
You can search “Nine Domains Sword Emperor Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

A martial artist tries to integrate the power of the two first Heavenly God beast bloodline at the same time, then the only result is to burst into death, apart from this, there is almost no other possibility.

In the eternal age, there is only one exception, that is the first ruler of mankind, the lord of all beasts, once used supreme divine force to incorporate the power of two bloodlines of the first Heavenly God beast.

However, there is only one person who can do this, and this is still a master.

And even in the rumors, the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts integrated the power of the bloodline of the two first Heavenly God beasts into himself, just barely integrating.

Like Chu Fengmian, using these two forces at the same time, or even complementing each other, is something the lord of beasts has failed to accomplish.

Xingwu Sword Emperor, Luo Ying Immortal Emperor, Heart Sword Heavenly Venerate, etc., are all confirmations again and again. They look at each other and they can see the look of shock in each other’s eyes.

This makes them all speechless.


“With so much Bloodline Strength in a person’s body, he hasn’t exploded and died yet?”

The gazes of many sword slaves looked towards Chu Fengmian are like looking towards a monster.

The appearance of Chu Fengmian seems to challenge their sanity.

Now these two major Heavenly God beast Bloodline Strength are gathered together, condensed under the sword of Chu Fengmian, turned into a sword light, and slashed at the Hunshi Sword Demon.

“Good come!”

Under the threat of these two leading Heavenly God beasts Bloodline Strength, Sword Demon did not fear at all. On the contrary, he held the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword and stepped out one step at a time. Nothing in the world was able to let He retreated.

Becoming a demon with a sword, naturally, there is no reason to retreat. Sword Demon stands in the air, Blood Slaughter Demon Sword is in his hands, raised high, and suddenly is above the sky, a huge scarlet vortex suddenly appears .

In this scarlet vortex, the power of the blood pool poured down, and continuously poured into the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword in his hand. Suddenly the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword in his hand moved, and directed towards Chu Fengmian The sword light that was cut out was cut over.

hong long long!

murky heavens dark earth.

The collision of the two sword edge forces, far surpasses. Last time, the power of countless blood pools were scattered under this force collision, and the volleys all turned into blood rain and dropped to the ground. .

On the other side, this contains the sword of the ancestor Tianlong, the black whale, and the two great Heavenly God beasts. Now the power is rapidly weakening, and we can even clearly see the two great Heavenly God behind Chu Fengmian. The beast illusory shadow gradually became more illusory.

“Sword out!”

This sword was once again resisted by Hunshi Sword Demon.

Chu Fengmian has no intention of stopping at all.

He knows that in this blood pool, the power of Sword Demon is almost endless. If it is prolonged, it is not good for Chu Fengmian. When the power of the two sword edges is still colliding, Chu Fengmian is One sword broke out again.

A power rose again from Chu Fengmian’s body. This power still comes from Chu Fengmian’s bloodline.

At the same time, this power is no less powerful than the power that just broke out, the ancestor Tianlong and the black whale, the two first Heavenly God beasts.

“Another power from the Heavenly God bloodline?”

Countless sword slaves saw this scene and had their own guesses in their hearts, but no one dared to say it. They always saw a huge giant beast appearing behind Chu Fengmian.


This one huge giant beast illusory shadow is a strange and ancient wind god among the ancestor Tianlong.

“Qingqi bloodline!”

“The power of the Heavenly God bloodline first!”

Xingwu sword emperor, Luo Ying Immortal Emperor and the others, looked towards Chu Fengmian’s gaze, like looking towards a monster, they are all speechless, only looking.

This Qiongqi Bloodline Strength gathered on Chu Fengmian’s sword edge, and once again beheaded at the mixed world Sword Demon.

Faced with this Sword Demon, you can only kill it completely. This way, as long as it is Sword Demon, there is still a trace of power. With the power drawn continuously from this blood pool, Sword Demon can do it again. Revert to Peak.

Chu Fengmian’s current offensive cannot be stopped.

Once it stops, it is a complete abandonment.

In the sword edge where the poor bloodlines converged, Chu Fengmian was even more moved at the moment he was beheaded. From his body, suddenly numerous golden sword light flew out, a total of two thousand nine hundred Ninety sword light, supreme sword qi, flew out all at once.

Just above the sky, it turned into a huge sword array, along with the sword edge that gathered the Qiongqi bloodline, and at the same time beheaded towards the Hunshi Sword Demon.

“supreme sword qi!”

“How many hole cards does this person have?”

Xingwu sword emperor, Luo Ying Immortal Emperor, all the sword slaves are completely stunned now. Chu Fengmian’s hole cards are simply continuous. Any kind of hole cards, if taken out, will cause countless swords. cultivator, and even many martial artist yearn for something even in dreams.

Now it’s all on Chu Fengmian.

No wonder Chu Fengmian’s strength is so tyrannical.

However, in the sword edge where the power of the singularity converged, this supreme sword array was killed at the same time, and Sword Demon still stood there calmly. He held up the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword and gathered again. The power of the blood pool converged into a river and cut out with his sword edge.

“Blood River!”

The gathering of the power of the blood pool, forming a sea into a river, a full thousand ten thousand zhang wide, appeared in front of the Sword Demon of the mixed world, the sword edge of the sumptuous power, the supreme sword array turned into a golden Spirit Sword , And beheaded in this river of blood at the same time, they all disappear without a trace.

On the contrary, it is the power of the river of blood, which is still rising. It is consuming the power of these two huge sword edges, and the power has gone a step further, and it directly rushed at Chu Fengmian.

The river of blood hiding the sky and covering the earth, as if to swallow Chu Fengmian completely.

“Want to swallow me? It’s ridiculous, swallow the secret technique, swallow this river of blood for me!”

Looking at the river of blood shrouded and swallowed, Chu Fengmian furiously shouted, another bloodline strength burst out of Chu Fengmian’s body, rising up and turning into a giant beast with a big mouth, it was Swallowing Heaven Beast .

First, the Heavenly God beast, swallowing the Swallowing Heaven Beast of the heavens.

The illusory shadow of Swallowing Heaven Beast suddenly merged with Chu Fengmian, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, Heaven Devouring Force gathered, and a huge vortex appeared before Chu Fengmian Vortex is even bigger than the blood river.

I saw this river of blood, when it approached the vortex where the Heaven Devouring Force gathered, it was all swallowed by the Heaven Devouring Force.

The power of this river of blood is frantically struggling in this vortex, but no matter how hard it struggles, it is actually unable to completely break free.

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