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Thinking of this, Chu Fengmian felt a little aftermath.

“One palm, just in a deep sleep, the power of one palm makes it hard for me to defeat, what level of power is the body of this Void God?”

Chu Fengmian thought about everything he saw just now.

The Void God that Chu Fengmian has been playing against just now is actually just a palm of the real Void God.

And the power of this palm actually surpassed Chu Fengmian’s current strength. He could defeat that palm, relying on the power of Foundation Tree to restrain the power of nothingness.

Without the restraint of the power of Foundation Tree against the power of nothingness, Chu Fengmian would not be able to defeat it with that palm alone.

“You are lucky. You actually encountered a master whose life essence is exhausted. If any master can have a little life essence, you would have died a long time ago. I don’t know how many times.”

In Chu Fengmian’s mind, Star Profound’s voice also tremblingly said.

Compared to Chu Fengmian, he knew better, what kind of existence Chu Fengmian had just faced, and how dangerous Chu Fengmian’s actions were just now.

“Master? The Void God, is a master?”

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help asking when he heard Star Profound’s words.

“Of course, that is a lord who is about to fall. It should be said that this lord has already fallen. He has fallen into an eternal deep sleep. It is almost impossible that he has a chance to wake up.”

Star Profound slowly opened the mouth and said.

“Otherwise, if you dare to provoke a master, he would have killed him a long time ago.”

“No, on your chest…”

The voice of Star Profound suddenly became tense.

“On your chest?”

Chu Fengmian moved his gaze over, but found that a silver mark appeared on his chest suddenly.

This silver mark seems to be a vague emptiness. Upon closer inspection, it is simply like a reduced version of endless emptiness, with a faint emptiness permeating it.


Chu Fengmian complexion greatly changed.

He didn’t even notice that there was such a mark left on his body. Someone could do all this silently.

Moreover, this mark actually seemed to be integrated with Chu Fengmian’s body, so that Chu Fengmian himself did not notice any strangeness.

Chu Fengmian immediately moved the power on his body, ready to dissolve this mark, but the power contained in this mark was not strong.

But no matter how Chu Fengmian used his strength to flush, he didn’t even move.

“Swallow the sky!”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes were extremely cold, and the illusory shadow of Swallowing Heaven Beast suddenly roared behind him.

The Heaven Devouring Force runs full force in Chu Fengmian’s body, turning into a whirlpool, devouring the power of this imprint crazily with the Heaven Devouring Force.

One minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes.

Heaven Devouring Force continuously devours this.

But on Chu Fengmian’s chest, that mark of nothingness, the power has not changed a little bit.

Heaven Devouring Force was helpless with this mark.

“What the hell is that thing?”

He almost mobilized all power and all means, whether it was the innate Divine Beast Bloodline Strength, Heaven Devouring Force, or even God’s Force, his Sword Dao, and even the power of Foundation Tree, which has always been extremely restrained from the power of nothingness. , Chu Fengmian used it all.

However, this mark of nothingness is still on Chu Fengmian’s chest, and his strength has not weakened.

All Chu Fengmian’s methods seemed to have no effect on this mark of nothingness.

This made Chu Fengmian’s face extremely ugly.

Although he didn’t know what exactly this void mark was for, it was definitely not a good thing.

Chu Fengmian was extremely confident about his strength, so he dared to take the risk to explore the body of Void God, but he did not expect to bring back such a huge trouble.

“There is no need to waste power. This is Controller’s Seal. With your current strength, it is impossible to get rid of it.”

Star Profound slowly opened the mouth and said in Chu Fengmian’s mind.

“You have the Controller’s Seal mark on your body, which proves that you have been targeted by the Void God. It seems that you are in serious trouble.”

“Controller’s Seal Remember!”

Chu Fengmian’s face was cold.

This Void God actually left the Controller’s Seal on his body, so this is definitely not a good thing.

“This Controller’s Seal mark, can’t it be removed?”

Chu Fengmian asked involuntarily.

“Yes, as long as there is a master who is willing to help you get rid of the Controller’s Seal, you can get rid of it naturally.”

Star Profound’s answer, although it said that Chu Fengmian did not lose his last hope, but in fact it is no different from nonsense.

It is almost impossible for a master to get rid of this nihilism for Chu Fengmian.

Master, Chu Fengmian didn’t know if he could still make a move in the world without fear of the master of Tianzhu.

even more how Even if Chu Fengmian really has a chance to find a master, why did the other party help Chu Fengmian dissolve this nihil mark?

The answer of Star Profound made Chu Fengmian also understand that he wanted to get rid of this imprint of nothingness. It was impossible.

For Chu Fengmian, the question he cares about needs to be changed.

“How does this imprint of nothing affect me?”

Chu Fengmian asked.

This Void God is also impossible to leave this nihil mark on Chu Fengmian’s body for no reason.

“Impact? For you, this Void Mark is not at all. Any influence. This Void Mark itself is not a means of attack, but a sign. No matter where you hide, the Void God can pass through this void. Mark, find you.”

The voice of Star Profound said strangely.

“In short, you are being targeted by a master.”

“I was targeted by a master, you don’t seem to be in a hurry?”

Chu Fengmian asked Star Profound strangely.

For Chu Fengmian’s comfort, Star Profound can be said to be very concerned, otherwise, Star Profound will not wake up from a deep sleep every critical moment.

But this time Chu Fengmian was watched by a master, Star Profound was not too nervous.

“It’s not time to be anxious, the master, Void God, as I said, he has reached a state of suspended animation where his life essence is almost exhausted. It can be said that there is only one breath left. Obviously he is impossible. The ruler of the era should be a ruler from an older era.”

Star Profound explained.

“His strength is incomparably weak, so he has no possibility of resisting Tianzhu. Even a little bit of Tianzhu can make him fall, so he is impossible to wake up in this era.”

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