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This is a shame for the five military leaders, and their faces are more gloomy than the other.

“Those Old Guys in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Dragons actually dare to lead us Heavenly Sword as enemies? It seems that they are impatient to live. When the Nine Domains barrier is completely broken, they will be those of the Nine Domains. The death of Old Guy!”

The eighth army leader, complexion is gloomy’s opened the mouth and said.

“Let’s leave the country of ten thousand dragons alone, first solve the Dragon Clan martial artist. Besides, after destroying the Transmission Array, this Dragon Clan martial artist still dared to lead the Heavenly Sword. The powerhouse led by Heavenly Sword is deemed nothing, and he must be killed!”

The fourth army leader also opened the mouth and said at this time.

However, a brief encounter with Chu Fengmian at this time also made them realize that Chu Fengmian’s strength has far surpassed them.

Otherwise, it’s not enough. Chu Fengmian alone can get rid of the chase of the five Immortal Emperor powerhouse masters and run away directly.

“First news, let Dazai-sama, let Dazai-sama decide on the details. The Sacred Domain war is the most important thing in our Heavenly Sword leadership.”

“The sect side, what happened to the Heavenly Sword Alliance that suddenly appeared? The Heavenly Sword Alliance has also developed a lot of power. It is said that it has completely taken refuge in the Ten Third Prince now, and it is not Good for them.”

“Heavenly Sword Alliance? It’s nothing, but there is only one Heavenly Venerate, the ancient snake Sword Monarch that’s all. Even if this person is in the leadership of Heavenly Sword, he can’t make too much trouble, don’t bother about it.”

After discussing for a while, the figures of the five Immortal Emperor army masters disappeared in place.

The other side.

The five Heavenly Sword Alliance warships have already departed back to the Seventh Army regiment under the order of Chu Fengmian, and now they have flown into the area close to the border of the Seventh Army regiment.

In the hall.

The figure of Chu Fengmian is sitting there. It seems that Chu Fengmian is the same as usual, in the sword technique of comprehend.

But Chu Fengmian here is actually just his incarnation. His body has just entered the Kyoho mountain range to compete for the treasure pagoda of the Jiazong. It is not only the possession of the tower beads, but also the sixth The army owner’s fleshy body died in the hands of Chu Fengmian.

His figure, quietly, returned to the hall, blending with this incarnation.

All of this has not been noticed by anyone. Chu Fengmian’s current method, he wants to hide with all his strength, unless he really encounters an invincible powerhouse like the Sword God Emperor, otherwise, even the ordinary Immortal Emperor will not be able to. See Chu Fengmian’s means.

At the same time, the space ring and tower bead fell into Chu Fengmian’s hands.

“There are a lot of treasures in this space ring, but these things are the things of the sixth army leader, and they are not easy to use.”

Chu Fengmian first opened the space ring of the sixth army leader. Although there are many good things in it, Chu Fengmian also finds it a little tricky.

Who is the powerhouse that killed the Sixth Army now? The Heavenly Sword leader doesn’t know yet. He only knows that it is a Dragon Clan powerhouse. It is absolutely impossible to guess Chu Fengmian, the ancient snake Sword Monarch.

But once he takes out this space ring, his identity is bound to be exposed, so even if there are a lot of treasures, it doesn’t make any sense to Chu Fengmian.

And what he needs most is the sword technique, the sword technique led by Heavenly Sword, and the sword technique learned by the sixth army leader.

However, in the space ring of the sixth army master, there is no shadow of the sword technique. Heavenly Sword leads the true core mysterious sword technique, which is all secrets that are not passed on. Only the powerhouse of the army is qualified for cultivation.

Moreover, these military masters can only enter the Heavenly Sword to lead the Holy Land for cultivation, and cannot bring out the sword technique.

Therefore, there is no sword technique in the space ring of the sixth army lord.

If Chu Fengmian can get the memory of the sixth army leader, he can comprehend the sword technique he once learned into the Sword Dao ancient book from the memory of the sixth army leader.

But what Chu Fengmian killed was actually an incarnation of the sixth army leader, not the body of the sixth army leader. It was impossible to seize the memory of the sixth army leader.

Before killing the body of the Sixth Army Lord, with the current strength of Chu Fengmian, I have to try.

When he was in Jingmotian, Chu Fengmian once shot and killed the body of an Immortal Emperor powerhouse. The Demon Country of Old Ancestor was completely destroyed by Chu Fengmian.

Although the strength of the sixth army leader is higher than that of Old Ancestor, Chu Fengmian’s strength is not what it used to be, and it is countless times stronger than when he played against Old Ancestor.

If it is really fighting against the main body of the Sixth Army, Chu Fengmian also has a certain degree of confidence in his heart that he can win and completely destroy the main body of the Sixth Army.

Unfortunately, this is the Heavenly Sword collar.

Once Chu Fengmian is going to attack the main body of the sixth army owner, he will not only face the sixth army owner, but also the countless powerhouses led by Heavenly Sword.

Chu Fengmian was afraid that he was besieged by the powerhouse led by Heavenly Sword before he had beheaded the sixth army leader. Heavenly Sword led the powerhouse as clouds, and the military powerhouse was very close.

The sixth army master just passed the news, and within a few breaths, five Immortal Emperor army masters arrived.

If it weren’t for Chu Fengmian to explode and kill the sixth army leader directly with one move, he would delay for a while, even if he could not kill the sixth army leader.

So now that Chu Fengmian has the power to kill the main body of the Sixth Army, he doesn’t dare to take it rashly.

Although there is not much benefit from the side of the sixth army leader, Chu Fengmian has a bigger gain this time, and that is the treasure pagoda of the Jiazong.

This Jiazong treasure pagoda, but Li Xue Heavenly Venerate, the sixth army leader, such an Immortal Emperor Heavenly Venerate powerhouse, is crazy about it, and he wants to fight for things, his value is self-evident.

This tower bead, held by Chu Fengmian in the palm of his hand, already has a feeling of flesh and blood with Chu Fengmian. This tower bead was instantly refining by him, with no difficulty, and when the tower was refining After the beads, this Jiazong treasure pagoda, as if it became a part of Chu Fengmian’s body, can be controlled at will.

In the Jufeng mountain range, the ten-thousand-storey tower that soars into the sky has now been reduced to the size of a tower bead, and has been included in the tower bead.

“I just don’t know what this Jiazong treasure pagoda is.”

Chu Fengmian is also very curious in his heart.

Chu Fengmian couldn’t guess the origin of this treasure pagoda, and with his current strength, he couldn’t figure out the mysterious of this treasure pagoda.

It can only be said that it was the existence of the Jiazong treasure pagoda that was refined at the beginning, and the strength is still higher than that of Chu Fengmian, but even if it is impossible to figure out the origin of the Jiazong treasure pagoda, now Chu Fengmian has mastered the tower beads. Jiazong treasure pagoda is his thing.

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