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In this Space Crack, there are already Arrays arranged by Chu Fengmian, which are prohibited.

He wanted to condense the White Tiger Bloodline this time. Once it succeeds, the movement is definitely not small, so Chu Fengmian is also extremely cautious.

The prohibition Array in this Space Crack overlaps and overlaps. Even a high-rank Immortal Emperor cannot break into it to interfere with Chu Fengmian’s gathering of White Tiger Bloodline this time.

Chu Fengmian sit cross-legged on the ground.

In front of him, there are several jade bottles. In each jade bottle, there is this blood that shows the color of Primal Chaos. Among them, the essence of White Tiger blood.

These White Tiger blood essence, in the jade bottle, are all changing like this, sometimes turning into a White Tiger appearance, which looks like alive.

A total of 400 drops of White Tiger blood essence.

This is what Chu Fengmian gained in this thunder world within the realm.

He ordered the sword slaves under his command to almost turn the thunder world upside down, and made sure that there were only these four hundred drops of blood essence in it, all of which are now in the bag by Chu Fengmian.

It is placed in the jade bottles in front of them.

“First start to integrate the White Tiger blood essence into the bloodline.”

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved, and a jade bottle in front of him was shattered, and the White Tiger blood essence in it suddenly flew out.

These White Tiger blood essences, when they left the jade bottle, they actually wanted to escape in front of Chu Fengmian and flee towards the outside world.

However, with Chu Fengmian’s big wave of his hand, these White Tiger blood essences were instantly taken into the palm of his hand, and I saw drops of White Tiger blood essence began to blend into Chu Fengmian’s palm. Among.

The White Tiger blood essence began to blend into Chu Fengmian’s body, the sky swallowing secret technique worked, and the pure White Tiger power began to blend into Chu Fengmian’s body.

The White Tiger blood essence that Chu Fengmian swallowed at this time contained fifty drops.

Fifty drops of White Tiger blood essence were integrated into Chu Fengmian’s body. The power of White Tiger was gathered, and in Chu Fengmian’s body, it began to converge into a small river. This is White Tiger. Embryonic form of Bloodline.

The embryonic form of White Tiger Bloodline has been condensed.

Although this White Tiger Bloodline has not yet truly condensed.

But Chu Fengmian suddenly felt that he suddenly became more bloody to the Law of Thunder. This White Tiger Bloodline has already begun to affect the understanding of Chu Fengmian’s Law.

“The embryonic form of the White Tiger Bloodline has been condensed. The next step is to complete the power in the White Tiger Bloodline, and the real condense White Tiger Bloodline is coming!”

Chu Fengmian waved his big hand, and the other seven jade bottles were also suddenly broken.

On the top of Chu Fengmian’s head, the sky swallowing secret technique erupted, turning into a dark vortex, countless White Tiger blood essence, which was suddenly inhaled into this dark vortex, the essence of White Tiger The power began to pour into Chu Fengmian’s body.

I saw the embryonic form of the White Tiger Bloodline, the small river transformed into the power of the White Tiger in Chu Fengmian’s body. With the influx of a large amount of the power of the White Tiger, it began to expand and become larger and larger.

A few breaths, it turned from a small river to a big river, and the power of White Tiger flows through it.

In Chu Fengmian’s body, the power of the White Tiger is constantly tumbling, and will gather and promote at any time, turning into the real White Tiger Bloodline.

Swallow! Devour!

Chu Fengmian is not in a hurry to condense. He wants to swallow all the White Tiger blood essence, and then waits for the moment when the power of the White Tiger gathers together, condensing the White Tiger Bloodline in one step.

Drips of White Tiger blood essence are integrated into Chu Fengmian’s body, and directly transformed into a part of Chu Fengmian. The power of White Tiger among them will be transformed into the power of White Tiger Bloodline.

I don’t know how long it took.

Chu Fengmian sit cross-legged on the ground, his closed eyes suddenly opened.

Four hundred drops of White Tiger blood essence were all fuse into Chu Fengmian’s bloodline. I saw a huge White Tiger illusory shadow, all of which appeared behind Chu Fengmian.

This is the power of the White Tiger radiated from Chu Fengmian’s body, turned into such a Dao Void shadow, one after another thunder, surrounded by Chu Fengmian, layer by layer. Shrouded in it.

“It’s now, gather the White Tiger Bloodline!”

Chu Fengmian lightly shouted.

The power of the huge White Tiger rose to the sky. In Chu Fengmian’s body, the power of countless White Tigers condensed and began to degenerate.

The huge White Tiger power in Chu Fengmian’s body is about to begin to condense into White Tiger Bloodline.

All the power of White Tiger is gathered together.

I saw that just behind Chu Fengmian, the huge White Tiger illusory shadow is starting to solidify now.

Suddenly, this White Tiger illusory shadow, with a roar, turned into an entity. In Chu Fengmian’s body, the power of White Tiger in the 400 drops of White Tiger blood essence is now also condensed in Together, it turned into a real White Tiger Bloodline.

Beside this ancestor Tianlong, Swallowing Heaven Beast, Black Whale, Idol, Qiongqi, Soaring Snake, the six first Heavenly God bloodline, the seventh first Heavenly God bloodline and White Tiger Bloodline are also completely condensed.

“Is this the power of White Tiger?”

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved, and saw the huge White Tiger illusory shadow behind him, both of them crashed into two sharp claws and tore them down.

The cohesion of the White Tiger Bloodline brought Chu Fengmian the most intuitive thing, which was the increase in strength. His strength increased by about 10%.

This improvement, although not much.

However, White Tiger itself is not the first Heavenly God beast that focuses on power. Naturally, it is incomparable with the power increase brought by the condensed idol bloodline and Soaring Snake bloodline.

Chu Fengmian wants to condense the White Tiger Bloodline so much. What he values ​​most is the White Tiger Bloodline’s help in understanding the Law of Thunder.

White Tiger is Desolate Ancient Thor. The most powerful thing is to master the world’s thunder. Chu Fengmian is now sitting cross-legged on the ground, trying to try the law of thunder.

Originally, Chu Fengmian couldn’t understand the law of thunder. Now, with the White Tiger Bloodline of Chu Fengmian condense, the speed has been increased by tens of thousands of times, hundreds of thousands of times.

If you continue to comprehend in this way, without the help of any external force, within a hundred years, Chu Fengmian’s Law of Thunder can be enlightened by him.

This aptitude is so-called extremely high. Even many geniuses who have comprehended the Law of Thunder may not be able to learn for a hundred years without the help of any external force.

This is White Tiger Bloodline, which brings Chu Fengmian the biggest benefit.

Of course, it took a hundred years to get started. For Chu Fengmian, it was still too slow, but this was done without any external force.

If it is Supreme Treasure with the law of thunder, this enlightenment speed will be thousands of times faster, tens of thousands of times faster.

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