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Chu Fengmian’s real purpose when he came to 9 Huatian was to come to Divine Prediction Mountain, to Divine Prediction Tianjun in Divine Prediction Mountain.

In order to invite Divine Prediction Tianjun to take action, to figure out the location of the last descendant of the first sword emperor.

It was just an accident for Chu Fengmian to encounter Mo Hong by chance. Now that the Sword Sect problem is solved, it is time for Chu Fengmian to set off for Divine Prediction Mountain.

Counting the days, there are about 6 or 7 days left, and it is the day when the Divine Prediction mountain this time opens.

Chu Fengmian must also rush to Divine Prediction Mountain as soon as possible.

Divine Prediction Mountain is located on the other continent, Fenghua continent.

9 A continent in Huatian is even bigger than many Smaller Thousand Worlds, so Chu Fengmian is also ready to go on his way.

Chu Fengmian took Soho, turned into a light, and flew all the way south.

Just when Chu Fengmian’s escape light flew all the way south.

Suddenly, a wave of Space Power condensed beside Chu Fengmian, which slowed Chu Fengmian’s escape.

At this time, suddenly in front of Chu Fengmian, a huge empty ship blocked Chu Fengmian’s front and blocked Chu Fengmian’s path.

On the empty ship, there were several silhouettes. The head of them was an old man, and his eyes fell on Chu Fengmian’s body.

It seems that Chu Fengmian has long been waiting for.

This huge empty ship is a top grade Immortal Grade. The refining method on it is mysterious to the extreme. It is far from comparable to that of an ordinary empty ship. On the hull, this huge Soviet Union is also engraved. word.

Heaven Soldier Su Family!

Chu Fengmian knew the origin of this empty ship at a glance. It was the empty ship of the heaven soldier Su Family.

At the moment Chu Fengmian next to Su Ho saw the empty ship, his complexion changed slightly and his face twitched.

“We are here, waiting for the devil for a long time.”

From the empty ship of the heavenly soldier Su Family, an old man slowly walked down and stood in front of Chu Fengmian. The old man was dressed in a black clothed robe and his goatee was floating in the wind, like an elegant old man. .

However, Chu Fengmian did not dare to underestimate this old man. The old man in front of him can already detect a little bit of Law Power, which proves that this is also a powerful immortal who has mastered a part of Law Power. .

This kind of strength is not weaker than the Vice Palace Lord of the Star Divine Palace. It is definitely a giant among the heavenly soldiers Su Family.

“Sixth Elder.”

Su Ho also looked towards the old man and recognized the identity of the old man.

Among the heavenly soldiers Su Family, the highest status is the 7 Supreme Elder, they are the actual leaders among the heavenly soldiers Su Family.

And the old man in front of him is the Sixth Elder of the Su Family of the Heavenly Soldier, and the Su Family of the Heavenly Soldier is definitely a giant.

Such a character rarely appears outside on weekdays, but this time, he actually came to 9 Huatian, and he came to Chu Fengmian and Soho.

At the moment when he saw Sixth Elder, Chu Fengmian also knew that it seemed that something happened to the Su Family of the Heavenly Soldier this time.

The people of the Su Family of the Heavenly Soldier suddenly stopped Chu Fengmian, and it seemed that they had already understood Chu Fengmian’s route, so they were waiting for Chu Fengmian halfway.

However, although Su Family is one of the huge monsters of Three Great Saint Territories, Chu Fengmian is not afraid.

He is not even afraid of the ethereal Divine Palace and Qingfeng Sect, and naturally he will not be afraid of the Su Family.

“You are here to stop me, why? Between me and the heavenly soldier Su Family, let me blame myself.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards the old man, calmly opened the mouth and said.

Chu Fengmian was also opening his eyes and talking nonsense. Although it was said that in the Great Dao on the other side, the martial artist of the Su Family of the Heavenly Soldier almost all died in the hands of Chu Fengmian, even the Supreme Treasure of the Su Family of the Heavenly Soldier, and the 10000 beast cage. Fell into his hands.

But all this is no one understood.

No one knows, Chu Fengmian will naturally not foolishly admit.

Although Chu Fengmian is not afraid of Su Family, he will not take the initiative to annoy the opponent.

“One finger to the devil, you and I are all people who understand, I’m afraid you won’t believe it when you say this.

Hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, Su Family Sixth Elder, the soldier that day, said with a smile on the corner of his mouth. In his tone, there was no hostility, and he opened the mouth and said with great ease.

“I know that Xiao 4 doesn’t have eyes and annoys the devil. His death is indeed having only oneself to blame. Our heaven soldier Su Family doesn’t plan to care about this matter.”

This small 4 in Sixth Elder’s mouth is naturally the fourth young master.

“Then what is the purpose of this time Sixth Elder?”

Chu Fengmian said indifferently.

Since it is not a matter of the fourth young master.

So this time Sixth Elder personally brought people to stop him, the plot was even bigger.

The current Sixth Elder, although it sounds very polite, but Chu Fengmian can feel that on the empty ship of Su Family, there are more than ten people alone.

The ten Immortal Venerables are an extremely powerful force for the Su Family of the Celestial Soldier. Chu Fengmian can’t believe that the arrival of so many powerful men of the Su Family of the Celestial Soldier is just watching.

“The old man came here this time, naturally for the people of my Su Family.”

Sixth Elder looked towards Soho beside Chu Fengmian, opened the mouth and said.

“Su Ho, you, as a member of the Celestial Emperor Su Family, have been staying by the Demon Venerable. You are also disturbing the Demon Venerable. Come back to the Su Family with me. You and the Celestial Emperor are still married. I can’t make the Celestial Emperor wait in a hurry.”

“There is also the Demon Lord, that little 4 provokes the Demon Lord, naturally death cannot wipe out the crimes, but in his hand, there is also a Supreme Treasure in my Heavenly Soldier Su Family. Please also the Demon Lord to return it. This time comes, just for these two things, as long as they are resolved, from then on, the Demon Lord and my heavenly soldier Su Family will have no grudges.”

After Sixth Elder finished speaking, his gaze was looking towards Chu Fengmian, waiting for Chu Fengmian’s answer.

“Sixth Elder, me, I won’t go back.”

Su Ho heard the words of Sixth Elder and hurriedly opened the mouth and said.

If Su Ho had feelings for the Heaven Soldier Su Family before, in the Great Dao on the other side, when she understood all the plans of the Heaven Soldier Su Family, the Heaven Soldier Su Family had no affection for her.

In the eyes of the heaven soldier Su Family, she is just a tool, a sacrifice that’s all. The various performances of the heaven soldier Su Family before are only to train her into a qualified sacrifice.

Now if you go back to the Su Family of the Heavenly Soldier, it is no different than jumping into the Fire Pit by yourself.

“So Ho, you are a member of the Su Family of the Heavenly Soldier. You should understand that the rules of the Su Family of the Heavenly Soldier are not something that you will violate if you violate it.

When Sixth Elder heard this, his face became much colder, and he said majesticly.

“If you don’t follow me obediently, then only the old man will force you to go back!”

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