
You can search “Nine Domains Sword Emperor Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Three Great Saint Territories, in the eyes of the martial artist of Nine Domains, is just a piece of fat. Everyone wants to take a bite.

The other great god kings, although not like the heavenly sword collars, directly dispatched a large army to attack the Three Great Saint Territories, but they also separated a lot of martial artists to go to the Three Great Saint Territories to plunder resources.

In this endless emptiness, they have also established countless strongholds to transport supplies, and they are also a resting place for the martial artist under their command.

The small stronghold in front of us is a stronghold established by Tianshu leader, mainly used to transport materials. a The martial artists who come out of this small stronghold are all holding a space ring full of treasures, ready to Go back to the Nine Domains.

The task that the spider and Love took was to destroy this stronghold.

Small strongholds like this do not have much defense, most of them are not guarded by Heavenly Venerate, Immortal Emperor powerhouse, so this task is actually not difficult, the reward is only four thousand contribution points, under normal circumstances , And only the newcomers who have just joined the Era Club, and the two-star members, are willing to accept such tasks.

It’s just the spider and Love, but they have bad luck. They happened to ran into the patrol team led by Tianshu, the Star Guards, and they encountered the siege of the Star Guards. They were hunted down all the way and almost forced into a desperate situation in the end. At that time, I finally met Chu Fengmian and rescued them.

After being attacked, this time, this small stronghold has increased a bit of defense. Chu Fengmian Spiritual Consciousness scanned the past. The situation of the entire stronghold was taken in the entire scene by Chu Fengmian.

In this small stronghold, there are now two more Immortal Emperors sitting in town. Although these two Immortal Emperors are only the strength of the Rank 2 Immortal Emperor, they should be the martial artists who just broke through the Immortal Emperor in this era.

It’s just such a precaution, which Spider and Love can’t deal with.

In Chu Fengmian’s eyes, the two Rank 2 Immortal Emperors didn’t even have the intention of letting him act.

“Sword Emperor Xingwu, I leave it to you here.”

Chu Fengmian casually opened the mouth and said.

I saw Chu Fengmian’s side, a bloody escape light suddenly flew towards the stronghold below. In an instant, the blood light burst, a sword light, fiercely slashed towards the palace below.

hong long long!

Under this sword light, the countless arrays above the palace are beginning to shatter.

This Xingwu sword emperor once came from the Tianshu leader, but since he got the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, he was besieged by the martial artist of the Tianshu leader and wanted to take the Blood Slaughter Demon from him Sword finally forced the Sword Emperor Xingwu to enter the blood pool.

Xingwu Sword Emperor and Tianshu Ling have a bloody feud. Chu Fengmian is unwilling to do it himself. Naturally, this Xingwu Sword Emperor will do it.

“There is an enemy attack!”

Sword Emperor Xingwu’s sudden move directly broke the calm of this small stronghold of Tianshu leader below, several Tianshu leader martial artists, company commander whispered.

However, before his words fell, a bloody sword light was already beheaded, and the few martial artists who had just spoken were all beheaded instantly.

The blood energy of these beheaded martial artists of Tianshu collars seems to have been drained, and their bodies are directly transformed into Sensen Bai Gu, their flesh and blood are all swallowed into the blood pool. , Became a part of the blood sea in the blood pool, turned into the power of the blood sea.

“This, this…”

In the empty ship.

Spider and Luo Fu, seeing this scene, they were all stunned. They didn’t even notice the appearance of the Star Wu Sword Emperor, until now, there is actually a person hidden in Chu Fengmian By your side.

Now when the Star Martial Sword Emperor shoots, it is very ruthless to the extreme. At a glance, in the entire Tianshu leader stronghold, almost all Tianshu leader martial artists are killed by him with a single sword.

“This is one of my guards, so leave it to him here.”

Chu Fengmian casually opened the mouth and said.

Just as Chu Fengmian spoke, in a palace at the pivot point that day, two figures suddenly rose to the sky. These two figures were exactly what Chu Fengmian felt before, the two Immortal Emperors.

“You, damn! No matter who you are, you dare to attack the stronghold of the Tianshu leader, you must die today!”

Looking at the martial artists led by Tianshu, they were already dead under the sword edge of the sword emperor Xingwu. The expressions of the two Immortal Emperors were extremely angry, and they shot with anger.

In an instant, the stars shone, Power of Stars, gathered from the sky and turned directly into a huge star map.

The two Immortal Emperors, both Tianshu leaders, shot together, and the huge star map burst out, trapping the Star Martial Sword Emperor all at once. The stars in the star map burst into Power of Stars blasted and killed Xingwu Sword Emperor.


The sword edge in the hands of the sword emperor Xingwu moved at this time. A blood pool erupted from his sword edge, and there was a bloody sword glow with hundreds of thousands of Zhang Zhi. Big, straight into the sky, swept away.

The huge star maps above the sky are all divided into two under this blood red sword glow, and the Power of Stars in them are scattered.

The two Immortal Emperors, the Immortal Emperor, were all involved in the blood red sword glow. Neither of them had time to escape. The fleshy body was torn apart by the sword glow, and the fleshy body fell here. .

In the blink of an eye, now this Tianshu leader stronghold has become a ruin, with traces of battle everywhere and a mess.

With the strength of the Xingwu Sword Emperor, comparable to the strength of the seventh-order Immortal Emperor, dealing with such a small stronghold is naturally very easy, with no difficulty.

I’m afraid that it’s the Tianshu leader’s side, and I would not have thought that such a small stronghold would actually attract a seventh-order Immortal Emperor to shoot.

“The mission is complete, right.”

Seeing that this Tianshu leader stronghold was completely turned into ruins, Chu Fengmian looked at the spider opened the mouth and said next to him.


The spider and Love are still stunned, and they don’t seem to have come back to his senses yet.

It seems that he is still immersed in the sword of Sword Emperor Xingwu just now.

The formidable power of that sword made them all feel a sense of fear, especially under the sword just now, the two Immortal Emperors led by Tianshu were directly beheaded.

The strength of these two Immortal Emperors, any of them seems to be stronger than him, but now that the two of them work together, in front of the Star Martial Sword Emperor, they are all like this. unable to withstand a single blow.

And what makes Spider and Love feel terrible.

Sword Emperor Xingwu with such terrifying power in front of him is only a guard by Chu Fengmian’s side. Such a powerhouse is willing to be a servant.

They all can’t imagine how terrifying Chu Fengmian’s true strength is to make a powerhouse like Xingwu Sword Emperor willing to be slaves.

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