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This piece of golden light instantly spreads in front of General White Mist, turning into countless golden armor guards.

Golden armor Dao soldiers!

A total of five hundred golden armor soldiers appeared in front of General Baiwu.

The moment these five hundred golden armor soldiers appeared, they suddenly joined forces in front of General White Mist and turned into a huge Array. The Array condensed like a huge shield.

The three-foot ice blast hit the shield of the five hundred golden armor Dao soldiers and condense together, and it shattered.

The strength of this golden armor Taoist soldier, each one has the realm of Immortal Monarch.

Chu Fengmian once also fought against these golden armor Dao soldiers. One hundred golden armor Dao soldiers joined forces to have the power to defeat an immortal.

And now that a total of five hundred golden armor soldiers, together, they are enough to withstand the attack of Li Xue Heavenly Venerate, a Heavenly Venerate powerhouse.

Although for Li Xue Heavenly Venerate, most of his power is to dissolve the prohibition on the treasure pagoda of the Jiazong, but this casual blow is still not something that any Immortal Venerable can resist.

The strength of this golden armor Taoist soldier is indeed beyond Chu Fengmian’s expectations.

With five hundred golden armor Dao soldiers on the side to protect, the General Bai Mist is also not afraid of Li Xue Heavenly Venerate. He stepped out one step at a time in the direction of Jiazong treasure pagoda.

At the same time, the dragon really made a move. From his mouth, he suddenly called out a long whistle, sound of dragon’s roar, resounded, and saw his body, all in the air, turning into a foot The 3000-meter-long True Dragon, with 129,600 dragon scales, has different shapes. It looks like a reduced version of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon.

“What a pure Bloodline Strength, this dragon is really Bloodline Strength. It is definitely more than just getting a few drops of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon blood essence, it’s that simple.”

Chu Fengmian thought.

He had previously killed the big brother of the dragon, Long Wu, and Long Wu possessed the Bloodline Strength of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon, but the ancestor Heavenly Dragon Bloodline Strength of Long Wu was very thin. It is equivalent to the power of a few drops of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon blood essence.

Chu Fengmian doesn’t care about this.

The ancestor Heavenly Dragon was the invincible overlord of the Desolate Ancient era. The blood essence he left behind was spread throughout the entire Desolate Ancient continent, the Nine Domains, and was also a part of the Desolate Ancient continent.

Long Wu has such a chance, it’s nothing.

But the dragon in front of him, the ancestor Heavenly Dragon Bloodline Strength in him, is much stronger than many characters in Dragon Clan, and even capable of being the ancestor Heavenly Dragon.

Although it is still far from being like Chu Fengmian, once the ancestor Heavenly Dragon is incarnate, it is almost the same as the real ancestor Heavenly Dragon, but this Bloodline Strength is not something ordinary people can have. Up.

“This dragon really must have had a great opportunity, and may even be part of the dragon body of the ancestor Tian.”

Chu Fengmian eyes flashed.

The power source of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon Bloodline in him now is the claws of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon he got in the stars of Foreign Domain.

The body of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon, Chu Fengmian only got one of the dragon claws.

There are more bodies, but I don’t know where, as the innate Divine Beast, the existence born in the beginning, the body of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon, is immortal, but the ancestor Heavenly Dragon has already Meteorite, but his body will always exist here.

The mad Dragon Emperor has also received a dragon scales from the ancestor Heavenly Dragon. This dragon is really an ancestor Heavenly Dragon Bloodline Strength. Such a tyrannical body makes Chu Fengmian feel that this person definitely has a similar opportunity.

Long Zhen incarnates the ancestor Heavenly Dragon. His body shape has reached the extreme speed, and he flew towards the highest level of Jiazong treasure pagoda.

And at this time, a cracking sound suddenly sounded.

This voice can be heard clearly throughout the entire Jufeng mountain range.

After the first appearance of this cracking sound, it sounded continuously. At this time, many martial artists noticed that the 10,000-story tower, the prohibition on Jiazong treasure pagoda, actually began to break Up.

Starting from the fragmentation of the first prohibition, the rest of the prohibitions are continuously broken.

The prohibition that has been hanging over the treasure pagoda of Jiazong has been shattered in a few breaths.

At the same time, the highest level of the treasure pagoda of the Jiazong suddenly opened a channel. A fist sized pitch-black bead suddenly flew out. This bead is pitch black all over, but if you look closely, you will find this one. There are countless ancient inscriptions on the beads.

I don’t know how many inscriptions were engraved on this bead, which dyed him completely black. Every inscription in it can correspond to the inscription on the treasure pagoda tower of Jiazong.

“Tazhu, finally appeared!”

Li Xue’s gaze from Heavenly Venerate fell on the tower bead, and his gaze was extremely hot.

Everything he did during this period was for this tower bead. Whoever can get this tower bead can control this Jiazong treasure pagoda and become the real master of Jiazong treasure pagoda.


Li Xue Heavenly Venerate was standing at the highest level of this Jiazong treasure pagoda. The moment the tower beads appeared, he immediately shot, and a big hand grabbed the tower beads.

This tower bead is a masterless object, whoever gets it first can become the master of this Jiazong treasure pagoda.

“Don’t think about it!”

At the moment when the tower beads appeared, that Long Zhen also roared, he transformed into the body of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon, and rushed in the direction of the tower beads.

Space, torn in an instant.

Heavenly Dragon, the ancestor of Long Zhen’s transformation, came to Li Xue Heavenly Venerate in one step, and his goal was also that tower bead.

“courting death!”

Looking at someone daring to fight for the tower bead, Li Xue Heavenly Venerate was furious, with a big wave, countless ice lings dropping from the sky, every ice ling’s formidable power is no less than the ice ling that bombarded General Baiwu. .

Now this Jiazong treasure pagoda ban has been completely solved by him, and Li Xue Heavenly Venerate can finally exert his full strength.

Countless ice lings, dropping from the sky, the dragon really flew backwards in a hurry, but still couldn’t escape the ice ling’s chase, and was hit by one of the ice lings, and his body instantly froze.

On the side of General White Mist, it wasn’t much better. He guarded the five hundred golden armor Taoists by his side. Many of them were hit by ice and shattered on the spot.

As for the military powerhouse that wanted to fish in troubled water and compete for the tower beads, I don’t know how many there were, but they were all killed by the ice.

This Li Xue Heavenly Venerate made a move and showed his true strength.

What General Baiwu, Long Zhen, was unable to withstand a single blow and was instantly defeated.

And when Li Xue Heavenly Venerate turned his head and was about to collect the tower beads, a silhouette had already appeared in front of the tower beads. He looked towards Li Xue Heavenly Venerate. There was a cold smile.

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