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This new round of space storm just broke out, and now it was taken by Chu Fengmian, swallowed, and completely disappeared.

The ancient Emperor Minglong looked towards Chu Fengmian from a distance, all stunned, speechless.

This is a space storm. Even the seventh-order Immortal Emperor can only avoid the space storm. Now Chu Fengmian has collected this space storm directly?

He couldn’t help turning his head again and looked towards the direction of the sea of ​​storms. In the sea of ​​storms, the huge power originally accumulated in the sea of ​​storms broke out with the space storm, and now it is completely silent.

The space storm of this time was indeed directly collected by Chu Fengmian strength of oneself. This strength is truly deep and unmeasurable.

Tian Long Aozi, the number one genius of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Dragons, was once invincible. Since its rise, it has been invincible, but in the end it was also in the hands of Chu Fengmian and suffered a big loss.

Now I’m seeing Chu Fengmian’s amazing technique.

Ming Longgu Imperial Capital feels more and more that his choice of turning to Chu Fengmian is right.

After the witch character, which belongs to the law of the wind, was completely condensed, Chu Fengmian also slowly let out a sigh of relief, leaving him in the stormy sea, he also felt exhausted.

The power of this space storm, even the seventh-order Immortal Emperor, can’t resist. Chu Fengmian can completely collect this Law of Space, but he is actually taking great risks.

If Chu Fengmian fails to collect, he is most likely involved in this space storm.

But danger lurks within the riches and honour.

This law of wind, Chu Fengmian has long realized that it is only one step away from Great Accomplishment. The stimulus of this space storm is exactly what makes Chu Fengmian’s law of wind enter the final step, complete Great Accomplishment .

“The rest are the four Grand Laws of water, thunder, darkness, and time.”

Chu Fengmian said to himself.

The law of water, Chu Fengmian owns this black whale bloodline, and even the Divine Body of Ice and Fire. The law of water has already reached the same level as the law of following the wind. It is only one step away from Great Accomplishment.

There is also a lack of an opportunity, just like this space storm, to help Chu Fengmian to achieve the Great Accomplishment of the law of water.

As for the other thunder, darkness, and time, these three Grand Laws, Chu Fengmian is completely helpless and can only wait for the opportunity.

“Let’s go.”

Chu Fengmian body moved, once again from the sea of ​​storms, walked out, he looked towards the ancient Emperor Minglong, waved his hand, and then continued to march towards the Three Great Saint Territories.

“Space storm? It should have erupted at this time, but disappeared?”

Just after Chu Fengmian left, not very long, two figures, walking through this endless emptiness, slowly appeared, looking at the calm sea of ​​storm, their eyes flashed a few Surprised look.

“This space storm should have completely erupted now, but it seems to have been forcibly dispersed by a powerhouse.”

This martial artist slowly appeared, looked around, and seemed to have found some traces, whispered opened the mouth and said.

“It can disperse this space storm. This person’s strength is definitely a powerhouse above the eighth-order Immortal Emperor. It cannot be provoked.”

His gaze, looked towards the direction Chu Fengmian had left, revealing a deep look of dreading.

“This matter has nothing to do with us. At this time, we were ordered by the adults to come to Nine Domains to win some selected geniuses and join us in Sacred Hall. Other matters have nothing to do with us. “

Another martial artist opened the mouth and said coldly.

“At this time, the people of Ten Thousand Worlds intend to use this Sacred Domain war to completely get involved in the Three Great Saint Territories. For us Sacred Hall, it is also an opportunity. Huh, they never dreamed of it, we will go Heaven Nine Domains, go to their nest and leave the decoration.”

“The people of Ten Thousand Realms have always been arrogant, thinking they can rule All Heavens Myriad Realms, huh, this time should also teach them a lesson.”

“This time Ten Great Saint Territories attacked Three Great Saint Territories. It is said that it was also for a very key figure. What is the origin of that person? Sword God Emperor, are you planning to do it himself?”

“It is said to be called Chu Fengmian, also known as Peerless Sword…”

“The Witch Emperor? Isn’t this a human martial artist? Why is it called the Witch Emperor?”

“I don’t know this, but this person has also broken some of the arrangements of the adults. This person has Great Destiny. He is the son of the era of this era. It is not easy to deal with. Let the people of the world to deal with He, our Sacred Hall, it was time to sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits. That is, the adults have arranged all the plans…”

Two figures, passing through the sea of ​​storms, soon flew in the direction of Nine Domains.

The Sacred Domain war at this time is larger than every previous Sacred Domain war. Three Great Saint Territories, Nine Domains, countless Smaller Thousand Worlds, and Zhongqian worlds are all involved in this war. Among.

Even this endless nothingness.

In the gap between this world, there is no escape from the war, this endless nothingness, but has become one of the main battlefields.

If you want to go from the Nine Domains to the Three Great Saint Territories, you have to pass through this endless emptiness. At the center of this journey, the martial artists of the two sides have started to fight.

In the endless emptiness, there are countless battlefields. In this endless emptiness, the environment is extremely special. Except for some Danger Land, which is extremely dangerous, most of the areas are extremely stable. Here, it seems to be natural. battlefield.

Many battles between the worlds since ancient times, where the real eruption occurred, were all in the endless nothingness.

Along the way, Chu Fengmian and Minglong Gudi have already seen many traces of the confrontation between martial artists, and now in front of him, a huge continent appeared in front of Chu Fengmian.

This huge continent is almost half the size of Smaller Thousand Worlds. On this continent, Chu Fengmian can also see many ruined walls, many broken palaces, located on the continent.

The continent in front of me was once a complete Smaller Thousand Worlds, but later, it should have been destroyed, like some Immortal Emperor body worlds, which are also Smaller Thousand Worlds, but once the Immortal Emperor falls, then that Smaller Thousand Worlds will gradually fall into decay.

Even in the end, it turned directly into a piece of ruined wall and became a piece of rubble, some of which would fall into this endless emptiness, and be taken to various places by space storm.

In front of Chu Fengmian, there are dozens of such continents. Once upon a time, these continents were all complete Smaller Thousand Worlds, on which countless powerhouses and sects stand in great. numbers, extremely prosperous.

But now, it is completely in ruins.

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