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It was just the fall of this time, which made him feel very strange. He didn’t even notice where the scarlet sword glow appeared.

This means that the person who shot is far superior to him, so that he will be beheaded without a chance to react, and he will fall.

“The sword cultivator took action, but there is no such powerhouse in the Heavenly Sword Collar. Who is this person?”

The 16th army leader said to himself, and his eyes were filled with doubts.

He saw the scarlet sword glow clearly, but the Sword Intent above did not belong to any sword cultivator martial artist he knew.

And those who have the ability to slay him with one sword are at least a sixth-order Immortal Emperor, a sixth-order Immortal Emperor, and even more impossible, an unknown person.

However, whether it is the 16th army leader who wants to break his head, he can’t figure out who this shot is.

Especially this person, even the Pure Cloud Sword Emperor of the Qingfeng Sect was killed together. Obviously it was not the powerhouse of the Qingfeng Sect.

“Anyway, the Space Crack should have been blocked, but it’s a pity that Kong Xuanjing…”

The Sixteenth Army Master sighed.

The Kong Xuanjing who was about to get it, was robbed like this, and he was extremely helpless, but his task was to guard the Heavenly Sword collar and prevent the army of Three Great Saint Territories from entering it.

From this point of view, his shot this time is considered a success. Although the fleshy body has fallen and consumed a lot of resources, he can quickly make up for it.

“Continue to patrol.”

The body flashed of the Sixteenth Army Master turned into a light, leaving his body world.

Li Hentian.

An ancient Secret Realm, no one knows. In this ancient Secret Realm, there is actually this Smaller Thousand Worlds. Here, is the Smaller Thousand Worlds of the Pure Cloud Immortal Emperor.

Different from the Immortal Emperor led by the Heavenly Sword, the Immortal Emperor of the Three Great Saint Territories almost always hides their Smaller Thousand Worlds in some ancient Secret Realm and space fragments. There are almost no people except themselves. Know where their real world is.

“Damn! Damn!”

In this Smaller Thousand Worlds, countless martial artists living in awe looked towards the sky. Many martial artists can feel the anger of the sky, this is the anger of this world Heavenly God.

Even many martial artists are kneeling on the ground, shiver coldly, and the anger of the supplicant Heavenly God calms down.

In a Smaller Thousand Worlds, the creator of this Smaller Thousand Worlds is the creator, the Heavenly God. Once his anger comes, the entire world will burn.

Now the entire Smaller Thousand Worlds can feel the anger from the pure cloud sword emperor.

“Damn! Damn, that damn 16th army leader will actually appear, what are all the trash in the Intelligence Hall doing, and where did the sword glow come out? Who is it, actually sneak attack Me!”

In the sky palace.

The body of the pure cloud sword emperor slowly reshaped and condensed, and his fleshy body was reborn again, still carrying endless anger on his face.

He attacked the Heavenly Sword Leader this time. He originally got the information. He said that the 16th Army Master had no time to take care of, so he took the shot. Came here.

What made him extremely angry was that he could still retreat with his whole body in the face of the sixteen army masters. He even prepared the secret technique in advance, evacuated directly, and then used the empty mysterious crystal to close the Space Crack.

At the end of the day, the 16th army leader wanted to chase him down, and it was also impossible to do. This preparation is perfect. This time, no matter how bad, it should be the end of the whole body.

However, a scarlet sword glow that suddenly appeared, directly broke all his plans, and instantly beheaded his fleshy body.

Even the crucial Kong Xuan Jing was lost.

“Kong Xuan Jing, but there are only eight in the Qingfeng Sect, each of which is extremely precious. Now that he has lost it, this responsibility…”

“Pure Cloud, have you fallen?”


Just as the Pure Cloud Sword Emperor roared, an old voice suddenly sounded from the air.

Here is the real world of the Pure Cloud Sword Emperor. The only people who can come here are the closest people around him.


The moment I heard this voice, Pure Cloud Sword Imperial Capital hurriedly bowed and looked at an old silhouette before him.

“What’s the matter? How could you fall? Where is Kong Xuanjing?”

As soon as the old man arrived, he immediately asked.

“Kong Xuan Jing, should be taken away.”

The pure cloud sword emperor replied in a low voice, his tone was extremely low, not at all domineering just now.

Pure Cloud Sword Emperor, although he is also an Immortal Emperor, from the outside world, he is one of the giants of Qingfengzong, but now, in front of this old man, he behaves like a wrongdoer Like children.

This old man is his Master, Pure Yang Sword Emperor, and more importantly, this Pure Yang Sword Emperor is the real giant in Cool Breeze Sect.

In the Qingfeng Sect, the Immortal Emperor is just a giant on the surface, but in fact, like the Tianjian collar, only the high rank Immortal Emperor above the seventh-order Immortal Emperor is the real giant among them. Only by making decisions can mobilize the entire Qingfeng Sect.

The Sect Master in name is just a puppet.

This time I lost the empty profound crystal, and the Pure Cloud Sword Emperor also knew that he was imminent. At this time, only the Pure Yang Sword Emperor in front of him could save him.

“Is Kong Xuanjing lost?”

Even if he had guessed the result a long time ago, the moment he heard this sentence, the Sword Emperor Pure Yang was furious and shouted.

“What the hell is going on? This Kong Xuan Jing, but the most important thing for us to counterattack the Heavenly Sword Leader, you this time, you just went to explore the way, how could you lose the Kong Xuan Jing?”

“It’s like this…”

Seeing that the Sword Emperor Pure Yang was angry, the Sword Emperor Pure Cloud shrank his head even more and hurriedly explained.

“The 16th army master actually made the move? The intelligence is actually false. This is indeed to blame for the fact that the intelligence hall is good, not to blame you, but you said, you were not killed by the 16th army master, but Killed by the sudden appearance of scarlet sword glow?”

Pure Yang Sword Emperor frowned.

“You can see clearly, who did it?”

“I can’t see clearly, it’s just this person’s sword technique, which contains a kind of crazy killing Sword Intent, unlike the sword technique of the Heavenly Sword Leader.”

The Pure Cloud Sword Emperor hurriedly replied.

All he could see was that a scarlet sword glow was beheaded, and he was beheaded at the next moment, and he couldn’t see who made the move.

“Sword Intent of crazy killing?”

Pure Yang, the sword emperor, are all frowned. They seem to be thinking. After a while, they opened the mouth and said.

“Forget it, this matter, I will fight it for you.”

“But you have to wear your sins to make up for your merits, otherwise it will be difficult to stop others’ mouths. You can help Galaxy Sword Emperor to deal with the ancient territory.”

“ancient territory? Is the ancient ancestor going to do something to the witches?”

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