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Moreover, this magical Old Ancestor is only a first-order Immortal Emperor.

The first-order Immortal Emperor is only the weakest Immortal Emperor. No matter how many methods there are, Old Ancestor is only a first-order Immortal Emperor. His true strength is still weaker than that of the second-order Immortal Emperor, at least Emperor Yanjian was even weaker.

Chu Fengmian this time is so difficult to kill the Old Ancestor. If he is facing Emperor Yanjian, then Chu Fengmian has almost no possibility to kill him.

Thinking of this, Chu Fengmian couldn’t help but wake up. At the beginning, in the endless emptiness, Chu Fengmian sensed the location of Misty Palace Lord’s ontology world, and did not catch up.

Otherwise, once Chu Fengmian chases in, I am afraid that the person who is really in danger is Chu Fengmian.

After all, the Master of Misty Palace, but a Tier 4 Immortal Emperor, Old Ancestor and his strength are completely different, and they are not on the same level at all. The gap in the third realm cannot be made up by some small means.

even more how Misty Palace Master is the divine Palace Master of Divine Palace, and his accumulation is far beyond Old Ancestor.

“With the Foundation Tree, when facing the Immortal Emperor body, I have a greater advantage over other Immortal Emperors. However, I can only kill the first-order Immortal Emperor and the second-order Immortal Emperor, which may not be possible. Arrived.”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes narrowed.

Foundation Tree is now regarded as one of Chu Fengmian’s greatest strengths.

Moreover, when fighting against a Smaller Thousand Worlds, the power of Foundation Tree can also contend with Law Power. This is regarded as Chu Fengmian’s ability to slay an Immortal Emperor, the biggest reliance on.

The beheading of Old Ancestor at this time was Chu Fengmian’s temptation, and it was also successful, but it also made him understand what level of tyranny was the true strength of an Immortal Emperor.

Chu Fengmian has been fighting, after all, it is only the Fleshy body of the Immortal Emperor, and this time, he is really fighting an Immortal Emperor.

“Not to become immortal emperor, it is too difficult to compete with Immortal Emperor.”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes narrowed.

The gap between Immortal Emperor and Xianzun was so big that Chu Fengmian understood it clearly after the fight this time.

After entering the bedevilment cave at this time and beheading the last descendant of the emperor first sword, he was about to find a way to comprehend other laws.

Now Chu Fengmian has condensed the Great Accomplishment, the basic principle of 5 Dao Foundation. Such accumulation has surpassed any immortal venerable in these recent dozens of eras, but he is still not satisfied.

What Chu Fengmian wants to attack is the dominance above the Immortal Emperor.

In an era, there are countless eras, 10000 eras, but in each era, the ruler that is born is counted by one hand. In some eras, it is difficult to even give birth to one. Dominate.

Compared with these masters, Chu Fengmian’s current accumulation is still far behind. He has to speed up the condensing of the laws. After the Great Accomplishment of all the ten basic laws, he can do the same in his own Smaller Thousand Worlds. I stepped into the apex of the Immortal Emperor and hit the realm of the Immortal Emperor.


Chu Fengmian body flashed, and he left this piece of nothingness.

This place was originally part of Li Demon Country’s degree. Now as Li Demon Country’s degree disappears, it turns into nothingness. His figure flashes again and again, and soon he broke the space and returned to the 4th Sword Sect.

The 4-party Sword Sect is now in a mess, with ruined walls all over the place. These many traces are extremely new and should have been created after Chu Fengmian left.

The 4-party Sword Sect slaughtered a total of 100 sects. Among these sects, some of the disciplines escaped their lives. They also hated the 4-party Sword Sect, but the 4-party Sword Sect was powerful. There is no chance of revenge.

This time the high-end power of the 4-square Sword Sect was directly destroyed by Chu Fengmian. The 4-square Sword Sect lost its biggest support, which was Hu Daohu scattered and turned into a piece of sand. Those martial artists who had hatred with the 4-square Sword Sect , There is also a chance for revenge.

Of course, there are some people who saw the destruction of the 4th Sword Sect and wanted to come in to fish in troubled water and get benefits.

In the current 4-square Sword Sect, there is already a mess. Chu Fengmian also disinclined to pay attention to this. He swallowed the magic world this time, and it took a full day.

After half a day, it was time for the old man of Nine Heavens to calculate that the first sword emperor’s heir had appeared in the cave, and Chu Fengmian had to go to the cave now.

That last emperor descendant of the first sword is the real reason why Chu Fengmian came to Jingmotian within 1000 li this time.

Chu Fengmian yelled out a jade talisman, that is, he called the forest outside. Now outside the forest, his complexion is finally lightened, his eyes are full of joy, and the vengeance in his heart finally has to be paid.

“Now you and my agreement, I have completed, and then there is no relationship between you and me. Do you want to stay here or join my sect?”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Lin Wai, slowly opened the mouth and said.

He has helped Lin Wai destroy the 4 Sword Sect and fulfilled his promise. Next, he is going to the Demon Cave. Naturally Impossible is carrying Lin Wai, so Chu Fengmian gave Lin Wai 2 choices.

Let Lin Wai join the Sword Dao gate, it is actually Chu Fengmian’s momentary kind thoughts. After all, Lin Wai’s current strength is really not worth mentioning in the realm of demons, and there is no such background.

A martial artist like him was beheaded that day in Jingmotian. No one knew that Chu Fengmian got along with Lin Wai half a month, so he also planned to leave a way for Lin Wai. , Let him join the Sword Dao door.

Lin Wai is the young master of Great Sword Sect. Since he was a young cultivation Sword Dao, he joined the Sword Dao gate very much, and his aptitude is placed in the Sword Dao gate, which can be regarded as middle and upper.

However, Chu Fengmian only gave Lin Wai a chance. If he is unwilling to accept it, Chu Fengmian will not give him a second time.

“I am willing to join Senior sect.”

Lin Wai looked overjoyed when he heard Chu Fengmian’s words. He has been waiting for Chu Fengmian here, and he hasn’t left for a day, just because he doesn’t want to stay in the realm of Devil Heaven.

Although the 4-party Sword Sect has been destroyed, Lin Wai does not need to hide in Tibet as before, but after all, he is just a martial artist of Celestial Realm, with low power.

In addition to the many disciplines in the 4-party Sword Sect, we all know that the destruction of the 4-party Sword Sect this time is because of him, any discipline that escapes from the 4-party Sword Sect, it is possible to kill Killed Lin Wai.

Staying in this realm of Motian, for Lin Wai, there is only danger. He also made up his mind to hug Chu Fengmian’s thigh tightly.

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