Even if Heavenly Sword leads the Imperial Family and transcendent position, there is no way to obtain the refining method of this golden armor Taoist soldier.

Now I actually got it from the inheritance of Jiazong treasure pagoda.

“It seems that this time, a good harvest.”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes showed a satisfied smile.

The method of refining this golden armor Taoist soldier alone is worth Chu Fengmian this time. He entered the Kyoho mountain range at the risk of his identity being exposed and seized the treasure pagoda of the Jiazong.

“Oh? Anything else?”

Chu Fengmian continued his search. Among the inheritance of the Jiazong treasure pagoda, apart from the refining method of the golden armor Dao soldiers, there is actually another method of refining Dao soldiers.

“This is the refining method of the Imperial God General?”

Chu Fengmian took a closer look, a surprised look appeared in his eyes.

This last inheritance, recorded, turned out to be the refining method of the Imperial God General. This Imperial God General is a kind of Taoist soldier that Chu Fengmian saw after he came to this Jiazong treasure pagoda. .

In the Jiazong, the Royal God General is the general in charge of dominating the Dao soldiers, and he is one of the core forces in the Jiazong.

Goshen generals have consciousness, but they also belong to Taoist soldiers. Under the control of the Gods generals, the Dao soldiers can exert the greatest formidable power, like now whether it is the military or the sect side, They are all commanded by martial artist.

This is naturally inferior to the God General who is connected with the Taoist soldiers. The same Taoist squad, under the command of the God General, can increase its power by more than 30%.

This imperial general is an absolute good thing, even more how the imperial general is not weak in strength. The refined imperial general is the weakest in the Immortal Venerable Realm world.

Because the gods will have some consciousness, they also have different abilities from Dao soldiers, that is, cultivation, they will self-cultivation and improve their strength.

Like the 20 imperial generals who are currently on the top of the treasure pagoda of Jiazong, their strength is that they have nothing common with each other. The two headed among them have reached the level of the law immortal.

Of course, the imperial general, not a martial artist, naturally impossible comprehend law, but his real battle strength, reaching the level of the law immortal, the other imperial generals also have the strength of the immortal peak, only the weakest two , Is the strength of the general Immortal Venerable.

The Imperial God General is the most important point in Jiazong inheritance. According to memory, Jiazong inheritance, the real Sect-protection Priceless Treasure, sect protecting inheritance, is three. The first is the Imperial God General, Jiazong is most strong in the Dao soldiers.

Secondly, it is the immortal fortress, the steel fortress of Jiazong, the real military camp.

As for the third one, it’s fairy armor. Of course, Jiazong’s fairy armor is not Immortal Grade armor, but a condensate of Taoist and armor, a martial artist who has just stepped into the Celestial Realm. Wearing the fairy armor of Jiazong, you can display the strength of the immortal saint and even the immortal sovereign.

Jiazong martial artists are not cultivation Martial Dao. Their cultivation is just for prolonging life that’s all. The martial artists of Jiazong rely on this kind of fairy armor in their battles.

However, the inheritance of this fairy armor, among the treasure pagoda that Chu Fengmian has obtained now, is not at all, nor is there on the military side. It should not have been born yet.

Chu Fengmian also only saw some shadows in Jiazong’s memory.

Compared with Xian Jia, Chu Fengmian most values ​​is the imperial god general. Although Xian Jia can assist the martial artist and make the martial artist’s strength soar, it will definitely make that martial artist. Give up cultivation.

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