
You can search “Nine Domains Sword Emperor Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“I know that when you join the Witch Clan, you are actually planning to let the Witch Clan help you against the Nine Domains, but now the Witch Clan is already powerless to defend himself, but there is no ability to fight. Nine Domains.”

“Now you are already powerless to defend himself, so today, I come to give you a chance to completely acknowledge allegiance to me, join the kingdom of ten thousand dragons, I can keep you.”

“Give your Dragon Lord Order, give you all your chances, and completely become my slave. I can let you join the kingdom of ten thousand dragons and help you fight against the Nine Domains. This is what you want to live. , The only chance.”

Tian Long Aozi’s gaze slowly fell on Chu Fengmian, as if waiting for Chu Fengmian’s answer.

Chu Fengmian was silent for a while, seeming to be thinking about Long Aozi’s words, suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“Fight against the Nine Domains? The kingdom of ten thousand dragons, has such strength?”

“haha, do you think my kingdom of ten thousand dragons has really declined now?”

Tian Long Aozi suddenly laughed heartily.

“My kingdom of ten thousand dragons, in this era, will surely rise and dominate this era. Tell something you don’t know. Do you think the death of Lord of Sword Dao is really due to the civil strife of the Nine Domains? Let me tell you, Lord of Sword Dao actually offended a huge organization called Ten Thousand Realms, the seven gods of the Nine Domains, and the ethereal Divine Palace of the Nine Domains, are now all joined to this organization.”

“This organization covers All Heavens Myriad Realms, so whether you hide in the Three Great Saint Territories, or in the Nine Domains, or even in your Smaller Thousand Worlds called the Blood Martial World, you can’t escape Wanted from Ten Thousand Worlds.”

“Behind my kingdom of ten thousand dragons is Sacred Hall, a huge organization that can compete with the chamber of ten thousand worlds, so even if it is the Nine Domains, we dare not move our kingdom of ten thousand dragons and take refuge in me , Is your only way to survive.”

Tian Long Aozi looked towards Chu Fengmian, coldly said.

“Sacred Hall?”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes narrowed.

This is the name of an organization he has never heard of.

Long Aozi actually knew the existence of the Ten Thousand Worlds this day, but in his mouth, this Sacred Hall was actually an organization comparable to the Ten Thousand Worlds.

If Long Aozi didn’t know the existence of the Ten Thousand Realms on this day, he might be arrogant and conceited if he said this, but since Long Aozi knew the existence of the Ten Thousand Realms on this day, he would dare to say such a thing. .

Then this Sacred Hall……

Chu Fengmian actually knows in his heart that the world is so big that in this era, impossible only exists in the ten thousand worlds, the era club, and these two organizations.

At least Chu Fengmian knew that Void God, and the ruler who had secretly controlled the Divine Palace, were not members of the Ten Thousand Realms. Behind them, there must be a huge organization.

This Sacred Hall, I am afraid it is also one of them.

No wonder, now the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Dragons suddenly rises, I am afraid it is also related to joining Sacred Hall.

Looking at Chu Fengmian thinking but not answering, a bit of anger flashed in Long Aozi’s eyes that day.

“If it wasn’t for the fact that you also have the ancestor bloodline, which is half a Dragon Clan, I don’t want to waste so much. This Venerable is willing to tell you so much, whether you agree or not!”

“hmph, Young Master asked you to acknowledge allegiance, but it gave you a great opportunity, are you still thinking about it? In my opinion, Young Master doesn’t need to waste energy with this person, and kills him directly That is, Dragon Clan’s genius, there are so many in the kingdom of ten thousand dragons, he is not bad.”

“When you kill this person, extract the bloodline from the ancestor of this person, and give it to a Dragon Clan, you can create a genius!”

An ancient Dragon Emperor can’t help it anymore, and he does it directly.

The huge dragon power erupts in the sky, transforming into a huge dragon claw, which contains huge and extremely powerful power, as if it can fall at any time and can kill everything.

In this move, the number of killing intents not at all seems to be a lesson for Chu Fengmian.



Chu Fengmian stood thinking on the spot. Before he took a shot, he saw a scarlet silhouette. Suddenly stepped out from behind Chu Fengmian and rose to the sky. A scarlet sword glow slashed directly at the huge dragon claw in the sky. past.

Two forces fought in the air, and the Great Dragon Claw was broken by a sword under this scarlet sword glow.

“Seventh-order Immortal Emperor?”

The ancient Dragon Emperor, eyes flashed, suddenly looked towards the Immortal Emperor Luo Ying beside Chu Fengmian, his eyes condensed.

Suddenly, a seventh-order Immortal Emperor appeared.

“Oh? A seventh-order Immortal Emperor helped, no wonder you have the idea of ​​plot against this Venerable.”

Tian Long Aozi, watching the appearance of Luo Ying Immortal Emperor, but not at all any surprise, his face is calm.

“But do you think that with a seventh-order Immortal Emperor, you can contend with this Venerable? Shang Long! Cuolong! Take action and solve this guy first. As for the Peerless Sword, I will save him. , It works!”


The two ancient Dragon Emperors, known as Shanglong and Cuolong, roared at the same time. Their bodies, between the volleys, turned into huge heavenly dragons as large as ten thousand zhangs.

one after another dragon claw, contains a huge dragon power, and displays the Dragon Clan Martial Dao, which is killing the Immortal Emperor towards Luo Ying.

On the other side, Tian Long Aozi’s gaze fell on Chu Fengmian’s body.

“Now, your only helper has also been dragged down, and there is no point in continuing to resist.”

“Kneel down, submit to me, and give up all the opportunities in you. This is the only possibility of living today!”

Tian Long Aozi step by step walked towards Chu Fengmian. From his body, it was all one after another dragon might. It broke out and enveloped Chu Fengmian.

Every step closer to Chu Fengmian, the dragon might shrouded in it becomes more powerful. This dragon might seems to directly suppress Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian’s face was indifferent. He waved his hand and the surrounding dragon might was instantly dispersed.

“Oh? It’s worthy of having the ancestor bloodline, there are indeed some methods, but unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, your little Bloodline Strength has no meaning!”

Tian Long Aozi coldly shouted.

“Kneel down!”

hong long long!

I saw that behind the sky Long Aozi, huge dragon power rose up, gathered in the air, and turned into a huge dragon claw, this dragon claw was directed at Chu Fengmian fiercely’s bombardment, with The power of tearing Splitting Heaven, it seems that the whole world is shaking.

In this power, there is even a bit of the power of the ancestor Tianlong, which adds to the power of this claw.

However, Chu Fengmian’s face was as calm as ever. Watching this dragon claw crash down, I saw that Chu Fengmian was also moved, from above his head, a burst of dragon power burst into the sky. .

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