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Sanluo sword technique’s 1st Style, breaking through the air.

This a sword light burst out, sweeping everything, and the frozen ice around it was shattered under this sword.

The ice of Li Xue Heavenly Venerate is much harder than Immortal Grade.

But now, under Chu Fengmian’s sword, in an instant, it was all ruthlessly chopped up.

The power of a sword light, after cutting through the surrounding Profound Ice, it swept away directly in the direction of Li Xue Heavenly Venerate, Li Xue Heavenly Venerate complexion greatly changed, and hurriedly went with the Profound Ice Spirit Sword in his hand withstand.

hong long!

The two forces collided in the air.

The Profound Ice Spirit Sword in Li Xue’s Heavenly Venerate’s hands was all under this collision. Numerous cracks appeared. The next moment was shattered, and the tyrannical force made Li Xue’s Heavenly Venerate quickly retreat, looking pale. .


At the moment when Li Xue Heavenly Venerate was forced to retreat, the black robed man also made a sudden move. The blade in his hand was cut out with a single sword. In this blade, there was endless darkness, as if It is to swallow the light of the world, and the entire Inside the palace is turned into darkness in an instant.

“Yongye Sword Art? Yongye Heavenly Venerate?”

Seeing that the surrounding area plunged into darkness, it was like eternal night.

In an instant, Chu Fengmian recognized the true identity of this black robed man, who actually was Heavenly Venerate forever.

This Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate is also a well-known powerhouse on the sect side. Like Li Xue Heavenly Venerate, he is a Lose Cultivator martial artist. After getting the amazing opportunity, he jumped in. The realm of Heavenly Venerate is also a well-known Old Antique in sect.

Compared with Li Xue’s Heavenly Venerate, this eternal night Heavenly Venerate is much more mysterious. It’s close to an era, and he hasn’t appeared before. Now he has also devoted himself to the command of Ten Third Prince.

As soon as this Sword Art of Eternal Night comes out, the world will turn into Eternal Night. Once it is completely enveloped, there is no retreat, no escape, and you will be trapped in it for life.

However, Chu Fengmian’s expression remained unchanged. When the sword in his hand moved, it turned into a sword light and rose into the sky.

“Split the ground!”

The 2nd Style of Sanluo sword technique!

This a sword light, turned into ten thousand zhang sword glow, forcibly beheaded down, wherever the sword light passed, this dark eternal night was split with a gap, and finally it was completely split. Divided into two halves.

This Yongye sword technique, in front of Chu Fengmian, is not worth mentioning at all.

This ten thousand zhang sword glow is cut in the direction of Yongye Heavenly Venerate.

oh la la!

Yongye Heavenly Venerate didn’t seem to expect that the darkness of the night night with his full concentration was crushed like this. He also quickly resisted with the Spirit Sword in his hand, but he still couldn’t bear the strength of the sword and was suddenly Forced back out.

Although he barely stabilized his figure, Yongye Heavenly Venerate is now battered and exhausted. The black robe on his body has been broken, revealing his original appearance.

Li Xue, Heavenly Venerate, is even more miserable. His chest is slashed by the sword, drenched with blood. Although for a Heavenly Venerate, this is not an injury, but it is a big one. shame.

“With this strength, dare to teach me a lesson?”

Chu Fengmian has the advantage with one move, and he is not doing it either, a little sneeered appears at the corner of his mouth.

This Li Xue Heavenly Venerate, Yongye Heavenly Venerate, and Chu Fengmian will kill them if they kill them today, but the two of them are now engaged in Ten Third Prince after all.

It’s not a good choice to kill people on the spot here.

After showing his strength, Chu Fengmian chose to stop.

Ten Third Prince, now he has walked out of the surrounding Array, but his complexion is not very good-looking. He just played against each other, although it was in an instant, but the winner has already been decided. .

This Li Xue Heavenly Venerate, Yongye Heavenly Venerate, and the two Heavenly Venerate powerhouses joined forces, but they were not Chu Fengmian’s opponents. They were defeated by Chu Fengmian, especially the Array he set up with all his heart. They were all in the fight just now. In the aftermath, he was broken by a click.

This is the end of Chu Fengmian’s deliberate retention of his hands. Otherwise, Chu Fengmian really used all his strength. Even if these ten Third Princes are protected by the Array in the main hall, he will only have a dead end after all.

“Your Highness, are you satisfied?”

Chu Fengmian’s gaze looked towards the Ten Third Prince beside him.

He ignored Li Xue’s Heavenly Venerate and Yongye Heavenly Venerate anymore.

These two people have just pressed harder and harder, forcing Chu Fengmian to do something. In fact, they are the ten Third Princes behind the scenes.

If Ten Third Prince didn’t speak, the two of them would never dare to be in this main hall and directly do it.

This is a temptation for Chu Fengmian, and also an initial show of strength for Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian knows it clearly in his heart. Now he opens his mouth directly, and also breaks this layer of window paper that’s all.

This caused the ten Third Prince’s face to change slightly. After a while, I didn’t know what decision I thought about it, and the Ten Third Prince opened the mouth and said.

“The strength of Sword Monarch is really strong. Come here, bring two worshippers, and go down to heal.”


Someone came soon and took Li Xue Heavenly Venerate and left with Yongye Heavenly Venerate.

Actually, today, Ten Third Prince asked them to come over, in order to make a move, set up an initial show of strength for Chu Fengmian, and tell Chu Fengmian in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself. His subordinates can also Suppress Chu Fengmian’s powerhouse.

To be on the safe side, this time ten Third Princes not only called a Heavenly Venerate powerhouse, but two of them.

In Ten Third Prince’s plan, no matter how strong the ancient snake Sword Monarch is, it is also impossible to be Li Xue Heavenly Venerate and Evernight Heavenly Venerate. These two veteran Heavenly Venerate opponents are right.

After all, whether it is Li Xue Heavenly Venerate or Yongye Heavenly Venerate, they are both powerhouses that have been famous for a long time on the sect side. Even in the military, many military leaders fight alone, they may not be the two of them. opponent.

As long as Chu Fengmian is given an initial show of strength, he can better control Chu Fengmian and the Heavenly Sword Alliance.

This plan was originally seamless.

What he could not even dream of was that Chu Fengmian’s strength had reached such a terrifying level. The two Heavenly Venerates joined hands and were even easily suppressed by Chu Fengmian.

Moreover, it seems that Chu Fengmian has no intention of using all his strength. This kind of strength is simply deep and unmeasurable, far beyond the expectations of Ten Third Prince, so that he didn’t even make any preparations. That said.

“His Royal Highness, don’t worry, I am here today, and I am also going to discuss a cooperation with His Highness.”

Chu Fengmian saw this scene and smiled and opened the mouth and said.

He just shot, and he also has the idea of ​​shocking these ten Third Princes.

These ten Third Princes wanted to give Chu Fengmian an initial show of strength. Then Chu Fengmian returned to the other body by his way, showing his strength.

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