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This feeling comes from the bottom of Chu Fengmian’s heart, and it cannot be wrong.

It’s like the first Imperial Princess. In fact, she should have understood the Six Principles a long time ago, but she still stays in the Immortal Venerable Realm world and does not want breakthrough.

I’m afraid that her thoughts are the same as Chu Fengmian’s, and she has the same purpose, all in order to understand the Seventh Law in the Immortal Venerable Realm.

The first Imperial Princess did this for her reason. Her this time breakthrough Immortal Emperor was also because her identity was exposed and she had to do it.

Chu Fengmian doesn’t know when he will fall into the same crisis.

At that time, in order to survive, Chu Fengmian could only choose to condense Smaller Thousand Worlds, breakthrough Immortal Emperor, in exchange for a glimmer of survival.

So for Chu Fengmian, time is extremely tight.

What he needs most now is to collect more Principle Supreme Treasure to learn about the law, and try to learn about the seventh law to achieve Great Accomplishment.

It seems that I must go to the headquarters of the Epoch Club.

Chu Fengmian said silently.

Most of the Principle Supreme Treasure he saw from the Supreme Treasure page in the trading area are located in the headquarters of the Epoch Association. If Chu Fengmian doesn’t want to wait these two years.

His best choice is to go directly to the headquarters.

Anyway, at this time, in order to verify the identity of the four-star membership, Chu Fengmian must also go to the Jiyuanhui headquarters once.

Supreme Treasure in the Era Fair Trading Zone, although it requires a lot of contribution points to buy, Chu Fengmian has a lot of treasures. He can take out a part at will, and he can exchange a lot of contribution points. The contribution point is for Chu Fengmian In terms of it, there is no shortage.

It’s just that in this endless nihility division, apart from the dark element mirror, which can enter Chu Fengmian’s eyes, other Supreme Treasures are not needed by Chu Fengmian, so he didn’t sell more treasures. In exchange for contribution point.

“There are still seven days before the date of the transaction.”

Chu Fengmian calculated the time.

In the past seven days, Chu Fengmian originally planned to stroll around in the vicinity. After all, in this endless emptiness, chances are everywhere, maybe flying here, you may encounter an era Supreme Treasure. .

Chu Fengmian got the black jade stone, which was when Chu Fengmian was on the way, and came across it by the way. Although such a good thing is extremely rare, Chu Fengmian also wanted to try when nothing happened. The idea of ​​one’s luck.

But now, since I got the ninth Sword Dao Totem, and the dark element mirror, Chu Fengmian is already impatient and wants to fully understand it.

Chu Fengmian quickly stepped into the 2-Layer of this immortal city. In this 2nd Layer, there are separate rooms. Above each room, there are countless array restrictions. , To isolate the Spiritual Consciousness from the outside world, while isolating the breath from the inside.

In addition to receiving tasks and trading in the trading area, the Era Club branch also provides Era Club members with a retreat.

Like many members of the Epoch Society, some people are seriously injured after completing the mission and need a safe place to retreat. These rooms in the 2-Layer of the Infinite Void Division are used to rest For use.

In every room, there is an array of prohibitions left by the powerhouse of the era. Don’t worry about being disturbed. Apart from healing, it is also a good place to retreat.

After all, in this endless emptiness, it is not easy to find a safe place to retreat. Now there are about ten members of the Era Society in this endless emptiness division.

The rooms of 2nd Layer, large and small, have about 100 rooms, and only a few of them are closed, indicating that there are people in them, and most of them are open.

Chu Fengmian also chose a room at random and walked in. He took out his identity jade talisman and moved his mind. The door of this room was closed, and the prohibition Array in it was also fully activated.

There is no need to consume contribution points in the retreat in the Era Club branch, which is a rare benefit in Era Club.

After Chu Fengmian came to this room, he waved his hand, one after another Ban Array, with Chu Fengmian’s fingertips pointing out, one after another didn’t know he was in this room.

The prohibition array in the room of the Era Club branch is good, but it is far inferior to the one set by Chu Fengmian himself. For safety, no matter where he retreats, Chu Fengmian will choose to set up a set of prohibition array to ensure safety.

After doing all this, Chu Fengmian took a look at all around. This room was very empty and there was nothing in it. Chu Fengmian didn’t mind. He sat cross-legged on the ground and then Open the space ring, take out the Sword Dao Totem, and put it in front of you.

This Sword Dao Totem is higher than the Chu Fengmian sitting on the ground, with ancient lines carved on it. This kind of line is obscure and difficult to understand, but in the case of Sword Dao of Chu Fengmian, it is You can see the countless sword techniques recorded in it.

Chu Fengmian sat on the ground, and a Sword Intent erupted from him and enveloped the Sword Dao Totem. I saw the Sword Dao Totem. One after another sword technique was realized by Chu Fengmian. , Into the Sword Dao ancient book.

It’s just that these sword techniques are not what Chu Fengmian needs. He wants Sword Dao Totem so much. What he wants most is the incomplete sword technique hidden in the deepest part of Sword Dao Totem.

Soon this incomplete sword technique emerged.

“It is not the Heart Sword Heavenly Venerate, the incomplete sword technique once understood.”

Chu Fengmian took a look and showed a bit of joy on his face. The incomplete sword technique that Chu Fengmian currently masters should actually be regarded as the incomplete sword technique in eleven Sword Dao Totems.

Eight of them were learned by Chu Fengmian from Sword Dao Totem, and the other 3 was a gift from Heart Sword Heavenly Venerate. Heart Sword Heavenly Venerate had also received 3 incompleteness by chance The sword technique, these 3 incomplete sword techniques, also come from Sword Dao Totem.

If Chu Fengmian got this Sword Dao Totem, and the sword technique in it had already been understood by the Heart Sword Heavenly Venerate, then this Sword Dao Totem would have no meaning for it.

Now that I saw the incomplete sword technique in Sword Dao Totem, it was a completely unfamiliar sword technique, Chu Fengmian finally relieved his mind and began to comprehend it, and incorporated it into the Sword Dao ancient book. in.

One day passed.

This incomplete sword technique has been fully understood by Chu Fengmian and integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book. With the integration of this incomplete sword technique, the incomplete sword technique in the Sword Dao ancient book is Towards perfection, go further.

Although these incomplete sword techniques now seem to have no power, they are not even as good as many of the sword techniques that Chu Fengmian has obtained.

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