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“Xianjia, Taoist soldiers, I don’t need them.”

Chu Fengmian shook the head said.

“I need Principle Supreme Treasure, the Principle Supreme Treasure of the Law of Darkness.”

Principle Supreme Treasure?

Yang Yuan felt a little strange when he heard what Chu Fengmian said.

Since the outbreak of the Sacred Domain war, the price of various Immortal Grades and elixir has been doubled several times. After all, on the battlefield, the only right way is to increase strength quickly.

The stronger you are, the more you have hope that you can survive on the battlefield and get benefits at the same time.

Like Principle Supreme Treasure, things that cannot improve their strength in a short time, but now few people need it, unless it is some distance law Immortal Venerable Realm world, or Immortal Emperor Realm, only one step away martial artist will choose to purchase Principle Supreme Treasure.

The Chu Fengmian in front of him is clearly the strength of Heavenly Venerate. It should not be necessary for Principle Supreme Treasure…

Although Yang Yuan was puzzled, he didn’t at all ask more.

According to Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce’s rules, no matter what customers want to buy or sell, they can’t ask too much, even more how Chu Fengmian in front of them is one of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce’s supreme.

This supreme jade talisman is not owned by everyone. In Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce, there are only nine in total. Only the president of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce can send this supreme jade talisman To others.

The characters who own this supreme jade talisman are all great characters that the Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce needs to win. There are various privileges in the Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce, and their status and identity are higher than his branch.

Otherwise, this Yang Yuan, as the branch leader here, also impossible to run out to entertain Chu Fengmian, and he treated him so politely.

“The Supreme Treasure of the Law of Darkness, there are some in our branch.”

Yang Yuan opened the mouth and said.

Principle Supreme Treasure, now it is something that cannot be sold. If Chu Fengmian needs it, he would be happy to sell it to Chu Fengmian.

“How many?”

Chu Fengmian asked.

He wants to understand the law of darkness. The Principle Supreme Treasure he needs is just a huge number. If there are only dozens of them, it is not enough for Chu Fengmian to even plug his teeth.

“About a thousand pieces.”

Yang Yuan thought for a while opened the mouth and said.

“I will fetch all the Principle Supreme Treasure of the Dark Law and let the Supreme Master choose.”

Speaking, this Yang Yuan was a jade talisman playing sound transmission, and soon a transmission Array appeared in front of him. In this Transmission Array, there was this space ring.

Yang Yuan took the space ring and handed it to Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

“This is the Principle Supreme Treasure of all the Dark Laws in my branch. Recently, our branch has received a lot of Principle Supreme Treasure. The quality is also good. Adults can choose carefully. /p>

Chu Fengmian turned out to be a space ring, which was also nodded. He injected a Spiritual Force into this space ring, opened the space ring, and a pure Power of Darkness flooded towards Chu Fengmian.

In this space ring, there are thousands of large and small Principle Supreme Treasures. These Principle Supreme Treasures, without exception, contain the very essence of Power of Darkness.

These Principle Supreme Treasures, many of them seem to have nothing common with each other, strange shapes.

However, Principle Supreme Treasure is a general term. As long as it contains pure Spiritual Force Treasure and can help to understand the law, it can be called Principle Supreme Treasure.

Of course, the most in this Principle Supreme Treasure is the crystal transformed from pure Spiritual Force, just like the thunder crystal collected by Chu Fengmian before.

In this space ring, this kind of dark crystals is also the most, but these Principle Supreme Treasures, and many of the Power of Darkness contained in them, are extremely thin in Chu Fengmian’s eyes.

Principle Supreme Treasure is generally divided into three levels, the lowest of which is for the Immortal Venerable, the Principle Supreme Treasure used to help the Immortal to understand the law. Such Principle Supreme Treasure is also called Principle Supreme Treasure of Low Grade.

In this space ring, the Low Grade Principle Supreme Treasure has the largest number, accounting for about 80% of the number.

For Chu Fengmian, this Low Grade Principle Supreme Treasure and the Spiritual Force contained therein are just better than nothing for him to understand the law.

As for the higher Grade 1, it is the Principle Supreme Treasure of Middle Grade, and the Principle Supreme Treasure of Middle Grade is the Principle Supreme Treasure used for the general Immortal Emperor Heavenly Venerate enlightenment rules.

The power contained in Middle Grade Principle Supreme Treasure, whether it is quality or quantity, is far surpasses. Low Grade Principle Supreme Treasure is several times, dozens of times, in this space ring, most of the remaining 20% Both are Middle Grade Principle Supreme Treasure.

As for the higher Grade 1, it is the High Grade Principle Supreme Treasure, but for the sixth-order Immortal Emperor, the High Grade Principle Supreme Treasure used to understand the high-rank Immortal Emperor Realm is already extremely rare.

As for the Principle Supreme Treasure used by the high rank Immortal Emperor’s enlightenment law, it is no longer classified as the Principle Supreme Treasure, but belongs to the Supreme Treasure of the era, just like the piece of black jade that Chu Fengmian got Same as stone.

Such an era Supreme Treasure, in this space ring, there is no one.

However, Chu Fengmian is not disappointed either. After all, this is just a division of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce, Supreme Treasure, but even the high-rank fairy Imperial Capital would be crazy about the treasure, how could it be placed Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce.

Once the Supreme Treasure of Epoch is born, it will inevitably cause countless high rank Immortal Emperor scrambles and fights.

It’s even possible to open up a new battlefield in this endless nothingness.

Even if the Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce once got the Supreme Treasure of Epoch, he will definitely choose to make a move as soon as possible, and staying in his hands is definitely a great trouble.

Chu Fengmian glanced at it, and he probably saw the Principle Supreme Treasure in this space ring, and what grade it was. For Chu Fengmian, Epoch Supreme Treasure had an immediate effect on his understanding of the law. .

Chu Fengmian was able to understand the law of darkness, but also relying on this black jade stone. Unfortunately, Epoch Supreme Treasure, it is extremely difficult to get it, and Chu Fengmian’s good luck is only once.

The remaining High Grade Principle Supreme Treasure is somewhat helpful to Chu Fengmian. As for Middle Grade and Low Grade Principle Supreme Treasure, the power contained in it is just better than nothing for Chu Fengmian’s enlightenment law.

However, the number is large enough, and it is still useful for Chu Fengmian’s Law of Enlightenment.

“I bought all these Principle Supreme Treasure.”

Chu Fengmian put down the space ring, slowly opened the mouth and said.

“What? Sir, do you want to buy all the Principle Supreme Treasure of this space ring?”

Hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, Na Yang Yuan said in shock, his words repeatedly confirmed, as if he thought he had heard it wrong.

He gave the space ring directly to Chu Fengmian, also in order for Chu Fengmian to select some of his favorite Principle Supreme Treasure.

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