch Clan can make Qingfengzong so jealous that they dare not do anything, and the hidden power behind them is definitely no less than Qingfengzong.

It’s just the ancient witch emperor of the witch tribe. Normally, they should all be in retreat and asleep. Only when they encounter this kind of Sacred Domain war, which is related to the life and death major event of the witch tribe, will they be awakened.

“Are there no ninth-order witch emperors in the witch clan?”

Chu Fengmian looked towards King Feng Hao and couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said.


Fenghao Wang nodded said.

“Among our witch clan, the witch Lord Divine Ancestor is still alive. He is a ninth-order witch emperor and a ninth-order Peak witch emperor. Besides the first time, it is said that there is another Old Ancestor. He is also the ninth-order witch emperor.”

“It’s just that these two Old Ancestors are sleeping in retreat. They will not come forward until the real crisis, but they are also the real trump card of our Wu family to frighten the outside world.”

“Witch Saint Ancestor.”

The name Chu Fengmian has also been heard from Star Profound.

The witch Saint Ancestor is a Legendary among the witch clan.

He should be the oldest witch clan among the witches today. In the last epoch, the Desolate Ancient era, the witch Saint Ancestor already existed, and in the last era, the witch Saint Ancestor already has the strength of the Nineth-order Witch Emperor.

The age of the witch Saint Ancestor is even older than the top ten witch gods, and the ten witch gods are all grown up by him personally.

Only the ten great witch gods had the opportunity to eventually become the witch god, and the witch Saint Ancestor has always been a witch emperor, the oldest and most powerful witch emperor of the witch family.

He is the Sea Calming Divine Needle of the Witch Clan. Because Saint Ancestor is in charge of the Witch Clan, there is no one party who dares to really fight the Witch Clan.

The witch emperor who survived two eras.

This is the Legendary of the Witch Clan, a living legend. Among the Witch Clan, there are many legends of the Witch Saint Ancestor.

Witch Saint Ancestor is said to be able to live to this era because there was a shocking era in the Desolate Ancient era.

However, even if there are many opportunities to get, it is not a master, and it will be difficult to survive an epoch. The Desolate Ancient catastrophe broke out and the destruction catastrophe was triggered in advance by Myriad Realms, which led to insufficient burst power and did not desolate Ancient is completely destroyed.

So even though Saint Ancestor is not a master, he has survived the last era.

But today, the life essence of Wu Saint Ancestor is almost exhausted.

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