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Heavenly Sword leads outside the courtyard of Holy Land.

As usual, the security is strong.

A team of guards patrolled the surrounding area.

Heavenly Sword leads the Holy Land and is also one of the forbidden places in the Imperial Palace of Heavenly Sword. The Imperial Family disciple who has not obtained the qualification to enter will be severely punished if they dare to go here.

“This time, I entered Heavenly Sword to lead Holy Land in just seven days, and the gains it brought were greater than the gains of other sword cultivators, 100,000 years and million years.”

Chu Fengmian stepped out of the courtyard and was also deeply moved.

His gains from entering Heavenly Sword’s Holy Land this time can only be described in terms of horror.

Like a normal Imperial Family disciple, even some princes and princes entered Heavenly Sword to lead Holy Land once. Although it was a huge gain, it was only the harvest of some sword technique moves.

And Chu Fengmian this time, entered Heavenly Sword to lead Holy Land. In just seven days, he took Heavenly Sword to lead all the sword technique Sword Manual in Holy Land, all in the bag, endless mystery, all into the bag In the Sword Dao ancient book, it turned into a weapon in the hands of Chu Fengmian.

Heavenly Sword leads the sword technique in the Holy Land. If it weren’t for the Heavenly Sword led the many powerhouses in the Imperial Family, the Heavenly Sword secret technique left behind, or it was the many powerhouses plundered from outside, the inheritance sword of sect technique.

Now Chu Fengmian has incorporated all the sword techniques in the Book Collection Pavilion, all comprehend, into the Sword Dao ancient book, and even the stone sword, the Heavenly Sword secret technique left by the Emperor Sword God himself is given to comprehend, Even in the previous eight styles, the Last Style of the Heavenly Sword secret technique was calculated.

Heavenly Sword led the Holy Land, inheritance for hundreds of millions of years, accumulation of countless times, and now all of it has been acquired by Chu Fengmian. This opportunity is an opportunity that other sword cultivators and million years cannot get.

Chu Fengmian is also an impatient now, looking for a quiet and safe place to retreat, and turning this harvest into his strength.

When Heavenly Sword secret technique and Heavenly Sword lead many sword techniques in the Holy Land Book Collection Pavilion, Full Mastery, into the 4th Style of Nine Domains Sword Technique, the strength of Chu Fengmian will be advanced by leaps and bounds …

“The Songluo Demon Lord, come out!”

Just over this courtyard, 3 silhouettes, hidden in the space, they are almost silent, hidden here, one of them suddenly looked towards Chu Fengmian, and in this look there is boundless Hatred follows a killing intent.

This silhouette is the true prince who had a conflict with Chu Fengmian in the stone forest.

Beside him, there are two old men. These two old men are dressed in extremely luxurious Imperial Family costumes. They are two Imperial Family princes.

One of the princes, looked towards the true prince, suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“The true prince, this loose demon, although only a nobody, but it is said that he is a friend of the first Imperial Princess. You really want to shoot him, but be careful of the first Imperial Princess’s revenge.”

“If you really kill him, you and the first Imperial Princess will have an enmity.”

Another prince is also opened the mouth and said.

“Would you like to teach him a lesson?”

“Lesson? I must kill him!”

Hearing what these two princes said, the eyes of the true prince showed a bit of madness.

“Through childhood, no one has dared to provoke me so much, a small demonic path martial artist that’s all, thinking that it becomes an imperial family disciple identity, even if it is a personal thing? Such a nobody will kill me Kill, I want to see, then the first Imperial Princess dare to turn my face with me for such a person!”

“Two of you, prepare to take action together. My promise is to count naturally. I will bear all the consequences.”


Hearing the words of the true prince, the two princes did not hesitate. In the palms of their two hands, a Spirit Sword and a Sword Intent appeared at the same time, and they accumulated this in them.

“True Prince, remember your promise!”


When the Sword Intent accumulated to the extreme, the two princes suddenly shot together.

The true prince also shot together in this brief moment.

Above the sky.

3 sword light, suddenly beheaded down, these 3 sword lights are cut down at once, aggressive, countless people have felt it, a terrifying killing intent spreads above the sky.

“Who is it? Who would dare to take action in the Imperial Palace led by Heavenly Sword, and dare to disregard the rules?”

“These 3 sword light, these are the three Immortal Emperor powerhouses!”

“Heavenly Sword secret technique! Is my Heavenly Sword the prince in the Imperial Family?”

“Who shot, who is the target?”

Many martial artists and guards around the courtyard also lifted the head and looked towards the sky. Facing the 3 sword light that suddenly appeared, many people’s eyes were blank and shocked.

Heavenly Sword leads the Imperial Palace, and there is also a rule that does not allow fighting. If it is a general Imperial Family disciple, if you dare to violate this rule, it is a dead end, even if it is some respected princes and national princes. Shots will also be severely punished.

Almost no one dares to take action in the Imperial Palace led by Heavenly Sword.

Someone shot this time, and the three princes joined forces together, which no one thought of.

These 3 sword light, gathered together, reduced the Small Accomplishment in order to be only the size of a hundred zhang, but the power contained in it was condensed to the extreme, and the goal was directed at Chu Fengmian and killed.


Chu Fengmian first lifts the head.

At the moment when the sword light just broke out, he felt a slight threat. His gaze passed through the sword light and saw the 3 silhouette hidden in the space behind the sword light.

A middle-aged man and two old men, among them, the middle-aged man, who is the true prince, is looking towards Chu Fengmian with a hateful look.

And the other two old man, one of whom Chu Fengmian remembers met, was Prince Yu, one of the three princes supervised by Taikoo Secret Realm at the time. He is one of the strongest and above the true prince. Immortal Emperor of the fifth order.

The other old man is a prince that Chu Fengmian has never seen before, but from the first Imperial Princess, he also got the names of many princes and national princes from the Heavenly Sword in the Imperial Family.

I recognized it at a glance, this is Prince Ding.

The two princes lacked hatred and enmity with Chu Fengmian, but at this time, they shot together with the true prince, broke out a sword qi, and beheaded Chu Fengmian.

This is obviously the helper chosen by the real prince. Come and take action together. When Chu Fengmian just left Opening Heaven Sword to lead Holy Land, they all shot together to kill Chu Fengmian,

In these 3 sword qi, Chu Fengmian can feel an extreme killing intent. This is the most important murderous aura trick in the Heavenly Sword secret technique, one strike certain kill, without leaving any emotion. surface.

This true prince, the method is also very ruthless to the extreme.

Chu Fengmian didn’t even think that the true prince would actually take action directly in the Imperial Palace led by Heavenly Sword because of some disputes in the Heavenly Sword led by the Holy Land, to kill Chu Fengmian.

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