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Chu Fengmian now leaves Jingmotian and heads to Nine Domains. It takes several days.

Chu Fengmian also needs to find a way to the Nine Domains from the Nine Domains. After entering the Nine Domains, to pass the test of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword and subdue the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword.

The time required for all this, just ten days, is definitely not enough.

“I need more time, I can promise you a request, as long as I can do it, any request.”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

He also knew that once the Mo people used the power of purification, it would also have to pay a great price.

Although Chu Fengmian doesn’t know the specific price that needs to be paid, he is also asking the Mo people to do things this time, and Chu Fengmian is also willing to pay.

Even if Chu Fengmian doesn’t give any rewards, the Mo clan definitely dare not disobey, but this is not Chu Fengmian’s character. He always does things with gratitude and grudges are clear. If you are kind to him, you will definitely get rewards. .

“The old man doesn’t have too many requests. I just want to see what happened today. Please watch her a lot.”

The Mo patriarch sighed and said.

“Old, the life essence is almost exhausted. After the death of the old, she is the only one left. The purification power of the Mo people is envied by many strong people. I only want the future of the Mo people to continue in inheritance.”

In the words of the Mo patriarch, she refers to the 14-15 years old Mo girl.

The patriarch life essence of the Mo ethnic group will be exhausted. Once he falls, there will be only one remaining Mo ethnic group.

The inheritance of the Mur clan is actually not like a normal race, which thrives and thrives, but the inheritance of the Bloodline. The adult Mur clan can condense blood nuclei. Once this blood nucleus is swallowed, the bloodline in the body , It will turn into purified blood.

This is why the Mo people are so similar to human beings.

Many of the Mo people nowadays have also evolved from humans. The Mo people will look for the abandoned infants of the human race, plant them into the blood core, and cultivate them into the Mo people.

But this kind of blood nucleus, an adult Mo clan, also has to spend a long time and energy before it can be condense.

Like the patriarch of the Mo ethnic group in front of him, he is too old. He is old enough to condense without hemorrhage.

The 14-15 years old girl of the Mo ethnic group is actually the only hope of the Mo ethnic group’s inheritance.

“I have a Smaller Thousand Worlds. If she is willing to enter it, I can protect her safety, and I can also find some human infants and let the Murder’s Bloodline inheritance go down.”

Chu Fengmian calmly opened the mouth and said.

The requirements of the patriarch of the Mo ethnic group are not difficult for Chu Fengmian.

Let him always protect this Mo girl, Chu Fengmian doesn’t have that many time, but just keeps her safe.

The bloody world is the safest place.

Chu Fengmian is the sole master of the blood martial world. No one dares to follow Chu Fengmian’s order. As long as she is willing to enter the blood martial world within the realm, no one dares to do anything to her.

“So many thanks, sir.”

When the Mo patriarch heard this, his face finally showed a bit of joy.

Being able to be sheltered by a strong man is now the only hope for the Mo people to survive.

Although the Mo ethnic group is now sheltered by the wild Desolate Ancient alien race in the Northland, this refuge established by the Desolate Ancient alien race is actually not safe. If you really encounter the strong, you are afraid to be powerless to defend himself.

Chu Fengmian is the strongest one he has ever seen.

Even if he doesn’t know now, Chu Fengmian keeps his promise whether or not believe, but he is willing to bet on it.

“My lord, please don’t resist.”

The Mo patriarch said that it was the sudden concentration of Bloodline Strength. Chu Fengmian could clearly feel that the Bloodline Strength of the Mo patriarch was burning, and at the same time a pure white rays of light enveloped Chu. Fengmian’s body.

This pure white rays of light is precisely the power of purification that contains the ultimate domineering power, light of purification.

This light of purification was gradually integrated into Chu Fengmian’s body under the control of the Mo patriarch.

Chu Fengmian can feel that under this light of purification, the killing intent of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword has actually begun to be suppressed.

If the killing intent of the previous Blood Slaughter Demon Sword was suppressed by the power of the demon body, it was a volcano that could erupt at any time.

So now the killing intent of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, actually under the suppression of the light of purification, began to calm down.

In fact, in essence, the Demon Tire and Demon Body cannot suppress the killing intent of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword. The only thing he can do is to keep Chu Fengmian awake so as not to be affected by the killing intent of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword. Among.

But in fact, the power of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword has been eroding Chu Fengmian’s body.

The fragile balance between the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword killing intent and the Mark of the Void, as the power of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword became stronger and stronger, has long been broken.

The more Chu Fengmian falls into madness, the more his body will be transformed to fit the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, and the power of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword will be stronger.

This is also the real reason why Chu Fengmian dare not relax even if he can stay awake now.

Now this power of purification can really suppress the killing intent of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, so that Chu Fengmian’s body can once again maintain a balance.

And the current balance is much more stable than the fragile balance maintained by Blood Slaughter Demon Sword and Mark of the Void.

“The purifying power of the Mo Clan is indeed the name is not in vain.”

Chu Fengmian sighed involuntarily.

The hegemony of this purifying power is more terrifying than the rumored one.

The power of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, Chu Fengmian has experienced, is much stronger than the power left by Void God in the Mark of Void, but now the power of purification can still achieve the suppressing effect.

The essence of the power of purification is really overbearing.


Chu Fengmian also noticed that the power of purification is actually fighting against the power of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword.

But the power of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword is almost endless, but the power of purification comes from the patriarch of the Namo tribe.

The strength of the Mo patriarch, compared to the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, is still far behind.

In Chu Fengmian’s body, the power of purification contained in this light of purification is being consumed almost every moment.

If this continues, within a few days, the purifying power contained in this light of purification will also be exhausted.

At that time, the killing intent of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword will explode again.

Even if the Mo patriarch takes the shot, it can only temporarily suppress the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword killing intent.

The purifying power of the Mo patriarch is indeed suppressing the killing intent of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, but the power of light of purification is still too weak.

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