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After leaving Heavenly Prison, Chu Fengmian brought Sun and Moon Sect Master and the others into the space he created.

With Chu Fengmian’s current strength, opening up a Small World is a matter of a snap. Even more how is to open up a space that no one knows in this Heavenly Sword Alliance Small World.

Now in the Heavenly Sword Alliance, Chu Long has always been sitting in town, and Chu Fengmian is not worried, someone will discover the secret.

Bringing Sun and Moon Sect Master and the others to this space, Chu Fengmian took out the refining methods and materials of the golden armor Dao soldiers, and ordered them to refine the golden armor Dao soldiers.

Even if these people are reluctant, but under the power of All Heavens Life and Death, they can’t help resisting. They can only obediently obey orders and refine the golden armor Dao soldiers for Chu Fengmian.

“In five years, if we can refine more golden armor Dao soldiers to form Legion, wait until the Nine Domains barrier completely disappears, and the moment the Sacred Domain war breaks out, I don’t know how much loss can be reduced by the Sword Dao gate.”

The Sacred Domain war is cruel.

Even the Overlord Influence of the Three Great Saint Territories will be violently impacted. The Sword Dao gate is even more so. Chu Fengmian cannot change all of this. He can only do his best to reduce losses for the Sword Dao gate. .

After arranging all this, Chu Fengmian returned to the hall again.

“Alliance Leader, the eighth Legion leader this time, the military merits of eliminating betraying the sect have been distributed.”

Seeing Chu Fengmian’s arrival, Donghe Sect Master suddenly walked over, opened the mouth and said.

“Military merit?”

Chu Fengmian was stunned for a moment, and then he thought that among the eighth Legion, the reason why the generals of the Legion were extremely hostile to the Heavenly Sword Alliance was because the Heavenly Sword Alliance had wiped out a large number of betraying the sect, All of the military merits of eliminating these betraying the sects are taken for themselves.

Although it is said that Chu Fengmian eliminated the sect this time, in essence, his purpose is to make these betraying the sect join the Heavenly Sword Alliance, so that Chu Fengmian can get these inheritance secret techniques of betraying the sect.

But this can be considered indirectly wiped out all those betraying the sect, so Chu Fengmian also got a lot of military merit.

Although the Heavenly Sword Alliance belongs to the power of the sect side, now with the power of Ten Third Princes, Chu Fengmian is already a general of the Seventh Army regiment, and he can naturally gain military merit.

Chu Fengmian took out the status token and injected a Spiritual Force into it. Suddenly, a number of 15,000 appeared. This number represents the military merits of Chu Fengmian.

“So much?”

Seeing this number, Chu Fengmian was a little surprised.

15,000 military merits, which is a huge number.

Chu Fengmian once killed several generals led by Heavenly Sword, and from their memory, understood Heavenly Sword led many things. For military martial artists, military merit is the most important currency.

Military merit can be exchanged for sword technique and materials in the military. Almost everything you can think of can be exchanged for military merit to obtain military merit. It is also the best means for these military martial artists to improve their strength.

The value of this military merit is extremely high. Generally, it is only a few dozen points of military merit to complete a task. For example, if you encounter a task like betraying the sect, destroying a betraying the sect is only a few hundred points of military merit.

A general may not be able to accumulate a hundred points of military merit in a year.

Chu Fengmian this time, it’s because the Heavenly Sword Alliance almost wiped out most of the eighth Legion leader’s betraying the sect, and thus obtained a huge amount of military merit. These military merits should have been distributed to other people.

But the dragon two and dragon three who shot are all servants of Chu Fengmian, and now all of these military achievements have fallen into the hands of Chu Fengmian.

“With so many military exploits, you can get a lot of good things from the military.”

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved, after thinking about it, he was going to leave.

“I am going to imperial city.”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

Outside now, because of Jiazong treasure pagoda, things are still in chaos. Heavenly Sword Alliance is also taking the opportunity to cultivate health, and it is not easy to get started. Chu Fengmian is better off going out than just idle here.

The military base camp is also located in the imperial city led by Heavenly Sword. Only in the imperial city can military merit be exchanged.

These military merits are kept as well. It is better to exchange some treasures. Chu Fengmian is also a little curious about the imperial city led by Heavenly Sword, so he is going to take a look.

Anyway, now he has the status of a general of the Seventh Army, and no one can help Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian confessed a few words from Donghe Sect Master, stepping out, leaving Heavenly Sword Alliance Small World directly, and flew towards the imperial city.

This time Chu Fengmian did not bring Long Er and Long San, but he went alone.

imperial city, located in the First Army leader of Heavenly Sword, is the core of the entire Heavenly Sword leader. The Imperial Palace, leader of Heavenly Sword, and the military base camp are all located in the imperial city, even the Emperor Sword God , All retreat and sleep in imperial city.

Along the way, Chu Fengmian, relying on his identity as the general of the Seventh Army regiment, is unimpeded all the way, no one can stop Chu Fengmian, he easily crossed the lead of each and everyone Legion, and finally entered the First Army regiment. In the collar.

Just after entering the First Army leader, Chu Fengmian saw a huge city, this city is pure white, even the city wall is pure white, it looks extremely holy.

Around this imperial city, there is a squad composed of countless golden armored soldiers, patrolling day and night, never stopping. Any martial artist who wants to be in imperial city today must reveal his identity. After being inspected Before you can enter it.

Chu Fengmian got the memories of those generals. For all of this, he was already used to it. He controlled it lightly. Whatever he wanted, he passed the test, and he truly entered the imperial city.

The imperial city led by Heavenly Sword is not as strict as this military battle. The owner of this imperial city is still the Heavenly Sword led by the Imperial Family in name, so it is not as strict as the area under the jurisdiction of the military. .

However, the base camp of the military is also located in the imperial city. After all, Heavenly Sword leads the military. Even if they are now hidden the sky with one hand, they are still acknowledge allegiance under the Sword God and they dare not be independent. , And the military base camp is located in the imperial city, also to protect the safety of the Imperial Family disciple.

In such an environment, imperial city is almost the safest place in the Heavenly Sword collar, even the Imperial Family disciple, dare not to be in this one, and shoot at will.

On the streets of this imperial city, there are even some shops selling treasures, soldiers, and even military ships. Behind many of these shops are the military.

Things like silver soldiers and military ships, even if they are spread out, will not have much impact, but can be exchanged for a lot of resources.

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