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“Oh? That’s not bad. Anyway, that kid, as long as she doesn’t die in my hands, Soho wants to take the opportunity to get angry, but she can’t start.”

Su Family fourth young master thought for a while, nodded said.

“Then let that kid live a few more days.”

“Zhuo Mo, this matter is left to you, remember not to let Su Ho see it, we did this.”

Su Family fourth young master said with blinking eyes.

“As you bid.”

Zhuo Mo’s silhouette slowly disappeared.

the other side.

With the driving of the 1000-an aircraft, it has already left Li Hentian and passed the space turbulence area. The 1000-an aircraft has gradually become stable and entered the Great Dao on the other side.

After all, Great Dao on the other side is a space channel that has been arranged by countless strong people. Most of the intact areas are still extremely stable.

The martial artist can also walk in the empty boat at will, even some areas in the Great Dao on the other side, the martial artist can walk freely.

But the Great Dao on the other side is now broken, and many places are incomplete. Therefore, in some stable areas, there may suddenly appear a dangerous place. This is also the largest of the Great Dao on the other side. Danger.

Therefore, the martial artists who usually take the empty boat do not dare to leave the empty boat. At most, they breathe out on the deck, but this is better than stuffing in the cabin.

Many martial artists in the cabins all came out one after another.

Which also includes Chu Fengmian.

Coming to the deck, Chu Fengmian’s gaze was looking all around, looking at the scene in the Great Dao on the other side.

Void air permeates the surroundings. These void airs come from the emptiness between the worlds. These void airs pervade all around, always showing some sights, even some Heaven and Earth discoloration. Many people see this natural phenomenon and are amazed.

Chu Fengmian is also the first time he has entered the Great Dao on the other side. He can feel that the Great Dao on the other side, once glorious, and now broken.

The Space Power around is extremely chaotic.

It can be said that even Chu Fengmian, an Immortal Emperor of Dao of Space Great Accomplishment, will lose his way when entering it, and don’t know where he will be taken by this Space Power.

So this Great Dao, but even the imperial Capital did not dare to rush through.

It can be said that if some Immortal Emperors want to cross the Great Dao on the other side, they must also use these empty ships and the help of the captains of these empty ships to pass the Great Dao on the other side.

The routes of these empty ship captains have been inherited from generation to generation. For a safe route, I don’t know how many martial artists have died.

The captain of the 1000 An is very experienced. Standing on the deck, Chu Fengmian can see the 1000 An, already avoiding many dangerous areas.

These many dangerous areas were not conspicuous, and Chu Fengmian was barely able to spot them, but the captain of the 1000 Ann had already understood this dangerous area, and he was prepared to escape early.

This is experience, the wisdom of the captain of the empty ship, entering the Great Dao on the other side, each step route, are all recorded in the mind of the captain of the 1000 An.

“Brother Chu.”

When Chu Fengmian was on the deck, looking at the scenery in the Great Dao on the other side.

That Leiwei also walked out of the cabin, he was also the kind of person who couldn’t stay idle.

Now that the 1000 An was stable and safe, he hurriedly walked out of the cabin, came to Chu Fengmian’s side, and proactively said hello.

Chu Fengmian also replied a greeting. On this ship, except for Soho, Chu Fengmian was able to talk to Lei Wei.

After all, Chu Fengmian could see that Lei Wei did not mean anything malicious to him.

“The Great Dao on the other side, I have walked through it several times, but this scene is different every time. Every time I look at it, I can see a new natural phenomenon. Such a spectacle is hard to see again.”

Lei Wei stood beside Chu Fengmian.

His guard stood far away and didn’t come close to prevent Lei Wei from being disturbed.

Lei Wei said a few words to Chu Fengmian at random, and then he suddenly asked.

“Brother Chu made the movement in the cabin just now, right?”

Lei Wei also heard the movement in the cabin. His room was right next to Chu Fengmian, so he heard it clearly. At the same time, he had already heard what happened from the rumors.

“Not bad.”

Chu Fengmian is also nodded.

He had no intention of concealing the killing of Si Zong, otherwise, the two guards of Su Family would also be impossible to leave alive.

With the current methods of Chu Fengmian, if you want to kill a few immortal saints, you can do it silently, no one can detect it.

“That Sizong, was Brother Chu really killed?”

Hearing Chu Fengmian’s answer, Lei Wei confirmed his guess, and he couldn’t help but frowned.

“Now, it’s a little troublesome. Although Na Si Zong is an ineffective young master of the homesick, but after all, he is the direct line of the homesick, the young master of the homesick. Brother Chu killed him in this way. I won’t let it go.”

Lei Wei thought about opening the mouth and said.

“Now that the news of Si Zong’s death, the homesick side is afraid of understood. When we arrive at 9 Huatian, the homesick people will be here too. Or Brother Chu, leave with me? If we leave together People who are homesick should not dare to do it.”

“No need to.”

Upon hearing Lei Wei’s words, Chu Fengmian laughed and said.

“People who are homesick, if they are willing to come and die, then I will fulfill them, don’t worry, a little homesickness is not in my eyes.”

Chu Fengmian said casually.

Homesickness can be regarded as one of the Great Family of Li Hentian, and it is also recorded in the materials of the Wu Clan.

However, the so-called ancient ancestor of this Sijia is actually a first-order Immortal Emperor, or a first-order Immortal Emperor whose life essence is about to be exhausted. The aptitude of the ancient ancestor of Sijia is not high, and it can become an Immortal Emperor. Got a shocking opportunity.

Therefore, the ancient ancestor of homesickness, even if the life essence is exhausted, has not been able to break through, it is still a first-order Immortal Emperor.

A first-order Immortal Emperor is not enough to threaten Chu Fengmian. After all, Chu Fengmian has killed even Bai Zu. This old Ancestor dare to come, but also bring about one’s own destruction.


Lei Wei wanted to say something, but seeing Chu Fengmian’s expression, it was not like he was joking, and he still didn’t go on.

Although he doesn’t know why Chu Fengmian is so confident.

Even homesick who owns the Immortal Emperor don’t take it seriously.

But when he heard Chu Fengmian’s words, he believed Chu Fengmian’s words in his heart, as if Chu Fengmian’s words contained a kind of magic.

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