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This kind of Peugeot can be embroidered on it for no reason.

Only the sect that proves that these martial artists came from belonged to the divine Divine Palace.

The ethereal Divine Palace, transcendent position, aloof and remote among 9 Huatian, is the overlord of 9 Huatian.

In addition to being powerful, another point of the ethereal Divine Palace is mysterious. In the 9th century, the disciples of the ethereal Divine Palace are almost incomparably rare.

It is said that the entire ethereal Divine Palace is located in a Smaller Thousand Worlds called Immortal World, so in the outside world, especially in some remote places, there are still many small sects.

Of course, these sects are also attached to the divine Divine Palace, and become the subordinates of the divine Divine Palace. Through these Subordinate Sects, the divine Divine Palace can fully control 9 Huatian.

Although these Subordinate Sects were independent on weekdays, they couldn’t resist the orders passed down from the ethereal Divine Palace and could only execute them.

In 9 Huatian, no one party dared to resist the ethereal Divine Palace.

So when you see the ethereal Divine Palace Peugeot on the shoulders of those martial artists, even some martial artists with a strong background can only suppress the anger in their hearts and dare not resist.

“It looks like this is the martial artist of Qi Immortal Sect.”

As the empty boat got closer and closer to the group of martial artists, some people on the empty boat recognized the origins of these martial artists.

Talking from their mouths, this Immortal Sect can only be regarded as a Small Sect above the Yunhua continent. The sect’s residence is located near the entrance of Great Dao on the other side.

It is said that in Ancient Era, when the Great Dao on the other side was not broken, this Immortal Sect was also strong for a while. With the help of the prosperous Great Dao on the other side, it became one of the best sects in the 9 beautiful days, among which is The Immortal Emperor was born.

However, as the Great Dao on the other side shattered, the number of martial artists who traveled to and from the Three Great Saint Territories became less and less, and Qi Immortal Sect began to gradually decline. Now even in this Yunhua continent, it can only be regarded as one. 2 Stream sect.

Many of the martial artists who traveled to and from the Great Dao airship on the other side do not even need to have these Immortal Sects in their eyes.

But they dare not resist now.

The reason for this is naturally because of the ethereal Divine Palace, and Immortal Sect has no guts to stop the empty ships going to and from the Three Great Saint Territories.

The only reason they dare to do this is because of the ethereal Divine Palace.

“These martial artists of Immortal Sect seem to be looking for someone?”

“No, you see what they have in their hands, is that?”

Many martial artists on the empty boat were discussing spiritedly. Suddenly some of them, seeing a golden post in the hands of these Immortal Sect martial artists, changed their faces.

“Fantasy order?”

“What’s going on? The ethereal Divine Palace has issued an ethereal order again?”

“Who is it that actually caused the ethereal Divine Palace to issue an ethereal order, the last time an ethereal order was made, but it was because of the monster Heart Demon that he issued the ethereal order.”

The ethereal order is the will of the ethereal Divine Palace, but it is essentially an arrest warrant.

Once the ethereal order is issued, it means that the entire 9 Huatian, all sects, must join hands to capture the characters recorded in it.

This kind of ethereal order, but only the palace owner of the ethereal Divine Palace is qualified to make it.

The characters who are qualified to order the Misty Palace Master are all powerhouses of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and every time a phantom order will cause a bloody storm.

In 9 Huatian, tens of thousands of years, there was also a mysterious order, among which the most wanted person was Maharaja Heart Demon.

Maharaja Heart Demon, it is said that he is an unworldly genius among 9 Huatian. He took the way of Heart Demon, comprehend to the extreme, and it is enough to cause the Heart Demon of the martial artist to come and cause the Heart Demon backlash.

Heart Demon is the nightmare in the hearts of all martial artists. If people have a heart, there is Heart Demon. No martial artist can eradicate Heart Demon, but can only control it, but once it is in danger, Heart Demon will take advantage of it. Into.

Therefore, for Maharaja Heart Demon, the martial artist of 9 Huatian was in danger, so that later the ethereal Divine Palace ordered the arrest of Maharaja Heart Demon.

But I did not expect that the Divine Palace ordered the ethereal Divine Palace, but did not catch the Maharaja Heart Demon. Instead, he let the Maharaja Heart Demon sneak into the ethereal within the realm, and displayed the Heart Demon secret technique, turning the ethereal within the realm into countless closed-doors. The discipline Elder of cultivation was hit hard.

A full number of 10000 ethereal Divine Palace disciples died under the secret technique of the Maharaja Heart Demon, and even several Elders were hit hard, including a very talented and hopeful Immortal Emperor Realm. The supreme genius.

Maharaja Heart Demon’s action this time also completely angered the ethereal Divine Palace, and directly issued an ethereal order to chase down Maharaja Heart Demon.

No one knows what happened after that.

Some people say that Maharaja Heart Demon has died in the hands of the ethereal Divine Palace.

It was also said that Maharaja Heart Demon fled to other Sacred Domains.

Since then, Maharaja Heart Demon has never appeared again.

The last time the mysterious order was traced back to Maharaja Heart Demon, and this was when the Maharaja Heart Demon destroyed the divine Divine Palace, a genius who hoped to attack the Immortal Emperor.

But now, the ethereal Divine Palace has actually issued another ethereal order.

Countless martial artists have a feeling of wind and rain.

“Fantasy order?”

From the conversations with martial artists around, Chu Fengmian also understood the meaning of this ethereal order, and his face changed slightly.

On her side, Su He, her face was not pretty.

The ethereal Divine Palace had just been hit hard in the Great Dao on the other side, and at this time, the ethereal order was actually issued, so the greatest possibility is to come for Chu Fengmian and Soho.

Just when Chu Fengmian was still thinking about this.

The empty ship in front seemed to have passed the inspection and passed quickly.

The group of martial artists who were all together with Immortal Sect flew over quickly.

This group of martial artists of Immortal Sect are not very powerful. Most of them are realm of immortals and generals. Only one person in the lead has the realm of Immortal Monarch.

Qi Immortal Sect, after all, is now declining. It is only a 2nd stream sect on Yunhua continent. Naturally, the strength of the discipline under his command will not be much stronger.

This group of Immortal Sect disciples stepped directly onto the empty ship. The leading disciple waved his hand and the ethereal order in his hand flew out.

Suddenly, countless silhouettes appeared in the ethereal order. These silhouettes are so lifelike that if anyone sees them, they can recognize them at a glance.

“so much?”

“There are so many people on the ethereal order this time?”

Seeing the one after another silhouette above, many martial artists said in surprise.

Every time before the Misty Order, there are at most several people wanted, but this time there are more than 100 people on the Misty Order.

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