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Lei Wei wants to inherit the position of chairman of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce, so his strength should not be too bad.

With the resources of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce, Lei Wei’s realm will be elevated to the rule of immortality within ten years, with no difficulty.

Even a martial artist with a low aptitude, under the infinite resources, there is no problem in raising the realm to the rule of immortality.

It’s just that it can only end here, the realm of Law Xianzun is the limit.

Furthermore, it is the realm of Immortal Emperor, Heavenly Venerate.

This is no longer a realm that can be forcibly piled up purely by resources, such as Heavenly Venerate, without exception, it is a great opportunity to achieve Heavenly Venerate.

Can meet but not ask.

Every Heavenly Venerate promotion cannot be replicated.

In contrast, the path of the Immortal Emperor is much clearer, but even if there are many Principle Supreme Treasures, if you can’t understand it, the Great Accomplishment is still unable to gather Smaller Thousand Worlds .

To become an Immortal Emperor, not only requires a lot of resources, but his own aptitude is also extremely important. Leiwei’s aptitude will not be mentioned for the time being, but the realm of his law immortal is also forcibly raised with huge resources of.

The foundation is unstable. Under such circumstances, Lei Wei has no hope of impacting the Immortal Emperor in a short time.

A law immortal, speaking of which is not bad, but in the Sacred Domain war, it is similar to the ants, even more how in terms of the enemy that the Chamber of Commerce will face.

Even Lei Zu, a real Heavenly Venerate, was severely injured and fell asleep, even more how Lei Wei is just a law immortal, if someone wants to assassinate him, he even resists There is no chance.

Therefore, Lei Wei had to spend a lot of resources to invite Supreme Elder from the Heavenly Array Sect to arrange the Array here. Normally, he stayed in the Array to protect himself.

Only when something is important, Lei Wei will leave this Thunder City under the protection of the two worshippers.

The two consecrations also followed Lei Wei’s back and ignored them.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the study first.”

Lei Wei seems to be accustomed to all of this, and he chatted with Chu Fengmian a few more words at random, and then he took Chu Fengmian into the inner city of Thunder Dou City.

This inner city belongs to the private domain of the Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce. Foreign martial artists are not allowed to enter it. Looking at it, the martial artists in it belong to the discipline of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce.

Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce is said to be a Chamber of Commerce. In essence, it is also an extremely large sect. It also has disciplines, guards, etc.

The operation of such a huge Chamber of Commerce also requires a large population.


Looking at the arrival of Lei Wei, the discipline of a Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce is respectful and salute.

Although Lei Wei said he has the power of the Chamber of Commerce, he did a very good job within a few years and was recognized by most of the Chamber of Commerce disciplines.

Chu Fengmian and Lei Wei came to the study room. This study room is not big, but there are countless Array restrictions placed around them, layered on top of each other to form a huge Array.

The Array in this study, depending on the arrangement method, should be the great array outside Thunder Doucheng, from the same Array master.

Lei Wei seems to be in an extremely dangerous situation, so he is so careful.

“This is my study room. Normally, no one will be disturbed. Brother Chu can wait here for a few days. Then, Sword Dao Totem, and the Principle Supreme Treasure that Brother Chu needs will be delivered.”

Lei Wei looked towards Chu Fengmian and said.


Chu Fengmian nodded, just as the palm of his hand moved, Life Fruit actually appeared in his palm and passed it towards Lei Wei.

“Take this thing first. It is important to save Lei Zu.”

“Brother Chu…”

Looking at Chu Fengmian taking out the Life Fruit in this way, Lei Wei’s eyes flashed with excitement.

He knows the true value of this life Fruit, more than anyone else, Chu Fengmian actually gave him such a precious thing.

“Brother Chu’s kindness, Lei Wei will never forget.”

After a while, Lei Wei looked towards Chu Fengmian, opening the mouth and said word by word.

“From then on, no matter what happens to Brother Chu, I, Chamber of Commerce, will do my best to help.”

With Leiwei’s current identity, what this sentence represents is a promise.

For a Chamber of Commerce, reputation is the most important.

So Leiwei never promises lightly. Once promised, it must be done. Otherwise, if a Chamber of Commerce has no credibility, it does not need to be opened.

“Luo Zhu, you are responsible for hosting Brother Chu. If Brother Chu needs anything, please choose.”

After Lei Wei finished speaking, he opened the mouth and said to a young woman next to him. After talking about Lei Wei, he hurriedly left. He was born. He is already impatient. Going to heal Lei Zu’s injuries.

Lei Zu is now in a deep sleep because of his injuries. With every delay, Lei Zu’s injuries will get worse.

Chu Fengmian also understood, that is, let Lei Wei go first.

“Chu Young Master, I am the Vice-President of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce. I don’t know what you need?”

Although this Luozhu is the Vice-President of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce, he clearly understands the identity of Chu Fengmian. He is extremely polite to Chu Fengmian.

“I plan to go to the treasure house of Leidou Chamber of Commerce.”

Chu Fengmian thought for a moment before he replied.

He was going to wait for the past few days of Sword Dao Totem to come to understand the refining of the dark Principle Supreme Treasure.

However, Chu Fengmian has changed his mind now. For those secret Principle Supreme Treasures, even if Chu Fengmian is refining now, it is difficult for Chu Fengmian to take his rules further.

Although the dark Principle Supreme Treasure in that space ring is a thousand pieces, it is far from enough for Chu Fengmian to understand the law of dark, an utterly inadequate measure that’s all.

Since he is in Thunder Dou City, Chu Fengmian wants to go to this Thunder Dou City, the treasure house of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce to see if there are any useful treasures for him.

After all, some treasures, perhaps the martial artist of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce, can’t tell the true value. After all, there are many treasures in the world, especially Rare Items in the sky.

Even with Chu Fengmian’s current experience, I don’t have the confidence to fully judge the value of each Rare Item.

“Okay, please Chu Young Master come with me.”

After hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, Luo Zhu directly replied and walked ahead to lead the way.

The treasure house of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce. Although only a few high-ranking high-ranking members of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce are eligible to enter it, the general Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce disciple is not eligible to enter it. , Even more how Chu Fengmian is an outsider.

However, with Lei Wei’s explanation, this Luozhu also met all Chu Fengmian’s requirements.

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