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Above these three jade talisman, there is an extremely weak power that belongs to the ancestor Tianlong.

Long Master Order!

These three jade talisman are also dragon master orders.

The material and the power on it are very close to the dragon master order in Chu Fengmian’s hand, but the lines on it are somewhat different.

These lines are actually the oldest Dragon Clan texts. Although Chu Fengmian didn’t recognize them, with the dragon power attached to them, Chu Fengmian quickly figured out the origin of these three dragon master orders.

The three dragon master orders should represent the ancient Fulong, the ancient Youlong, and the ancient True Dragon, the dragon master orders of these three tribes.

According to Tian Long Aozi’s own words, the nine dragon master orders, except for the dragon master order of Ancient Battle Dragon Clan, which has long since disappeared, followed by Chu Fengmian, the dragon master order of the ancient Azure Dragon clan.

The other seven dragon master orders all fell into the hands of Tian Long Aozi, but now, in the space ring of Tian Long Aozi, there are only these three dragon master orders.

“Long Aozi is cautious this day.”

The other four dragon master orders should have been put into the realm by Tian Long Aozi.

This is also Tian Long Aozi’s caution, even if his fleshy body is cut off and the space ring is lost, he has only lost three dragon master orders, and there will be four other dragon master orders.

Dragon Lord Tokens can attract each other. On this day, Long Aozi’s hands, as long as there are four Dragon Lord Tokens, he still has the opportunity to continue to look for other Dragon Lord Tokens.

This can be considered to make Tian Long Aozi, even after the Fleshy body is beheaded once, there is the possibility of a comeback.

“If you want to get the other four dragon master orders, I’m afraid you have to leave for the kingdom of ten thousand dragons.”

There is almost no need to guess where the body of Tianlong Aozi is. It must be in the kingdom of ten thousand dragons. For Tian Long Aozi, the kingdom of ten thousand dragons is the safest place.

The kingdom of ten thousand dragons.

This country of ten thousand dragons is the home of Dragon Clan today. All the Dragon Clan powerhouses are gathered in it. Among them are the father of Long Aozi of this day, the Dragon Lord, a true Immortal Emperor of the ninth order.

Forcibly breaking into the kingdom of ten thousand dragons is a dangerous choice, but now after obtaining the other three dragon master orders, he gave Chu Fengmian a reason to go to the kingdom of ten thousand dragons.

In the kingdom of ten thousand dragons, it is said that there is a secret store of the ancestor Tianlong left to Dragon Clan. If anyone can get nine dragon master orders, he can open this secret store and get the inheritance of the ancestor Tianlong and inherit the ancestor. The power of Tianlong.

Nine dragon master orders, gathered in the hands of one person, is an impossible thing to do.

After all, these nine dragon master orders represent the position of the dragon master of the Ancient Dragon Clan of Nine Great Yuan. Each dragon master order is the most important thing in a Dragon Clan, and has gone through countless times. No one can gather the nine dragon master orders.

However, in this era, the ancient Celestial Dragon Clan suppressed the remaining eight Dragon Clan with absolute strength, and gathered all the dragon master orders. At the same time, the kingdom of ten thousand dragons is always looking for. The dragon master who lives outside.

The dragon master order in Chu Fengmian’s hand is the last dragon master order that was lost. If it falls into the hands of Tian Long Aozi again, Tian Long Aozi can directly use eight dragon master orders, summon The last dragon master order, played the treasure of Zu Tianlong.

This is also the reason why Ling Tian Long Aozi, both impatients, went to Tian Nine Domains in person, intending to search for the last dragon master order.

The treasure left by the ancestor Tianlong.

Originally, Chu Fengmian didn’t care much, but since he got the other three dragon master orders, his bloodline, which belongs to the ancestor Tianlong, has a kind of tremor.

This feeling attracts Chu Fengmian. It seems that among the treasures left by the ancestor Tianlong, there is something very important to Chu Fengmian.

This feeling from bloodline cannot be faked.

Want to fight against Ten Thousand Realms.

Chu Fengmian’s current strength is far from enough. He needs to improve his strength. He will not let go of all the opportunities that can improve his strength.

The kingdom of ten thousand dragons, even if it is True Dragon Super Tiger Den, Chu Fengmian must go.

Chu Fengmian’s palm moved, and a Heaven Devouring Force erupted, destroying the brand of Tian Long Aozi among the three dragon master orders, and re-engraving Chu Fengmian’s own brand. The dragon master order was put into the space ring.

Chu Fengmian’s gaze looked towards the other side and fell on the two shadow dragon guards who are now suppressed by several sword slaves.

The two shadow dragon guards are similar to a God-like existence. Chu Fengmian did not let the sword slave behead them, but suppressed them, and wanted to try to subdue them and turn them into his own use. .

The strength of this shadow dragon guard is not weaker than the seventh-order Immortal Emperor, and even his difficulty is even more powerful than the fleshy body of some seventh-order Immortal Emperors.

This shadow dragon guard has a unique ability to blend into the shadow of a martial artist. Once it is hidden, it is hard to detect even by others. It is a perfect guard.

Chu Fengmian at first, didn’t even notice the existence of these two shadow dragon guards. Originally, Long Aozi’s three seventh-order Immortal Emperors, suddenly joined the two shadow dragon guards, they became five seven. Immortal Emperor.

If Chu Fengmian hadn’t mastered the blood pool, the appearance of these two shadow dragon guards might really reverse the situation in one fell swoop.

The Shadow Dragon Guard is a God created by the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Dragons. The essential power is the power of Dragon Clan. For Chu Fengmian who has mastered the origin of the dragon, it is not impossible to subdue them.

The power of the ancestor Tianlong condensed from the palm of his hand and poured into the two shadow dragon guards. These two shadow dragon guards, who were originally extremely mad and wanted to break free, were Suddenly fell silent.

Soon Chu Fengmian discovered that in the Divine Spark, the core of the Shadow Dragon Guardian, it belongs to the brand of Long Aozi. This kind of God has a core. As the source of power, the Shadow Dragon Guardian does not exception.

A Heaven Devouring Force, gathered in the palm of Chu Fengmian, turned into two Heaven-Swallowing Dragons, and penetrated into the bodies of the two Shadow Dragon Guards.

I saw the Heaven Devouring Force burst out. In the Divine Spark, the core of the Shadow Dragon Guard, the power belonging to Tian Long Aozi was completely swallowed by the Heaven Devouring Force. Chu Fengmian’s mind moved. With the strength of Dragon he mastered, The inner core of these two shadow dragon guards was branded with him.

After doing all this, Chu Fengmian let the sword slaves let go of the suppression of the Shadow Dragon Guards. The two Shadow Dragon Guards flew into the shadow of Chu Fengmian and disappeared invisible.

“Next, it’s time to go back.”

In the palm of Chu Fengmian’s palm, four empty profound crystals appeared at the same time, and he injected a Spiritual Force into it. Space Power, gushing out from these four empty profound crystals, was in front of him in an instant, turning into A space crack.

Chu Fengmian’s body suddenly stepped into this space crack.

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