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Now that Gu Song is showing goodwill to Chu Fengmian, the purpose is actually to win over Chu Fengmian and make Chu Fengmian the fourth Sacred Son of the Epoch Club.

The matter of becoming the fourth Sacred Son of the Era Society is of great importance. Chu Fengmian is still ready to understand the situation of the Era Society before making plans.

Just when Chu Fengmian was thinking about how to get a large amount of Principle Supreme Treasure.

His identity, jade talisman, flashed a rays of light.

Chu Fengmian clicked on the identity jade talisman, but it was revealed that it was a message from a member of the Epoch Society named Guangzhong.

“Endless Void Division Trading Zone, I am here.”

The message is very simple, only this sentence.

Light weight.

Chu Fengmian remembers that this is the member of the Epoch Club who possesses the White Tiger blood essence.

Chu Fengmian bought White Tiger blood essence before, and the confirmed transaction time and place were half a month later in this endless nihility division.

Calculating the time, Chu Fengmian entered the 2nd Layer retreat. Seven days have passed. It happens to be the day when it is half a month to trade White Tiger blood essence.


White Tiger blood essence is also very important to Chu Fengmian. If a large amount of White Tiger blood essence and condense White Tiger Bloodline can be obtained, then Chu Fengmian has the opportunity to use White Tiger blood essence to solve the law of thunder in one fell swoop. Enlightenment to Great Accomplishment.

The law of water has not been able to break through this last step for a long time.

Chu Fengmian can only think of other methods now, trying to comprehend other laws of breakthrough, the law of darkness, the law of thunder, and Chu Fengmian is trying to comprehend.

There is only the last law, the most mysterious Time Law, which Chu Fengmian is completely unable to master now. Time Law, which is known as the ten Grand Law, is the most obscure and mysterious law.

The powerhouse that can understand the Time Law, if it has not already become the master, or has the opportunity to guard against the sky, Chu Fengmian has seen hundreds of Immortal Emperors today.

But the only one he has ever seen, the Immortal Emperor who masters Time Law, is the time witch emperor of the witch clan.

If the Emperor of Time can be found, maybe Chu Fengmian can ask some secrets about Time Law in his mouth.

It’s a pity that now the emperor of the witch has rebelled against the witch clan and has nowhere to go. He is also an enemy and not a friend of Chu Fengmian. It is almost impossible to ask him about the mystery of Time Law. Up.

With this Time Law, Chu Fengmian is not in a hurry. His current goal is to cross the threshold of the Seventh Law and to comprehend the Seventh Law to Great Accomplishment.

Chu Fengmian got up and looked towards the dark element mirror in front of him. Now the Power of Darkness in this dark element mirror has been completely swallowed up by the sky-swallowing secret technique, leaving only its own power.

The current formidable power of this dark element mirror, I am afraid it is a more powerful Immortal Grade, which is no longer an Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon.

After all, the materials refined by Anyuan Mirror are not very good. The source of his power comes from the wealthy Power of Darkness of Heavenly Venerate.

Now the Power of Darkness in the dark element mirror has been completely swallowed by Chu Fengmian, the dark element mirror has lost its source of power, and its power has fallen.

A piece of Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon that was once Peak Heavenly Venerate, is now reduced to an ordinary Immortal Grade.

If someone sees this scene, they will only feel that they are violent, and directly extract the law of power in the Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon, which is extremely luxurious.

For the dark element mirror purchased by 30,000,000 contribution point, Chu Fengmian completely swallowed its power in just six days.

For Chu Fengmian, he must now use all means to improve his strength. Since the Power of Darkness in this dark element mirror is useful for Chu Fengmian’s Law of Enlightenment, then Chu Fengmian swallows it directly. Yes.

She put away the dark element mirror, Chu Fengmian looked towards the surroundings, with a finger point, the array restrictions he arranged were shattered, and the door of the room opened, and Chu Fengmian got up and walked out.

Chu Fengmian walked down the stairs and came to the 1st Layer of the Era Club branch. He saw many Era Club members standing near the trading area. Each of them was dressed in black robe, covering the whole .

Even to hide their identities, these Era members even changed their bodies to look exactly like other people. If they don’t talk to each other, it’s impossible to judge the identity of each other.

There are more than a dozen members of the Era Society. Compared to before, the member Mitsuju, who is going to trade White Tiger blood essence with Chu Fengmian, is also mixed in among these more than a dozen Era Society members.

Chu Fengmian couldn’t recognize it either. It was him. He simply stood by and waited quietly.

Anyway, Chu Fengmian, who shows his true appearance, is considered an extremely special existence among the chapters of the Era Society. Basically, every member of the Era Society of the Infinite Nothing Division recognizes Chu Fengmian.

even more how Chu Fengmian, after completing the four-star mission to destroy the Six Devil Guards, became a four-star member in one fell swoop. Now he is well-known, and even some members of the Epoch Club of other branches have heard Passed his name.

Chu Fengmian doesn’t need to look for it, Guangzhong should also find it by himself.

Sure enough, not long after Chu Fengmian stood there, a member of the Epoch Society who was talking to other Epoch Society members suddenly stopped talking, his gaze looked towards Chu Fengmian, and it was straight towards Chu Fengmian. come over.

“Ancestral Dragon?”

“Light weight?”

As soon as this member of the Era Society approached, Chu Fengmian and him spoke at the same time.

“It’s me.”

Chu Fengmian replied, the light weight is the same.

“Let’s go to the private trading area.”

Chu Fengmian nodded, following this Guangzhong, has been to the deepest part of the trading area.

In the deepest part of this trading area, there are countless spaces divided by Array. Here is the private trading area, an area where members of the Era Council can trade with each other.

In this private trading zone, every move will be supervised by Epoch Association, so there is no possibility of fraud. Epoch Association members trade with each other in this private trading area to avoid accidents.

Not all members of the Epoch Society are kind people, and there are not a few who kill each other plot against each other. This is the safest place.

Entering this private trading area, Guangzhong whispered.

“Fifty thousand contribution points, I have received them, and I need five thousand Primal Chaos Divine Stones.”

Speaking straight to the point, I don’t seem to plan to talk to Chu Fengmian more.

“This is Five Thousand Primal Chaos Divine Stone.”

Chu Fengmian didn’t waste his tongue. He directly took out a space ring and placed it in front of Guangzhong. It contained 5,000 Primal Chaos Divine Stones. He had just come from Jianyuan within the realm and condone. of.

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