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“courting death!”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes were somewhat cold.

He promised ten Third Princes to seize three hidden treasures for the ten Third Princes. Now the Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king dares to compete.

With a move of his palm, a Spirit Sword was condensed in his hand, turned into a sword light, and directly killed it.


When this Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king saw Chu Fengmian, he also showed a fierce killing intent. He gave a long scream, and the surrounding swamp suddenly violently violent, oppressing Chu Fengmian.

This Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king is already different from other Desolate Ancient monsters. He only knows how to fight with the fleshy body, and already knows how to use spell.

This kind of spell, although extremely simple, and nothing mysterious at all, but with the strength of this Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king comparable to the Heavenly Venerate Immortal Emperor, it was shot at a sudden, and it was enough to turn the head of an Immortal Emperor.

However, Chu Fengmian is not an ordinary Immortal Emperor Heavenly Venerate. His strength on the surface alone is comparable to that of the fifth-order Immortal Emperor. His sword edge flashes, and he has hundreds of thousands of feet. Big, beheaded down, this soaring swamp, all destroyed.

And Chu Fengmian himself stepped forward, pointing straight to Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King and rushing over.

This Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king seemed to be aware of Chu Fengmian’s move. The moment Chu Fengmian appeared in front of him, the huge fleshy body of the Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king suddenly shattered, rushing towards Chu Fengmian bumped over.

The surrounding space was stagnated because of the collision of Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King.

The scale armor of the Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King is extremely strong, not only the defense is extremely strong, once it is used for collision, it is also a supreme weapon, compared with the power of Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon, it is not weak.

Any Immortal Emperor Heavenly Venerate who encounters such a Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king must have a strategic withdrawal and dare not resist him. Compared to even the Immortal Emperor martial artist of the cultivation Dao of Body Refinement, When it comes to fleshy body, it is far inferior to this Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king.


However, Chu Fengmian had no idea of ​​retreating. He held the Spirit Sword and rushed directly at the Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King, and slashed his sword on the hard scales of the Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King.

I saw all the scales on the Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king, and they began to shatter one after another, and cracks appeared. The scales of this Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king actually have a mysterious body with a witch god’s real body. A scale armor seems to be independent, but connected together, once it encounters an attack, they will bear the formidable power together.

However, the formidable power of Chu Fengmian’s sword is extremely powerful, comparable to the power of the fifth-order Immortal Emperor, and all exploded. I saw the scales on the Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king, all shattered. With a single sword, the vitality of this Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King was completely cut off.

“The strength of this Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King is almost comparable to that of Tier 3 Immortal Emperor, but it can still be killed by my sword.”

Chu Fengmian saw that the Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King was beheaded by him with a single sword, and he sighed. This is not a state of full strength. Chu Fengmian could actually do this.

Of course, the strength of this Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King is comparable to the third-order Immortal Emperor, but after all, it is not a real third-order Immortal Emperor. Any Immortal Emperor has its own Smaller Thousand Worlds, and its life force is extremely powerful.

The difficulty of killing a Desolate Ancient alien beast is completely different from destroying a Smaller Thousand Worlds.

This Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King should only be regarded as a powerful Heavenly Venerate, not an Immortal Emperor at all, and compared with the human Heavenly Venerate, the spiritual wisdom of this Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King is still weaker. Many, I didn’t know how to dodge, and I fought hard with Chu Fengmian, and was finally beheaded by Chu Fengmian.

If you change to Li Xue Heavenly Venerate and Evernight Heavenly Venerate, the strength of the two of them will not be better than the Desolate Ancient giant king, but Chu Fengmian wants to kill them, but it is better than killing this Desolate Ancient giant. Crocodile King, ten times, a hundred times more difficult.

“It’s a pity, the scales of this Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King are completely broken.”

Chu Fengmian glanced at the corpse of the Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King, and then included it in the space ring.

This Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king, but the Immortal Emperor Heavenly Venerate used to be the Desolate Ancient alien animal, the Strength of Fleshly Body is incredibly powerful, and it is the perfect refining material.

It’s just that the most powerful scale armor of this Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King was destroyed by Chu Fengmian’s sword. Otherwise, this scale armor, plus some wonders from the heavens, can definitely be refined into one piece. Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon level fairy armor, formidable power is not under the fairy armor on Ten Third Prince.

However, in order to quickly slay the Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King, Chu Fengmian didn’t care about that many anymore. If he wanted to keep the scales of the Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King, it would be very difficult to kill it. too much.

Looking at Chu Fengmian in the blink of an eye, he beheaded the Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King, and put the body of the Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King into the space ring. Ten Third Princes still did not react.

In his opinion, even if Chu Fengmian’s strength is strong, he will definitely have a bloody battle when he encounters the Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king.

Ten Third Prince is only a law immortal, he can’t see the specific strength of this Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king, but judging from the far surpasses of this Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king, this is definitely Immortal Emperor Desolate Ancient alien beast of the heavenly level.

The fleshy body Bloodline of Desolate Ancient alien beasts is so tyrannical. The martial artist of the same realm can hardly deal with it, even more how to kill it.

Chu Fengmian beheaded the Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king so easily, it really made the Ten Third Prince never dream of it.

“The Desolate Ancient giant crocodile king has been beheaded. There is no Desolate Ancient alien beast nearby. Please hurry up and collect the hidden treasure.”

Rather than waiting for ten Third Prince to ask questions, Chu Fengmian took the lead in opening the mouth and said.

Hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, Ten Third Prince also suppressed the suspicion in his heart, and hurryed to collect the pyramid.

This kind of hidden treasure in the Primordial Secret Realm, once it is encountered, it must be collected quickly, and only if it is collected will it be considered as handed. Otherwise, who knows what accidents will happen.

The Primordial Secret Realm itself has many dangers. Even the Desolate Ancient Giant Crocodile King is just one of the powerful existences of Desolate Ancient alien beasts, and can’t be called one of the giants.

Once it encounters a more powerful Desolate Ancient alien beast, Chu Fengmian can’t handle it. This pyramid, Ten Third Prince can only give away.

In addition, the threat in the Primordial Secret Realm is not only the Desolate Ancient alien beast, but the other princes who enter the Primordial Secret Realm are even more threatening, just like the three Peak figures among the princes.

The first emperor, the Sixth Imperial Prince, and the second Tenth Imperial Prince.

Now if the ten Third Prince meets any one who intends to rob the pyramid, the ten Third Prince will not be able to fight at all and can only give in.

When ten Third Prince entered the pyramid and collected the inheritance of the Holy Spirit clan among them, Ten Third Prince couldn’t help but think of it.

“The strength of this ancient snake, Sword Monarch, is stronger than that shown in the courtyard.”

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