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“The main battlefield, that is much more dangerous than the sub-battlefields we usually go to. Immortal Emperor Heavenly Venerate may fall into the main battlefield. Among them, there is a high-rank Immortal Emperor who may take action. .”

“With our strength, if we encounter a high rank Immortal Emperor, then we don’t even have the power to resist.”

A companion next to this martial artist said something dreaded.

“Although the main battlefield is dangerous, there is also a great opportunity. If we don’t fight it, with our aptitude, even if the life essence is exhausted, it is impossible to have a chance to succeed the Immortal Emperor.”

The martial artist’s eyes flashed with determination.

They are all law immortals who have lived for more than one era. Although they have survived through many means, their life essence is not much.

The impact of Immortal Emperor Realm is their greatest opportunity to restore life essence.

This time the Sacred Domain war broke out, and there were a large number of law immortals participating in it. Most of them were aimed at taking advantage of some opportunities in the Sacred Domain war, the battle of Life and Death, a breakthrough Immortal Emperor Realm For purpose.

Although such an opportunity, ten deaths without life, they still cannot prevent them from attacking the Immortal Emperor Realm. Once they become the Immortal Emperor, their strength, status, and life essence will be completely different from those of the Immortal Emperor. Power, Immortal Emperor is at least a great character with a head and a face.

Once it is the achievement Immortal Emperor, it is ascending to the skies with a single leap.

Therefore, the most circulated stories in this Sacred Domain defense line are that such and such immortal deity got the chance on the such and such battlefield to break through Immortal Emperor Realm in one fell swoop.

These stories stimulate the countless law immortals in the Sacred Domain alliance and let them venture into the main battlefield to seek opportunities.

Of course, these stories are also true, but they can be passed on by word of mouth, and the Sacred Domain Alliance is indispensable to help.

In order to attract a large number of martial artists to participate in the Sacred Domain war this time, the Sacred Domain Alliance also made a lot of conditions. The first of them is military merit, as long as they are martial artists who kill the Nine Domains. You can get military merit in exchange for treasure.

As for the second, it is to add to the flames. The release of such a news makes the martial artists in the Sacred Domain alliance crazy.

Now it looks good. It has entered the Sacred Domain line of defense. You can hear the news that everyone has the opportunity and strength.

Not only Li Hentian, many martial artists in Sacred Domain’s defense line are from Jingmotian, Jiuhuatian, many of them, but also because they have heard of many opportunities in the Sacred Domain war. Choose to join the Sacred Domain alliance.

The arrival of a large number of martial artists has also made the Sacred Domain defense line extremely prosperous. Now every star on the Sacred Domain defense line is no less prosperous than some of the big cities in the Three Great Saint Territories.

A large number of martial artist to-and-fro, buying medicinal pill, buying Immortal Grade, and selling the harvest in the Sacred Domain war at the same time, Chu Fengmian stepped into it and saw the shops on both sides of the street. busy.

Among them, the most sought-after item is the golden armor Dao soldiers from the army led by the Heavenly Sword.

Every Golden Armor Daoist has the strength of Immortal Monarch. At the same time, once the Golden Armor Daoist reaches one hundred and forms a team and displays the Combined Assault Technique, even Immortal Venerable will be difficult to fight against.

Bringing a squad of golden armor Dao soldiers with you is tantamount to having a fairy statue to help you, and these golden armor Dao soldiers are not afraid of death.

Once you are in danger, you can let the Golden Armor Dao soldiers delay, and you can run away.

This golden armor Taoist soldier is not only a battle strength, but also a means to escape. Therefore, the captured golden armor Taoist soldier is a popular item in many shops.

Most immortals want to buy a small group of golden armor soldiers to protect themselves.

On this battlefield, every martial artist can believe in himself. Although it is to be on the safe side, many martial artists will choose to go with each other and enter the battlefield.

But when you really encounter the life and death juncture, these companions are useless at all, and they are even more likely to escape and turn back. Only these golden armored soldiers are extremely loyal and will not betray.

This is the most trusted partner.

Apart from this, some military ships of Nine Domains, Xianjia, are also very popular.

This immortal armor is the Jiazong’s immortal armor. Once the immortal armor is worn on the body, it immediately improves the strength of the immortal armor master.

Although this kind of power belongs to external power, once it is used too much, it may affect its own Martial Dao strength.

However, on the battlefield, there are more opportunities to improve a little bit of strength, and you can leave the battlefield alive. The treasures that can be seen immediately and enhance the strength are naturally scrambled by people.

Chu Fengmian took a look at foreign objects such as Immortal Armor, Immortal Grade, Taoist soldiers, and airships, some healing elixir, and now all of them have been so expensive that they have been snatched by countless martial artists.

On the contrary, like some Principle Supreme Treasure, some medicinal pills used in cultivation, but now the price is extremely low, no one cares about it.

After all, there is the Principle Supreme Treasure. For a law immortal, it will take hundreds of years, thousands of years, to understand it.

Now that the Sacred Domain war has broken out, all martial artists of the Sacred Domain Alliance are now thinking about how to quickly improve their strength to gain more benefits in the Sacred Domain war.

Treasures like Principle Supreme Treasure cannot immediately improve their strength. Now they are naturally indifferent, but this is a good thing for Chu Fengmian.

He now needs a lot of Principle Supreme Treasure, especially the Supreme Treasure of the law of darkness, to understand the law of darkness.

“This Sir Heavenly Venerable, I don’t know what treasure is needed? Taoist? Immortal Grade? medicinal pill? Or empty ship, slave? We thunder Chamber of Commerce, we have everything.”

As Chu Fengmian looked around, suddenly a young martial artist came to him and greeted him enthusiastically.

“We Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce, recently bought a batch of captured Tian Nine Domains slaves. Among this batch of slaves, there are many immortal slaves. This Sir Heavenly Venerable, is there any Interest?”

When Chu Fengmian heard this, his gaze turned away and fell on the young man in front of him.

This young man, wearing this purple robe, stitched the word thunder on his chest to prove his identity.

Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce, Three Great Saint Territories, the largest Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce created by Lei Zu.

Chu Fengmian and Lei Wei, the Young Master of the Chamber of Commerce, have a close relationship.

He happened to be standing in front of the door of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce, and a disciple of Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce hurried out to receive him.

“Lei Dou Chamber of Commerce?”

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