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Any refining genius, without the blessing of one party, will become the object of competition for all influence, even being imprisoned and being a slave, it is extremely common.

The strength of the Su Family of the Heavenly Soldiers was established after not knowing how many sufferings they went through.

Today’s Heavenly Soldier Su Family, in addition to the Su Family people, there are also many shape refining geniuses. They also actively join the Heavenly Soldier Su Family and accept asylum.

For Su Ho, facing the arrangement of a huge monster like Su Family, she has no right to refuse.

“If you don’t want to, I can help you settle this engagement.”

Chu Fengmian thought about opening the mouth and said.

Although Su Family is a huge monster, Chu Fengmian doesn’t care.

There is an old one with Chu Fengmian, but Su Family, the soldier of Nine Domains.

The Su Family of the Three Great Saint Territories is like a stranger to Chu Fengmian.

Su Ho is the only descendant of Nine Domains Su Family. Chu Fengmian once accepted the favor of Su Family. He doesn’t mind helping Su Ho to solve this trouble.

Hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, Soho’s eyes flickered. He just wanted to say something, but he still didn’t say it.

“Forget it, don’t talk about it.”

So Ho shook the head said.

The heavenly soldier Su Family, how big a huge monster is, she knows better than anyone.

Especially this marriage contract was not only made by the heavenly soldier Su Family, but on the other side, it was the child of Celestial Emperor and the divine Palace behind the child of Celestial Emperor.

When these two huge monsters add up, in Nine Domains, there is no one force that dares to withstand this pressure.

In her opinion, even if Chu Fengmian is strong enough to compete with these two parties with his own power, it is a dead end.

“Senior, this time is going to 9 Huatian, why is it? Is it to join which party sect?”

Su He turned to ask.

For Chu Fengmian, she is also very curious now, how Chu Fengmian has this step today, especially Chu Fengmian, does not belong to any party sect.

This is indeed very strange among the Three Great Saint Territories. Generally, the powerhouses of Three Great Saint Territories have their own sects. Those who are strong alone are in the minority.

Martial artist wants to be promoted, not only requires aptitude and perseverance, but also requires a lot of resources, and it is almost impossible for a single person to get a lot of resources.

Generally, some martial artists of aptitude will choose to join a force.

The lone martial artist is either a poor aptitude or a very weird personality. Chu Fengmian obviously does not belong to these two columns.

From Soho’s point of view, with Chu Fengmian’s aptitude, even if it is the overlord of Three Great Saint Territories, sect, you can join casually.

“No, I plan to go to Tiansuan Mountain.”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

“Tian Suan Mountain?”

Su Ho said in surprise.

“Senior is going to ask God to count?”

“Not bad.”

Chu Fengmian nodded.

“This, I’m afraid it will disappoint the Senior. Tiansuan Shenjun is almost exhausted, almost not counting. We Su Family once invited him once and prepared a lot of treasures, but Tiansuan Shenjun did not make a move. .”

Su Ho couldn’t help but said.

“I have my own plans.”

Chu Fengmian mysteriously smiled without explaining.


At this moment, the empty ship bumped up suddenly.

Chu Fengmian also shot, grabbing Soho’s hand to keep her from falling.

This turbulence, not at all, stopped, but it became more and more violent, as if something happened.

Chu Fengmian looked towards the front of the 1000’an, and at a glance, in front of the 1000’an, in the turbulence of the void, there are countless strange birds. The bodies of these strange birds are in the illusion, seeming to be caused by nothingness. The flow is condensed and has different shapes. Many strange birds still have countless human faces on their bodies, which are extremely permeating.

These strange birds are forming an army and are attacking the 1000 An.

This turbulence is because these strange birds attacked the Array above the 1000A, which made the 1000A oscillate.

Many martial artists in the cabin of the empty ship felt the bumps and came out one after another.

“Brother Chu.”

Lei Wei also hurriedly walked over, his face was a bit bad and said.

“Didn’t expect, this has not yet entered the middle section of Great Dao on the other side, and the Void Beast army has appeared. It seems that this is still a complete Legion. It seems that our luck on this trip is really bad. The Void Beast army usually only appears in the middle area. We just entered the Great Dao on the other side, and unexpectedly emerged.”

Among the Great Dao on the other side, the greatest danger to martial artists is actually Void Beast.

These Void Beasts are strange creatures born in the void of Great Dao on the other side. No one knows their origins.

They only know that they live in the Great Dao on the other side and feed on blood.

Generally, the more powerful the martial artist, the stronger the blood energy on his body. Therefore, the empty ships going to and from the Great Dao on the other side became the target of these Void Beast attacks.

Although there are many attacks by Void Beast now, these fleets that go to and from the Great Dao on the other side are also ready, such as hiring strong men, strengthening empty ships, etc., which have been done long ago.

Generally, a small number of Void Beasts come to attack, and there is no danger at all.

But this time is different.

The number of these Void Birds in front of us is called boundless. Even Chu Fengmian couldn’t tell how many of them there are for a while. This is simply a Legion, an army of Void Birds.

“The strength of these Void Birds is not strong in itself, but they are numerous. Once they are besieged, even the Immortal Saints may die in their eyes. They are the more dangerous Void Beast group in the Great Dao on the other side. “

“Don’t these Void Birds generally live in the middle of Great Dao on the other side? How come they come here?”

Chu Fengmian can also hear other people’s comments on the 1000 An.

Many of the martial artists on the 1000’an are not the first time to travel to and from the Great Dao on an empty boat. They have some understanding of some of the rules.

But this time, the appearance of this Void Bird is a bit strange. The appearance of Void Beast in the front section of Great Dao on the other side is extremely rare.

And most of them are scattered 2 or 3, which can’t make the climate.

The Void Birds that came this time are a whole army.

Most of the martial artists on the 1000’an were extremely ugly. They had just entered the Great Dao on the other side, and they encountered one of the greatest dangers in the Great Dao on the other side, the Void Beast group.

“This is an entire Legion of Void Birds. All the martial artists under the realm of Xianhou have entered the cabin. Other strong guys, please take action and follow us to meet the enemy!!”

On the 1000 An, the voice of the captain of the 1000 An echoed.

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