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The triangular empty ship slowly flew toward the depths of the space in this place.

Chu Fengmian took a look around and took out the identity of the Era Society jade talisman. The identity of this era society jade talisman has the ability to communicate with each other.

As long as members of the Epoch Society appear nearby, they will show up here.

Chu Fengmian took out his identity, jade talisman, and saw it at a glance. There were a lot of strange names on it. Chu Fengmian counted it. Counting Chu Fengmian, the spider and Luo Fu, there are 19 people in total.

At the same time, behind these names, there are different stars. Chu Fengmian also understands now. This represents the rank of this era member.

Among these epoch society members, the one with the highest star rating is a member named Gu Song, who is a six-star member, according to Love and Spider’s introduction.

This ancient pine should be the branch director of this era club branch.

Any branch of the Epoch Club must have a six-star member to become its branch minister, apart from this, a five-star member, no one, two four-star members, and five three-star members. As for the rest, there are nine two-star members.

As for the rest, besides Chu Fengmian, there is another one-star member, a newcomer.

“Among the members of the Era Club, most of them are marginal members under the Samsung members. The core members of the Era Club are really involved, but very few.”

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help but think of it.

There are only a dozen people in such a branch, and there are indeed few people. After all, compared to the sky sword collar, any Legion is a martial artist of hundreds of thousands. These dozen people are indeed very small. .

“Don’t be surprised that Ancestral Dragon Senior, in our Era Club branch, except for the branch director, there are actually no members in normally staying here.”

As if seeing the doubt in Chu Fengmian’s eyes, Love explained to him.

“Members of the Era Society, many people have secrets in their bodies. Many people have always been in solitary contacts, and it is not appropriate to gather together.”

“Normally, apart from coming to exchange and purchase some treasures, Immortal Grades, and pick up and complete tasks, we rarely come to the branch.”

When Chu Fengmian heard this, he was also nodded.

Many of the members of the Era Society were actually targeted by the Ten Thousand Realms, and they had no choice but to join the Era Society and being able to be targeted by the Ten Thousand Realms was enough to prove that they must have amazing opportunities.

The goal of Ten Thousand Realms is to rule All Heavens Myriad Realms, the Son of Era, and their greatest enemy, so Era Son like Chu Fengmian is the number one enemy of Thousand Realms.

From the moment Chu Fengmian showed his head, Wanjie has been eyeing Chu Fengmian.

But like others, some powerhouses that can threaten the world, such as Lord of Sword Dao, or some martial artists with amazing opportunities, are actually the targets of the world.

Like the spider and Love in front of them, although they are not strong, Chu Fengmian is enough to feel a tyrannical force on them. Obviously, the two of them also have great opportunities on them.

It was just this kind of opportunity, but Chu Fengmian didn’t take it in his eyes, and he didn’t intend to take it.

“But this Endless Void Division is actually considered to be a small gathering of Era Council members. After all, there are running dogs from the Ten Thousand Realms everywhere. Coming here is a lot of danger. It’s just the task and the most reward Rich.”

Love opened the mouth and said with a smile.

“We are almost there.”

When Chu Fengmian was talking to Love, the spider suddenly opened the mouth and said.

In front of the triangular empty ship, a huge huge monster appeared, hovering in the sky. Chu Fengmian glanced at it. It turned out to be a huge monster.

It’s just the Array above, forbidden, but it is not the forbidden Array of the Heavenly Sword Collar. It should be an Array of Immortals. After being captured by someone, the Array will be redrawn.

“This is the Great Fortress of the Immortals. It is said to be a Supreme Treasure of the Heavenly Sword Leader. One was seized by the head of the branch and brought here. As the branch, we are going to go in.”

While the spider was talking, he took out a strange black robe and put it on his body. The moment this strange black robe was put on his body, the breath of the spider was completely isolated, and even the sound of his speech was Has changed.

The moment I put on this weird black robe, the spider is like a different person, and this weird black robe seems to have the ability to isolate Spiritual Consciousness. It is difficult for Chu Fengmian to probe through the black robe’s isolation. .

Love was on the side, and it was the same. He took out the same black robe and draped it on his body to isolate his breath, making it impossible to recognize his true identity.

Looking at Chu Fengmian’s puzzled eyes, the spider explained.

“Most members must conceal their breath and identities, so as not to be recognized as their true identities. Otherwise, trouble is not small, they are likely to be targeted by other members of the Epoch Association.”

“Aren’t they allowed to kill each other in the Era Club?”

Chu Fengmian asked rhetorically.

“be that as it may, but as long as you don’t do it yourself, as long as you know the identity of the other party, there are other ways to put it to death and join the members of the era, although most of them are for Coming against the Ten Thousand Realms, but not all companions.”

“For the Supreme Treasure’s chance, if you are close to brother, you can kill each other, even more how is just a companion in the power.”

When Love said this, there was also a cold look in his eyes.

When he first joined the Era Club, he almost died in the hands of other members without any defense.

Now the members of the Era Society have developed such a habit.

“Although Ancestral Dragon Senior is strong, it is best not to reveal his true identity for the sake of safety.”

Love reminded him quietly.

“This kind of black robe on us is unique within the Epoch Society. It can conceal our breath and identity. Ancestral Dragon Senior, if necessary, I have one more here.”

“That’s not necessary.”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said at will. The moment he opened his mouth, he saw that the aura on Chu Fengmian’s body suddenly changed, and a dragon might enveloped Chu Fengmian’s body.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Fengmian in front of the spider and Luo Fu was like a different person.

The two of them opened their eyes and watched the changes of Chu Fengmian, but they were still a little unable to believe that this person turned out to be Chu Fengmian.

“Ancestral Dragon Senior’s methods are indeed beyond my imagination.”

The spiders exclaimed.

In front of him, Chu Fengmian changed his appearance, and he couldn’t find anything in common with Chu Fengmian now.

even more how are others.

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