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The huge poisonous net, in this hole, cracked the ground, pierced by the sword shadow of the Breaking Sea Three Swords, a huge gap was penetrated.

Chu Fengmian body moved, seizing this opportunity, transformed into a sword light, and rushed in the direction of this rift, intending to escape the envelope of the poisonous net directly.


But at this time, suddenly a sword light slashed down from the sky. The target of this sword light was Chu Fengmian, which fell in front of Chu Fengmian, the rift in the poisonous net. Among.

The gap that was originally penetrated is now suddenly shrouded by a sword light, which prevents Chu Fengmian from trying to escape.

“The ancient snake Sword Monarch, your strength is indeed far beyond my expectations, but today, it is still your death date.”

Beside this a sword light, a middle-aged man in a Taoist robe slowly appeared. He looked at Chu Fengmian as if looking towards a fish swimming in the bottom of a cauldron.

This silhouette is naturally too imaginary Heavenly Venerate.

This too imaginary Heavenly Venerate, hiding around the valley, accumulating strength for a long time, waiting for this moment.

Tai Xu Heavenly Venerate has long been hidden around the valley, ready to take off. In this brief moment, he suddenly shot, this a sword light directly blocked the gap that Chu Fengmian had just opened with the Three Luos and Three Swords.

Tai Xu Heavenly Venerate intends to take advantage of the opportunity of the five poisonous Divine Bird to take advantage of the opportunity to join forces to kill Chu Fengmian.

“I used to plot against me in the Imperial Palace led by Heavenly Sword, and now I join forces with the five poisonous Divine Bird to kill you, which is considered a courtesy visit!”

Tai Xu Heavenly Venerate sneered, looked towards Chu Fengmian, as if looked towards a dead person.

He could see that the sword that Chu Fengmian just displayed was definitely the most mysterious sword among the three Luo sword techniques. Even if it is a Heavenly Venerate, it must be The power is exhausted.

Heavenly Venerate, after all, is not a fairy emperor. There is no Smaller Thousand Worlds that can continuously replenish power. Therefore, in a normal fight, Heavenly Venerate can even suppress many fairy emperors, but once they fall into a bloody battle, they are caught in a protracted battle. The power of the Emperor is far stronger than Heavenly Venerate.

This is also a fatal weakness of Heavenly Venerate.

As Heavenly Venerate’s Taixu Heavenly Venerate, I know this naturally.

He鈥檚 shot at this time, and it鈥檚 OK. Now Chu Fengmian should have exhausted the Spiritual Force, so at this time, it is impeccable to cooperate with the large poisonous network of the five-headed poison Divine Bird. Even if Chu Fengmian’s strength is strong, he cannot escape death today.

Taixu Heavenly Venerate鈥檚 plot against is extremely deep, and it also finds the right opportunity. Once it is shot, it is an absolute killer move, one strike certain kill.

“Tai Xu Heavenly Venerate, do you really think that I can’t count that you will come to sneak attack?”

In the face of Taixu’s Heavenly Venerate’s sneak attack, Chu Fengmian didn’t have any panic on his face. Instead, his face was calm, as if he had already reached all this, he was extremely calm.

This kind of calmness made Taixu Heavenly Venerate feel a little flustered, but Taixu Heavenly Venerate is also a Sect’s Master. After experiencing life and death battles many times, he has already calmed down to the extreme.

“The bravery of tongues that鈥檚 all, waiting for you to die today in this Taikoo Secret Realm, the Heavenly Sword Alliance you established is just a bunch of clay chickens and pottery dogs, impossible to withstand a single blow!”

“Don’t struggle in vain, just give up.”

Tai Xu鈥檚 Heavenly Venerate鈥檚 power is exhausted. In the huge toxic net, the gap that was originally blasted by the Three Luos and Three Swords, a huge sword realm suddenly appeared, among which countless sword edges emerged. This It is the strongest move of the Void Sword Sect, the Void Sword Sect.

The formidable power of this Supreme Void Sword Realm is even stronger than the large poisonous net of the five poisonous Divine Birds.

Tai Xu Heavenly Venerate does not intend to take the initiative. He only needs to cooperate with this virulent network and enshroud Chu Fengmian in it. Chu Fengmian will undoubtedly die. If he is rushing now, he will only find a counterattack for Chu Fengmian. opportunity.

Faced with Taixu’s Heavenly Venerate’s ridicule, Chu Fengmian’s expression remained unchanged. His body moved suddenly turned into a light, rushing in the direction of Taixu’s Heavenly Venerate.

“Want to escape?”

Tai Xu Heavenly Venerate stepped out, and it was also blocked by the gap of this toxic big net. His goal is one, to envelop Chu Fengmian in the toxic big net, and wait until the big toxic net gradually shrinks. , Is the occasion of the fall of Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian’s sword light, just when he was about to rush to the gap of the poisonous big net, suddenly changed its direction and cut directly at Taixu Heavenly Venerate.

“San Luo!”

Another 3 sword shadow appeared above Chu Fengmian’s head. Among them, the sword shadow representing the “broken air”, directly attacked Taixu Heavenly Venerate.

Chu Fengmian actually launched a killer move against Taixu Heavenly Venerate at this time.

This was something Taixu Heavenly Venerate hadn’t expected. He thought that Chu Fengmian must find a way to escape from this virulent net.

He also just saw the power of this poisonous big net. Once this formidable power is enveloped, even if he is in it, it is powerless to defend himself, dead end.


Almost all the power of Heavenly Venerate of Taixu turned into the Sword Realm of Taixu, shrouded in the gap of the poisonous big net, the blocker Chu Fengmian.

Now Chu Fengmian attacked him suddenly, but it was something that Heavenly Venerate didn’t expect. He complexion changed, barely swinging his sword, and resisting this sword.

At this moment, above Chu Fengmian’s head, the other two sword shadows, representing the two sword shadows of the Sanluo sword technique “breaking the ground” and “Breaking Sea”, are also aimed at Taixu Heavenly Venerate. Past.


Tai Xu Heavenly Venerate mouth spurt blood came out, these two sword shadows, he barely resisted, the huge power was directly poured into his body, almost bringing his body alive Shattered.

Heavenly Venerate is not the emperor.

His current body is his body. Once the body is destroyed, even a ray of power of Heavenly Venerate can escape, and if he barely survives, he will lose most of his strength. This is impossible for any Heavenly Venerate. The price to bear.

Chu Fengmian shot this time and almost destroyed Heavenly Venerate’s body.

Tai Xu Heavenly Venerate’s face became extremely embarrassing.

He thought it was with no difficulty to delay Chu Fengmian, but he couldn’t even dream of it. Now, the true meaning of the comprehended Sanluo sword technique, Chu Fengmian, actually possesses such terrible strength.

The true essence of the comprehended Sanluo sword technique can be seen from the long history of condense, “breaking the air”, “breaking the ground” and “Breaking Sea.” Emperor.

Although there is still a gap compared to Chu Fengmian’s true strength, compared to his original strength, it has increased countless times.

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