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Killing an Imperial Family disciple, led by Heavenly Sword, but a major event.

Even if it is said that the Tenth Third Prince is opposed to the Tenth Imperial Prince, Chu Fengmian will not be blamed for this kind of thing, but it will be rewarded, which Chu Fengmian did not expect.

But no matter what Ten Third Prince thinks.

The biggest reason Chu Fengmian chose to join forces with Ten Third Prince was for the sword technique.

Get another thousand sword techniques.

I got five hundred sword techniques before adding it, and now there are a full 1,500 sword techniques.

The formidable power of these sword techniques, although not as good as the inheritance sword technique of various sects, is large enough. Once it is integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book, it is enough to make the power of the Sword Dao ancient book go further.

“His Royal Highness also attaches great importance to the ancient snake Sword Monarch. Only this time will I specially ask me to bring the sword technique to give the ancient snake Sword Monarch.”

Xiao Shaoyun looked towards Chu Fengmian, opened the mouth and said quietly.

“But recently, I asked the ancient snake Sword Monarch and the Heavenly Sword Alliance to be more careful, because of the Jiazong treasure pagoda, now the Heavenly Sword leader and all influence are all taking action. Some people may also use this excuse to deal with it. Heavenly Sword Alliance.”

“Jia Zong treasure pagoda?”

Chu Fengmian asked with some confusion, deliberately putting on a puzzled look.

“Oh? Sword Monarch, I don’t know, by the way, the Heavenly Sword Alliance had already left early during the Jufeng mountain range.”

Xiao Shaoyun was puzzled for a moment, and quickly realized that he opened his mouth to explain.

“In the mountain range of Kyoho, it is said that a treasure pagoda of Jiazong was born. The sixth army master and Heavenly Venerate Li Xue, the two fought against each other and wanted to fight for the treasure pagoda of Jiazong, but both sides suffered, and the treasure pagoda of Jiazong suffered. , And was taken away by an unknown powerhouse. Now the military is frantically looking for someone who takes away Jiazong treasure pagoda.”

After listening to Xiao Shaoyun’s words, Chu Fengmian showed a sudden realization, but he also knew in his heart that the military was looking for Chu Fengmian frantically, not only for the Jiazong treasure pagoda, but the bigger reason was that Chu Fengmian was destruction People who used Transmission Array.

On this matter, the military is unwilling to publicize that’s all, and in the military’s mouth, the sixth military leader just suffers that’s all with Li Xue Heavenly Venerate both sides, but in fact, the sixth military leader All of his fleshy body died in the hands of Chu Fengmian.

If this news spread, it would be a blow to the military’s prestige, so the military deliberately concealed it.

It seems that even Ten Third Princes don’t know the truth.

“This Jiazong treasure pagoda, what kind of treasure is it? Can it cause a battle for the masters?”

Chu Fengmian asked deliberately.

Now the Jiazong treasure pagoda, although it has fallen into Chu Fengmian’s own hands, he still has no understanding of this Jiazong treasure pagoda.

Although it is said that there are a large number of Taoist soldiers in the treasure pagoda of Jiazong, these Taoist soldiers alone shouldn’t cause Heavenly Venerate to fight for it.

“Jiazong treasure pagoda is an extremely old small sect in the Nine Domains. According to the ancient book, Jiazong was the first overlord of the Nine Domains at the time when the Jiazong existed. It dates back to Nine Great Divine Sovereigns, the unborn age.”

When Xiao Shaoyun heard what Chu Fengmian said, he was not stingy and directly explained.

The case of Jiazong treasure pagoda, although it cannot be said to be well known, there are many people who know it.

“Jiazong, the most trespassing thing is the method of Dao soldiers, the method of refining Dao soldiers. In the history of Nine Domains, no one can match. Now most of the Dao soldiers in the world are actually It is inheritance from Jiazong’s method of refining Dao soldiers, even the golden armor Dao soldiers of the military come from Jiazong.”

“The treasure pagoda of Jiazong is some of the relics left by Jiazong. Many of these treasure pagodas have the treasures of Jiazong and even the inheritance of Jiazong. The military once got it 10,000 years ago. A treasure pagoda of the Jiazong, this is the method of refining the golden armor Taoist soldiers.”

“I just didn’t expect that this time Jiazong treasure pagoda was born again. Unfortunately, when His Royal Highness wanted to send someone to fight, this Jiazong treasure pagoda was taken one step ahead of time.”

When Xiao Shaoyun said here, there was a sigh in his tone.

If the Jiazong treasure pagoda can be obtained by the Ten Third Prince, it will be of great help to the power of the Ten Third Prince. Among the Jiazong treasure pagoda, there are Taoist refining methods.

There may even be a golden armor Taoist refining method.

The military is so powerful now that it has a great relationship with the military to master the refining method of golden armor Dao soldiers. Chu Fengmian has also seen the formidable power of golden armor Dao soldiers.

The General Baiwu, with these five hundred golden armor soldiers, could barely block Li Xue’s Heavenly Venerate blow. This is already an extremely terrifying force.

Once a large number of golden armor soldiers attacked, it was a big trouble for an Immortal Emperor. According to rumors, Legion led by Heavenly Sword would be hiding the sky and once the army was dispatched. The golden armor covering the earth is enough to sweep everything.

With these golden armor soldiers alone, they are enough to destroy many sects.

“In the treasure pagoda of Jiazong, there may be the refining methods of golden armor Taoist soldiers?”

Chu Fengmian was shocked.

Originally, he also had a plan in his heart, wanting to obtain the refining methods of the Imperial Family Silver Armored Dao Soldiers to be used by Sword Dao.

After all, the refining methods of golden armor Dao soldiers are mastered by the military. It is one of the military’s greatest secrets. The probability that Chu Fengmian wants to achieve is close to nothing.

There is a chance to obtain the refining method of the Yinjia Taoist soldiers, but Chu Fengmian also understands that this also has to pay a great price.

But now in Jiazong treasure pagoda, there may be a golden armor Taoist refining method…

Chu Fengmian quickly resisted the excitement in his heart, but on the surface, he returned to calm.

“Forget it, even this Jiazong treasure pagoda, even if it is born, it is not so easy to fight for. Sword Monarch must be more careful. You kill Mr. Chun, Tenth Imperial Prince It shouldn’t be. Take the opportunity to make trouble.”

Xiao Shaoyun talked a few more words, and then left.

However, this time Xiao Shaoyun brought a thousand sword techniques to Chu Fengmian, which is enough to help Chu Fengmian.

“Go back to the Heavenly Sword Alliance to retreat, and integrate all these sword techniques into the Sword Dao ancient book.”

Chu Fengmian’s mind was moved, and he was prepared not to think about that many, but to return to Heavenly Sword Alliance first.

With the identity of the Seventh Army regiment, along the way, the ships of the Heavenly Sword Alliance returned to the Heavenly Sword Alliance without encountering any obstacles.

Small World of the Heavenly Sword Alliance.

During the period of Chu Fengmian’s departure, it has expanded three times.

At the moment when the five ships of the Heavenly Sword Alliance returned triumphantly, a large number of Heavenly Sword Alliance disciples flew out to welcome the return of Chu Fengmian and the others.

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