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The so-called channel is actually a Transmission Array, but this Transmission Array was also arranged by the Emperor Sword God himself. It can be led by the Great Array by ignoring the Heavenly Sword and walking through it.

Heavenly Sword leads the great array, which is an Array arranged by the Emperor Sword God. It is almost impossible to break. If you want to open a gap from it and enter it, there is only the Immortal Emperor Heavenly Venerate. Only have the ability to do things.

So as long as the Great Array of Heavenly Sword is still there, it is almost impossible for other forces to invade the Heavenly Sword.

This Heavenly Sword led the great array, and was also the shield led by Heavenly Sword, but this time, three High Priests quietly entered the Heavenly Sword led, first beheading the fleshy body of the twenty army masters, and later It also controls the channels of this Transmission Array.

Through this channel, the martial artist of Desolate Ancient can pass the Heavenly Sword and lead the great array, and enter the Heavenly Sword.

Chu Fengmian can see many martial artists of the Desolate Ancient collar now. Through the passage, they enter the Heavenly Sword collar. This castle is like an existence similar to the immortal castle. It can be used as a Legion’s old nest, like a bridgehead.

Obviously, this castle is not as powerful as the immortal must plug itself, the immortal must plug itself, it is a Hanging City, and it can be moved to where needed.

There is no need to build it on the spot like this castle.

“This castle has not been built yet, but it is a good opportunity to make a move.”

Chu Fengmian eyes flashed, looking at the castle in front of him.

“But these three High Priests, if you want to escape, I’m afraid it’s us, it’s not easy to stop them.”

“They can’t escape.”

When the Twentieth Army Master heard Chu Fengmian’s words, there was a cold expression in his eyes.

“I have a way to control this channel and close it. When the three High Priests, impossible escape through the channel.”

Obviously, the Twenty Army Master was prepared long ago and called Chu Fengmian this time to deal with these three High Priests.

“Can the channel be closed?”

If the channel is closed.

The Desolate Ancient leading martial artists in front of them will all become the turtles in the urn, like three High Priests. Although they can play Splitting Skies Sword to lead the great array, they also need a certain amount of preparation time.

If Chu Fengmian shoots now, the three of them will have no chance to play Opening Heaven Sword to lead the great array in a hurry. The three of them are naturally equivalent to and are directly trapped in the Heavenly Sword collar.

“Well, I will deal with these three High Priests. You can block the passage and you can’t let them escape.”

Chu Fengmian directly opened the mouth and said, and the body moved, it was soaring into the sky.

The twentieth army leader also showed no weakness, and flew straight towards the castle.

In this castle.

3 silhouettes, sitting in the highest room, these 3 silhouettes are the three High Priests led by Desolate Ancient, and now the three of them are sitting on the throne, with a relaxed and comfortable expression.

“This time is really easy. The twenty army masters are simply impossible to withstand a single blow. Now we have killed the fleshy body. I’m afraid this person can only hide aside obediently now, no Dare to make a move.”

One of the High Priest, opened the mouth and said with a big laugh.

“This time the powerhouse led by Heavenly Sword is preparing for the Sacred Domain war, and has no time to take care of us. With this opportunity, now we can plunder Heavenly Sword to get a fortune.”

The other High Priest smiled and opened the mouth and said.

“Yes, the last time our Desolate Ancient leader was preparing for the Sacred Domain war, this Heavenly Sword leader, also fiercely, invaded us and plundered our massive resources and wealth. This time it is their turn!”

Desolate Ancient collar, the hatred between Heavenly Sword collar, has a long history, both sides plunder each other, especially which side is going to fight Sacred Domain, need to conserve strength and store up energy, when powerhouse is unwilling to take action, it is exactly Their best chance.

“Lead this twentieth Legion first, plunder it all, and then talk about it. About 30% of the martial artists of my tribe have already entered the Heavenly Sword collar, what about yours?”

Another High Priest opened the mouth and said.

To looting and sweeping, naturally they can’t be the only three of them. They have to rely on the martial artists of the tribe under their command.

“My side is the same.”

“About 40% have come here on my side.”

Both of them replied.

“Very well, when the martial artist of our three tribes arrives at about 50%, we can make a move, and we will wipe out these twenty Legions.”

When the High Priest said this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, but at this time, there was a sudden loud noise resounded from the sky.

The three High Priests suddenly sat up from the throne. They knew that this was someone. When they attacked the castle, they saw that there were numerous cracks on this castle. One of them was a huge sword mark. Conspicuous.

Apparently, he had just been attacked.

“Someone attacked!”

“Did the powerhouse led by Heavenly Sword started it?”

The three High Priest, complexion greatly changed, and at the same time rose from the throne, turned into a light, and flew towards the sky, I saw in midair, a silhouette, standing in this castle Overhead.

This silhouette held the Spirit Sword, and the three High Priest glanced at it and knew that he had just attacked.

“Who are you? Twenty army chief’s helper?”

The three High Priest looked towards Chu Fengmian, with a little surprise in their eyes. Almost all of them knew about the powerhouse of Nine Domains, but the appearance of Chu Fengmian did not belong to any of them in their memory. Powerhouse.

“No matter who this kid is, he is alone now, dare to challenge us, it is act recklessly!”

“Kill! Kill him, this kid is a Heavenly Venerate. The benefits of killing him are much more beneficial than killing some Immortal Emperor fleshy bodies!”

These three High Priests saw it at a glance. The Chu Fengmian in front of him was not an Immortal Emperor, but a Heavenly Venerate. Killing an Immortal Emperor, at best, was just killing a fleshy body. Although some benefits can be obtained, but not many.

But killing a Heavenly Venerate, but completely different, a Heavenly Venerate is the most powerful, is some of their own opportunities, some powerful Bloodline Strength, as long as it is killing that Heavenly Venerate, all this will Belong to them.

The three of them came to the Heavenly Sword collar this time for the purpose of plundering. Faced with such a sudden emergence of Heavenly Venerate, it is the enemy or non-friend.

When these three High Priests spoke, they also took out one after another. Each of them took out different weapons. Among them, the one that attracted Chu Fengmian’s attention most was a piece of wood in the hands of a High Priest. The stick looked like a nearly withered tree branch, but Chu Fengmian felt a powerful Desolate Ancient power on it.

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