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“Okay, I agree, I only need 30% of the blood energy, but as stated in advance, I can only do it once, and I will do my best to deal with the strongest enemy. As for the rest, you must deal with it.”

The Protoss City Lord stared at Chu Fengmian, and in the end he was nodded.

30% blood energy, although much less than he expected.

But if he gets it, it’s enough for him to use it. With 30% blood energy, he doesn’t need to sleep all the time. At least he can stay for a while. During this time, he can also look for other methods to extend his life.

Immortal Emperor’s method of prolonging life is extremely rare, but his strength can still be found if he wants to find it.

This time the Protoss City Lord fell asleep and was forced to fall asleep. When he encountered a strong enemy, he had to fall asleep, only to separate an incarnation into action and fall into this embarrassing situation.

“This is a jade talisman, as long as you crush the jade talisman, I will shoot once with my body.”

With a move of the Protoss City Master’s palm, a jade talisman flew down and fell into Chu Fengmian’s hands.

This jade talisman contains this extremely terrifying power, and even Chu Fengmian feels an extremely dangerous feeling.

“it is good.”

Chu Fengmian did not move the expression, took Jade Talisman, put it away, and was about to leave.

At this moment, Chu Fengmian suddenly thought of something and stopped.

“What else?”

The Protoss City Lord asked.

Although he was pitted fiercely once by Chu Fengmian fiercely, he was very upset, but Chu Fengmian is now his only hope for prolonging his life, and he can only show as polite as possible.

“I encountered a Void Beast wave before. I discovered that this Void Beast wave was controlled by someone. Do you know who controls them?”

Chu Fengmian suddenly asked about his previous experience.

The previous wave of Void Beast encountered by the 1000 An was deliberately controlled. Chu Fengmian didn’t understand the reason before, but now it seems that if the Protoss City Lord had already targeted Soho.

It is not surprising that other people and other forces are eyeing Soho.

The Protoss City Lord, as one of the strong Immortal Emperors in the Great Dao of the other shore, his understanding of Dao is definitely far better than others. He wants to ask who is behind the control of the Void Beast tide, Protoss Santo is the most suitable candidate.

“The one who controls the Void Beast tide? You actually met them.”

The Protoss City Lord heard what Chu Fengmian said, not at all. There was almost nothing he didn’t know in the Great Dao on the other side.

“That’s a group of people, a unique race living in the Great Dao on the other side. I will call them the Void Human Race.”

“Void Terran?”

Chu Fengmian wondered.

This name has never even appeared in the Witch Clan’s materials.

“The Void Human Race is a unique race that exists in the Great Dao on the other side. They were once humans, but they were affected by the power of the void in the Great Dao on the other side, eroding their bodies and turning into a unique race. This is the Void Human Race.”

“The origin of the void human race was first in the battle of Ancient Era. The Great Dao on the other side suddenly shattered, and the humans left in the Great Dao on the other side could not find a way to leave the Great Dao on the other side. The middle life was eroded by the power of nothingness and turned into the void human race.”

“This kind of void human race has been corroded by the power of nothingness, so it has become completely different from the ordinary human race. They have been fuse together with Great Dao, so they can’t leave Great Dao, you haven’t heard of it. It’s not surprising either.”

“Because of the power of nothingness, the Void Beast clan, which was also born in the emptiness of Great Dao on the other side, will not attack them. Instead, they have the ability to impose some weak Void Beast clan. What you encounter should be the Void Beast clan. Clansman.”

Protoss City Lord explained.

Void human race, it is so…

If it weren’t for the explanation of the Protoss City Lord, Chu Fengmian hadn’t thought about it, there is actually such a family in the world.

The Great Dao on the other side was once a very prosperous business road. There are several millions in it at all times, and 10000000 million people are in it.

Ancient Battle, Great Dao on the other side shattered.

According to the rumors, the martial artists of the Great Dao on the other side died with the break of the Great Dao on the other side. However, they did not expect that they did not die, but were eroded by the power of nothingness and lived in the Great Dao on the other side. After coming down, he also became the Void Human Race.

No wonder they will not be attacked by Void Beast, but will control Void Beast.

“The Void Terran will attack the 1000 Security Number, so the reason is only because of Soho.”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes flickered.

Now the ethereal Divine Palace, the Su Family of Heavenly Soldiers, the Qingfeng Sect, and the 10000 Dragon Kingdom, these four forces have joined in, which has already made the situation extremely chaotic. If you add the Void Human Race and also want to compete for the blood blade of the gods, then The situation will be more chaotic.

Every time the bloodblade of the god evil is born, a storm is set off, a bloody wind, but this time Chu Fengmian will also participate in it.

“This is some information about the Void Human Race.”

The Protoss City Lord thought for a while, took out another jade talisman, and threw it to Chu Fengmian.

Since he decided to join hands with Chu Fengmian, he naturally hoped that Chu Fengmian would have a greater certainty that he could obtain the blood blade of the gods, but his hope was entirely pinned on Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian took Jade Talisman, stepped out and left the Astral Palace.

The battle for the blood blade of the gods and evil spirits seems to be more difficult than Chu Fengmian imagined, but this trip to Chu Fengmian is not without gain, at least there is more ally of the Protoss City Lord.

Although the Protoss City Lord could only make one shot, it was enough.

Chu Fengmian couldn’t see the strength of this Protoss City Lord. The only thing that can be determined is that this Protoss City Lord does not know how many times before the Immortal Emperor, and his strength is far superior to that of Bai Ancestor.

Far beyond.

The strength of the Protoss City Lord is almost ten times that of Bai Ancestor.

It is precisely because of the strength of the Protoss City Lord that Chu Fengmian is willing to allocate 30% of the blood energy of the Protoss City Lord to the Protoss City Lord and decided to join forces with the Protoss City Lord.

“This Protoss City Lord should be a Tier 4, or even Tier 5 Immortal Emperor. Even a Prestige of Strike can severely damage an Immortal Emperor below Tier 3.”

Chu Fengmian muttered to himself.

With the help of the Protoss City Lord, Chu Fengmian would have a much greater chance of capturing the blood blade of the gods.

After leaving the Star Spirit Palace, Chu Fengmian returned to the courtyard of the previous Heihuo 5, where Soho was still waiting.


Seeing the Protoss City Lord this time, Chu Fengmian understood too many things. Since it is decided to fight for the blood blade of the gods, then Chu Fengmian must also be prepared.

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