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The blood light condensed in the palm of his hand, rose to the sky, turned into a big bloody hand, and grabbed it at Chu Fengmian.

From this big scarlet hand, you can still vaguely see countless faces with sinister heads, all of which are the boundless resentment left by the people killed by this taboo demonic path martial artist.

The huge scarlet hand suddenly grabbed Chu Fengmian.

The taboo demonic path martial artist has always been 100 without taboo. Once you do it, it is an absolute killer move.

“courting death.”

Seeing this taboo demonic path martial artist dared to do it, Chu Fengmian’s eyes showed a bit of killing intent.

Because of what the taboo demonic path does and the relationship with the witch clan, Chu Fengmian has no favors with these taboo demonic path martial artists.

He didn’t intend to kill people directly, but now this taboo demonic path martial artist dares to do it first.

Although Chu Fengmian has temporarily suppressed the killing intent of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, this killing intent still affects Chu Fengmian, not to mention being in madness, but it also makes Chu Fengmian’s personality change, and it is easy enraged.


Chu Fengmian raised his hand, and beside him, a golden sword light flew out suddenly, pointing straight at the forbidden demonic path martial artist who shot it and slashed over.

Above the sky, the huge Blood Hand that the blood light has turned into is simply not worth mentioning in front of this golden sword light. It is torn to pieces in an instant, and the blood light is all volley and shattered.

As the golden sword light flashed by, a blood stain appeared on the throat of the forbidden demonic path martial artist, and the forbidden demonic path martial artist was killed on the spot.


The other four taboo demonic path martial artists saw their companions being killed and were also furious.

There were 4 blood lights in a sudden, soaring into the sky, turning into countless killer moves, volleyed in the direction of Chu Fengmian, but Chu Fengmian just waved his hand, that golden sword light immediately killed the past .

Peng peng peng!

One after another blood light, in the moment the golden sword light passed, they were all cut off. The four taboo demonic path martial artists had exactly the same blood marks on their throats.

The vitality of these 4 taboo demonic path martial artists was immediately cut off and fell on the spot.

In an instant, the five taboo demonic path martial artists were all beheaded by Chu Fengmian.

Although Chu Fengmian’s body is extremely unstable now, in order to suppress the killing intent of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, most of his power cannot be used, only the strength of the law immortal level can be exerted.

But to deal with several taboo demonic path martial artists who are only realm, even if they are in the magic tide, their strength skyrocketing, in the eyes of Chu Fengmian, they still don’t count as much, they just killed them.

The two curse races looked at Chu Fengmian, and they were a little dumbfounded.

They were still chased by the 5 taboo demonic path martial artists just now, and they almost fell into a desperate situation.

However, the sudden appearance of Chu Fengmian changed the situation in an instant. The five taboo demonic path martial artists died in the hands of Chu Fengmian and were instantly beheaded by Chu Fengmian.

You know that the five taboo demonic path martial artists are all immortal saints. Among the curse clan, a immortal saint can be regarded as a powerful person in the clan.

The strongest of the curse tribe is just a law immortal, and Chu Fengmian, who kills the immortal saint, is as easy as slaughtering a chicken and a dog. Such strength is rarely seen by the two of them.

“Many thanks for your help.”

The two curse races also reacted quickly, looked towards Chu Fengmian and hurriedly thanked them.

If it weren’t for Chu Fengmian’s move, it would be almost impossible for the two of them today to escape the palms of the five taboo demonic path martial artists.

Once it falls into the hands of taboo demonic path martial artists, waiting for their fate will be extremely cruel, and death is a kind of relief.

Some taboo demonic path martial artists, and even directly capture Desolate Ancient aliens, impose restrictions on them, and refine them into puppets. Although they are conscious, they have no way to resist. Life is better than death.

These two cursed tribes obviously did not recognize Chu Fengmian, but when Chu Fengmian was in the empty boat, they also changed their appearance. These two cursed tribes did not recognize Chu Fengmian, but it was normal.

He rescued these two curse races only because of the fate of the original one, and he did not have any good feelings about the taboo demonic path martial artist. Now the two have been rescued, and Chu Fengmian is just about to leave.

Suddenly he thought of something and asked.

“Do you two know where the Mo people are now?”

The curse race and the Mo race are both Desolate Ancient alien races, and these two races are both Desolate Ancient alien races with weak strength. Their Bloodline Strength only has some unique characteristics, so they can survive until this age. It is attached to the major ethnic groups.

Perhaps these two curse tribes know where the Mo tribe is hiding now.

“The Mo…”

The two curse races seemed to be thinking about this and just wanted to speak.

Above the sky, there was an angry roar.

Randomly appeared, there is also a scarlet escape.

“Who? Who dare kill my Black Demon Sect’s discipline, get out!”


This scarlet escaped light and suddenly landed. From it, an old man covered in red robe emerged. His red robe was blood-red, which seemed to be soaked with blood.

On this blood-red robe, Chu Fengmian felt the aura of 100 immortals. Such a blood-red robe is actually the blood essence of the above 100 immortals, an Immortal Grade made by sacrifice.

This blood-red robe alone represented that there were at least 100 immortals who died in the hands of this old man.

“Two curses?”

The red robed old man descended from the sky and saw the two curse races at first glance.

“The curse races of the 2 fairy kings are not qualified to kill my discipline.”

He just took a look, and his gaze changed again, and finally fell on Chu Fengmian’s body. He saw the golden sword light surrounding Chu Fengmian at a glance.

At the same time, he also saw the blood stain on the throat of the corpses of those taboo demonic path martial artists.

“It’s you? You killed my discipline?”

The red robe old man looked towards Chu Fengmian. His pupils were all turned into blood red because of anger. He stared at Chu Fengmian firmly, as if he wanted to tortured Chu Fengmian to death.

Among the five taboo demonic path martial artists that Chu Fengmian killed just now, the leader among them was the discipline of the old man in front of the red robe.

The demonic path martial artist has always been vicious and merciless, extremely cruel. The only thing they really value is their own inheritance and their Legacy successors. These carefully cultivated disciplines are more than their own sons. important.

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