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But as Chu Fengmian got more and more Sword Dao of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, the scene in the blood pool became clearer. After he realized what this blood pool was, In his mind, there is a guess.

The Sword Dao of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword is not a reward from the blood pool, but from other people.

There is only one person who can do all of this.

That is Sword Demon in front of him.

If Chu Fengmian’s previous mind was only a guess, then the moment he saw this Sword Demon, he had already confirmed his guess.

The Sword Dao on this Sword Demon is exactly the same as the Sword Dao on the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword that Chu Fengmian got from those sword slaves.

This hardly needs to continue to guess, Chu Fengmian can be sure that Chu Fengmian defeated the sword slaves, and the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword Sword Dao obtained from those sword slaves is exactly from the mixed world Sword Demon.

This Sword Demon actually separated a part of Sword Dao from his body and hid it in the body of those sword slaves, and gave it to Chu Fengmian as a reward.

Even Chu Fengmian couldn’t understand the purpose of Sword Demon for a while now.

Sword Dao is the root of a sword cultivator. The Sword Dao on Chu Fengmian is his Nine Domains Sword Technique and Sword Dao ancient book. If Chu Fengmian strips the Sword Dao ancient book from him , Distribute to other people.

Then the martial artist who got the Sword Dao ancient book will soar into the sky, and will definitely rise up soon, becoming a famous Sword Dao genius.

However, for Chu Fengmian, he will also lose a lot of power. Deprivation of the Sword Dao ancient book alone is enough to reduce Chu Fengmian’s strength by more than 50%.

Sword Dao is the root of a sword cultivator, even if some sword cultivator faces the close relatives around them, they will not be willing to give their Sword Dao to each other.

This Hunshi Sword Demon actually separated the Sword Dao from him and gave it to Chu Fengmian. This is something that Chu Fengmian can’t understand now.

Especially Chu Fengmian can clearly feel that there are no hands or feet on the Sword Dao of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword that Chu Fengmian got from these sword slaves.

Using Chu Fengmian’s Sword Dao, it can be clearly judged whether Hunshi Sword Demon is on this or not, and whether he has made any small moves.

Even this Hunshi Sword Demon, in order for Chu Fengmian to quickly comprehend the Sword Dao of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, even deliberately erased his consciousness above.

This kind of dedication left Chu Fengmian wondering what exactly this Sword Demon wanted to do.

“What the hell is your purpose?”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Sword Demon in front of him.

He can’t see through it now, what exactly is this Sword Demon?

“My purpose?”

Hun Shi Sword Demon heard Chu Fengmian’s words and suddenly said with a smile.

“In fact, there is no purpose. The rewards you get, in fact, those sword slaves, former challengers, have also been received, but they have received my help, and ultimately failed to stand in front of me.”

“If you are talking about the purpose, it is only, let’s be unwilling in my heart.”

Hun Shi Sword Demon’s mouth moved slightly, just trying to say something.

Suddenly, a scarlet rays of light, dropping from the sky, directly enveloped the body of Sword Demon.

“This is? The power of the blood pool?”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes narrowed.

He could clearly see that this scarlet rays of light came from the blood pool and was the power of the blood pool.

This blood pool power enveloped Hunshi Sword Demon’s body, as if he didn’t want him to continue talking.


Hunshi Sword Demon is coldly snorted, seems to be fighting against the power of this blood pool, but soon, his face is also a bit unwilling, and only fighting intent is left in his eyes, looking towards Chu Fengmian.

“I have no way to continue, I can only rely on you to comprehended, defeat me, and you will get everything you want to know!”

Hunshi Sword Demon gave a long roar, and suddenly a fighting intent rose up.

Obviously, the force of the blood pool just stopped the Hunshi Sword Demon and kept him from talking. If this is the case, there is only one battle left.

“Hope you, don’t let me down!”

Hunshi Sword Demon looked towards Chu Fengmian, the fighting intent became thicker in his eyes.

After he entered the blood pool and became a sword slave, he never encountered any opponent who was worth his shot.

The Chu Fengmian in front of him was the first he encountered after he entered the blood pool for unknown times. His fighting intents were almost all poured out on Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian’s gaze is also extremely solemn. In his gaze, it can be clearly seen what terrifying power this Sword Demon is now.

The eighth-order Immortal Emperor!

The strength of this Hunshi Sword Demon has surpassed the seventh-order Immortal Emperor, and has truly reached the realm of the eighth-order Immortal Emperor.

This is a powerhouse that Chu Fengmian has never seen before.

He is also Chu Fengmian, and has never played against a level.

Even the Sword Demon, the Sword Dao who had already separated more than half of him, had already been separated, but this strength was still so terrifying.

This will be the most terrifying opponent Chu Fengmian will face.

But now, Chu Fengmian has no fear in his heart, and his eyes are full of fighting intents.

This Hunshi Sword Demon is a worthy opponent of Chu Fengmian.

For Chu Fengmian in the same battle, there is only one choice, and that is victory. In order to survive and escape from this blood pool, he must win this battle.


Hunshi Sword Demon gave a long scream. He was originally a scarlet body, and his eyes became more blood red. A violent and boundless killing intent erupted from him.

This violent and boundless killing intent is incomparably close to the power of the blood pool, and even turned into a power. The power of the entire blood pool seems to be used by the mixed world Sword Demon.

This is the real reason why Hunshi Sword Demon’s strength has soared after entering the blood pool. His power is incomparably compatible with the blood pool.

It can be said that after becoming a sword slave, Sword Demon has the current strength.

Under the blessing of the power of the blood pool, the power of Sword Demon is still rising.

“do it quickly!”

Chu Fengmian eyes flashed, he can judge that if he wants to defeat the Sword Demon in front of him, Chu Fengmian must do it quickly.

Although the sword slaves that Chu Fengmian got were hidden in their bodies, the Sword Dao of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, now his power is incomparably compatible with the blood pool, and it has become more assimilated.

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