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On the contrary, it was Chu Fengmian, who got the heart of Swallowing Heaven Beast and mastered the origin of Swallowing Heaven Beast, which is regarded as the successor recognized by Swallowing Heaven Beast.

If it weren’t for the recognition of Swallowing Heaven Beast, Chu Fengmian had also impossible to swallow the heart of Swallowing Heaven Beast.

One of the keys to mastering Supreme Beginning Strength is to get the approval of the previous strength master.

If you can’t get the other party’s approval, just like the original mad Dragon Emperor, it will backlash itself instead.

Chu Fengmian is now the heir of Swallowing Heaven Beast, but he is the most promising person who can win over Gouchen.

“Do you want to win me over and work for me?”

Gou Chen heard what Chu Fengmian said, but instead said with a big smile.

“Although you are the successor of Lord Swallowing Heaven Beast, your strength is too weak. Your strength is not enough to make me a minister. Unless it is your strength that reaches the same realm as me, I might help you. You work.”

“Today, I just felt the power of Lord Swallowing Heaven Beast. I want to see if the heir chosen by Lord Swallowing Heaven Beast is the who thing. Now it looks like you are out of the ordinary.”

“In the world of Immortal Venerable Realm, you can withstand the octogen’s ultimate move. This kind of talent, in the Desolate Ancient era, I haven’t seen it very much. No wonder you can be recognized by Lord Swallowing Heaven Beast.”

In Gou Chen’s words, he saw through Chu Fengmian’s thoughts at a glance.

But Chu Fengmian is no exception.

Gou Chen is Old Antique who has lived for hundreds of millions of years.

It can even be said that apart from the sleeping masters, this Gochen is definitely the oldest powerhouse. It is not surprising that you can see through Chu Fengmian’s mind at a glance.

Chu Fengmian draws to Gou Chen, and he didn’t conceal anything. For a powerhouse like Gou Chen, all the concealment is meaningless, so it’s better to do it straightforwardly.

Rejected by Gouchen.

Chu Fengmian is not surprised.

If this is the case, you can win over a 9th-order Immortal Emperor and work for him. That would be a dream.

But now, it seems that this Gouchen is recognized for Chu Fengmian, but Chu Fengmian’s current strength is not enough to make this Gouchen a minister.

When Chu Fengmian’s strength is really qualified to be on par with Gou Chen, this Gou Chen will play for Chu Fengmian.

When a character like Gou Chen speaks, it is naturally impossible to have any falsehood. In his capacity, he does not bother to lie.

“I won’t keep you here anymore. If you stay here for too long, you may be noticed by some troublesome characters.”

Gou Chen looked towards Chu Fengmian, slowly opened the mouth and said, his breath has changed a little, as if he was fighting against some existence.

Gou Chen’s strength is extremely weak, as if it is also because of this, his strength is being consumed all the time, and he is fighting against a strange powerhouse.

Only under the aura of Primal Chaos, Chu Fengmian even Gou Chen can barely see. As for what powerhouse Gou Chen is fighting against, he also knows nothing.

“What is the trouble with Senior? If Junior can help, I am willing to help.”

Chu Fengmian saw this scene and hurriedly opened the mouth and said.

“This matter has nothing to do with you.”

Gou Chen looked at Chu Fengmian, shook the head.

“With your strength, you can’t do it yet, don’t ask so much, let’s leave.”

Gou Chen finished speaking and was silent for a while, then looked towards Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said again.

“Since you are the inheritance of Lord Swallowing Heaven Beast, then I will give you a gift.”

“This is a Divine Stone, which contains the breath of my Peak time. You can stay by your side once and save your life at the critical moment.”

“I only hope that you can reach the adult level of Swallowing Heaven Beast, or even stronger, so that you can lead us and find hope.”

Gou Chen said, a fist sized Divine Stone fell in front of Chu Fengmian.

The strength contained in this fist sized Divine Stone is nothing but the Supreme Beginning Strength, which is the Divine Stone in the early days, the most precious Divine Stone in the world, and the material.

According to legend, the weapon built by the Divine Stone at the beginning must be the Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon. The Divine Stone at the beginning is extremely rare in the Primal Chaos era.

As for the development of Primal Chaos, after Desolate Ancient appeared, it almost didn’t exist.

This Gouchen actually left a wave of strength in such a Divine Stone of the Beginning, a boarding incarnation.

With the power of Gouchen, it is indeed not an ordinary material that can carry it. Even Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure cannot carry his power. Only the Divine Stone from the beginning can carry his power.

“According to legend, Gou Chen once won the favor of Swallowing Heaven Beast and inherited a trace of Supreme Beginning Strength, so he is detached from all the beasts, it seems to be true.”

Chu Fengmian also felt that the Supreme Beginning Strength pervading Gou Chen’s body was extremely weak, but the strands of Supreme Beginning Strength were enough to cause an Immortal Emperor to undergo a qualitative change.

In this Divine Stone from the beginning, there is an incarnation of the time when Chen Chen Peak was contained.

The value is priceless.

It can even be said that it is even more powerful and terrifying than the power contained in the Divine Stone of Thunder that Chu Fengmian had obtained in the Divine Palace before.

The Divine Stone of Thunder contains the power of the God of Thunder. Even though the God of Thunder is one of the top ten witch gods, it is not as good as the power to fight alone.

The place where the ten great witch gods are powerful is that the ten great witch gods can join forces and burst out with a strength comparable to or even surpassing the ruler to sweep everything.

This gift is extremely valuable.

Gou Chen is very weak now. Such a Divine Stone from the beginning is of great use to Gou Chen himself, but he chose to give it to Chu Fengmian.

This should be the most precious gift Gou Chen can give.

“Many thanks to Senior.”

Chu Fengmian took over the Divine Stone from the beginning, and he respectfully checked Chen.

“No need to do this, I also want the power of Lord Swallowing Heaven Beast to be inherited. For this jade talisman, I also refined it. As long as it is in the Nine Domains, you can Through this jade symbol, open a space channel and you can come to this Taikoo Secret Realm at any time.”

It was another jade talisman, flew in front of Chu Fengmian, Chu Fengmian took the jade talisman, and Gou Chen stopped looking at Chu Fengmian and calmly opened the mouth and said.

“It’s time for you to leave, I will let you go.”

Gou Chen did not wait for Chu Fengmian to speak, he opened the mouth and said directly.

“These Supreme Treasures for life extension, given to Senior, should be able to help Senior recover.”

Feeling the Space Power around him, Chu Fengmian quickly took out a space ring, threw it to Gou Chen, and then his figure quietly disappeared in this piece of Primal Chaos.

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