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In the face of the first Imperial Princess, blindly defending is meaningless.

Chu Fengmian also knows this.

He has been looking for the weak spot in the first Imperial Princess sword technique.

And this sword is exactly the weak spot of the first Imperial Princess.

Grabbing almost, Chu Fengmian without the slightest hesitation, shot directly.

This time, Chu Fengmian is no longer bound to the Sanluo sword technique.

He also knew that the first Imperial Princess in front of him was not a figure that Chu Fengmian was hiding his strength and could fight against. He simply didn’t hide the sword technique anymore, and the power of the Sword Dao ancient book exploded.

With one sword, he displayed hundreds of sword techniques recorded in the Sword Dao ancient book. These hundreds of sword techniques erupted at the same time, slashing towards the first Imperial Princess.

Countless sword lights turned into the sword light gusts that swept Heaven and Earth. The first Imperial Princess was shrouded by the sword light gusts. Even if they wanted to move a step, it was impossible.

“Finally displayed the real sword technique? Slaughter Sword Technique? Babuyu sword technique? Wushuang sword technique? This is the sword technique of the purple crystal stone Human Race, which is the sword of Dragon Clan’s Martial Dao. technique?”

The first Imperial Princess, seeing these hundreds of sword light beheaded, she was originally very calm, because she also knew that the true strength of Chu Fengmian and the Sword Dao of Chu Fengmian were much more than that.

Whether it is the Sanluo sword technique or the Demon Race sword technique, it should be Chu Fengmian deliberately concealing his identity. The sword technique he mastered, among other things.

But when she carefully saw the power contained in this one after another sword technique, even she was extremely surprised.

These sword techniques don’t seem to have any connection, and even some of the mysterious ones between the sword techniques are in conflict. They are not a sword technique that can be performed by one person, but they are now in Chu Fengmian alone. In the hand, it came out.

The first Imperial Princess even felt that what she was facing now was a large army, an army composed of countless sword cultivator powerhouses.

“go! “

Chu Fengmian ignored the surprise of the first Imperial Princess.

He also wants to see now that the true strength of the first Imperial Princess, like Chu Fengmian, is not her true strength.

In the body of the first Imperial Princess, Chu Fengmian felt the power of the primordial age. The first Imperial Princess in front of him, like Chu Fengmian, was a character who had survived the great catastrophe and mastered the power of the primordial age. .

There is still a huge power hidden in her body, and the strength shown now is only the tip of the iceberg of her true strength.

These hundreds of sword techniques are now all incorporated into the Sword Dao ancient book, and Chu Fengmian showed them all in one fell swoop, which is to show all the truly mysterious of these hundreds of sword techniques.

In addition to the creation of the Nine Domains Sword Technique and the condense of Chu Fengmian from the Sword Dao ancient book, this can be done. Any other sword cultivator, even the Sword God Emperor, or even the Master of Chu Fengmian, Lord of Sword Dao, it is impossible to do this step.

This is the path that Chu Fengmian himself blazed.

A path no one has ever walked.

Faced with the envelope of these hundreds of sword techniques.

The complexion of the first Imperial Princess changed slightly. In her eyes, she didn’t know what she was thinking about.

At this moment, Chu Fengmian’s voice suddenly came out.

“What’s the matter? Don’t you plan to continue to shoot? Your true strength is more than this step.”

Chu Fengmian seems to have seen the hesitation of the first Imperial Princess, said with a smile.

“Use your primordial power.”


The first Imperial Princess complexion greatly changed, as if was struck by lightning, it seems completely unthinkable that Chu Fengmian actually said this sentence.

The power of the beginning.

The power that can only be mastered by the characters who have survived the great catastrophe.

She mastered the power of the primordial beginning and survived the great catastrophe, but no one knew about it, even the powerhouse in the Imperial Family led by Heavenly Sword, and the Sword God emperor in the Heavenly Sword led. at this point.

Never thought that Chu Fengmian’s words directly revealed her greatest secret.

“How did you know?”

In the eyes of the first Imperial Princess, there is a boundless killing intent. This killing intent is completely different from the one in her eyes. The killing intent in her eyes just now can be regarded as a disguise If this is the case, it is a real killing intent.

On behalf of this first Imperial Princess, it is already planning to kill Chu Fengmian directly and desperately.

“It’s easy.”

Chu Fengmian clicked the palm of his hand, and a stream of light drifted across his hand.

This stream of light cannot be seen or felt by anyone. This is the power of the beginning.

Only those who have really survived the great catastrophe can see and feel the power.

“Me too.”

Chu Fengmian’s face is extremely relaxed.

“How, let’s talk about it.”

“The Power of the Beginning…”

The first Imperial Princess, when I saw this stream of light, the killing intent in his eyes was much lighter, and his face was relaxed.

“You actually survived the Heaven-defying Calamity? No wonder, you also have such strength… Since you also survived the Heaven-defying Calamity, then you are my companion, not my enemy. ”

After the first Imperial Princess said, the aura on her body changed, and the fighting intent disappeared completely.

This sudden change left Chu Fengmian in a daze.

He just wanted to show his strength and force back the first Imperial Princess.

Unexpectedly, the first Imperial Princess reacted like this.

However, the No. 1 Imperial Princess is no longer taking action now, which is in line with Chu Fengmian’s mind. He didn’t plan to fight with the No. 1 Imperial Princess anymore.

The identity of the first Imperial Princess is no better than other people, like that too imaginary Heavenly Venerate, Chu Fengmian kills if he kills it, it’s nothing.

Even Ling Guogong, Qing prince, Chu Fengmian killed them.

But this first Imperial Princess is different. She is the Number One Person of the younger generation of the Imperial Family from Heavenly Sword. She has a lofty status. Even if it is many princes, the status of the prince is far inferior to her. It can be said to be the entire Heavenly Sword. Lead one of the most central figures in the Imperial Family.

Killing the first Imperial Princess, but the major event of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, is even bigger than Chu Fengmian’s destruction of the Transmission Array.

Add this, but in the Taikoo Secret Realm, even if Chu Fengmian wants to escape, he has nowhere to escape, so he is impossible to kill the first Imperial Princess and let the first Imperial Princess take the initiative to retreat. This is the best result for Chu Fengmian.

But this changed the attitude of the first Imperial Princess, but it turned an enemy into a friend at once, which made Chu Fengmian a little unexpected.

“This is not a place to talk. Come with me.”

The first Imperial Princess saw the doubt in Chu Fengmian’s eyes and didn’t explain it. She opened the mouth and said directly to Chu Fengmian. After speaking, she turned into a light and flew away.

Chu Fengmian didn’t hesitate at all, turned into a light, and chased him up.

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