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“Younger sister, what identities are these people, how can they be on the same boat with us?”

Su Family fourth young master coldly said.

“Moreover, the danger in Great Dao on the other side is not small. If one of them makes trouble from it, it will be dangerous. It is better to drive them all out.”

“If you are worried about danger, then let’s go down and wait for an empty ship.”

Su Ho calmly opened the mouth and said.

“Waiting? But 1 month later, it’s the day of marriage. It’s not easy to explain to the Celestial Emperor.”

Su Family fourth young master said hurriedly.

“That’s also your business.”

Su Ho’s eyes were a little cold.

Saying Soho is about to turn around and disembark.

“Younger sister, younger sister…”

Su Family fourth young master hurried to catch up.

“Forget it, you can’t waste time, just go with these people, but Captain, you have to give us a few quiet rooms, and no one can disturb.”

Su Family fourth young master’s gaze looked towards the captain of the 1000 An opened the mouth and said.

“Fourth young master, don’t worry.”

The captain of the 1000 An hurriedly replied.

“This Su Family person is really overbearing.”

Many of the martial artists on the ship heard the words of Su Family fourth young master just now, and their expressions were a little uncomfortable.

When Su Family fourth young master spoke, he wanted to drive all of them off the boat. It was too arrogant. To be able to ride on the martial artist of the 1000-sec number, they all have some identities, but their true identity is with the heavenly soldiers. Su Family is far from impossible to compare.

None of these martial artists dared to speak loudly, but dared to speak quietly.

“hmph! ”

Hear these discussions.

Su Family fourth young master coldly snorted.

The four immortal saints standing behind him understood what he meant, and stepped out one step at a time. A strong pressure shrouded them, and all martial artists suddenly felt an oppression.

Many martial artists can’t help but use their power to resist this coercion.

On the upper deck, Leiwei’s guard, Uncle Yan, also stepped forward and blocked Leiwei’s front.

The four immortal saints burst out coercively, enough to injure ordinary immortals.

Several other people on the upper deck also hid behind the guards one after another. They are also traveling merchants, and they are not strong in their own right and cannot withstand this coercion.

Seeing the absolute silence on the empty boat, Su Family fourth young master also showed a bit of complacency on his face and waved his hand. The four immortal saints behind him recovered their breath.

“The people of the Su Family, who are really arrogant and arrogant, really think that if they have a relationship with the ethereal Divine Palace, they can walk unhindered in the Three Great Saint Territories?”

Lei Wei’s face was not so pretty either.

The Su Family fourth young master just now gave everyone present an initial show of strength.

“Master, be careful, if Su Family of Su Family marries the Celestial Emperor, then Su Family’s position in the future will be unshakable. Even if it is us, we can’t conflict with them.”

Uncle Yan hurriedly reminded.

“I know, I just can’t see the arrogant attitude of this Su Family fourth young master. Among the princes of Su Family, this fourth young master is considered the most useless one. He even dared to show off one’s military strength.”

Lei Wei coldly said.

“It’s a pity, Su Family’s younger generation Number One Person, Su Ho, is actually forced to join the ethereal Divine Palace.”


Upon hearing this, Chu Fengmian suddenly turned his eyes and said in surprise.

“Yes, it is said that Su Ho did not marry into the ethereal Divine Palace voluntarily. She has not even seen the face of the Celestial Emperor. This marriage contract is Su Family Old Ancestor, who is appointed by Misty Palace. Coming down.”

Lei Wei looked towards Chu Fengmian and said.

Lei Wei seems to know many of them.

“Oh? Su Family, willing to give such a genius to the ethereal Divine Palace?”

Chu Fengmian asked somewhat puzzled.

In general, the genius of this Great Family will be left in the family, and rarely will be married outside, unless it is forced by the situation, but now the Su Family, although the power is slightly inferior to the ethereal Divine Palace, it is still It is far from the point where it is necessary to marry one party.

If Soho and the Celestial Emperor are in harmony, the strong combination, the marriage of the two overlords, is definitely a good thing for both parties, a good story.

But it sounds like this is not the case.

“It’s not the trash from Su Family’s direct line.”

Lei Wei said coldly snorted in a disdainful tone.

“Those of Su Family’s direct descendants, each and everyone did not inherit the ability of the general system. Although SoHo came from the sidelines, her aptitude far surpassed them. Those Su Family’s direct descendants are worried that Su Family power will fall into the future. At the hands of SoHo, you can only use means to marry SoHo. In this way, you can not only exchange for the support of the ethereal Divine Palace side, but also avoid SoHo’s threat.”

“It’s a pity, Soho Young Lady’s talent and appearance are all the best choices, but after all, her strength of oneself can’t compete with these Two Great Influences.”

Lei Wei’s tone was also somewhat emotional.

“Brother Chu, seems to be very concerned about Soho Young Lady?”

Lei Wei suddenly switched to say with a smile.

“Brother Chu’s eyes have not left Soho Young Lady just now. It seems that he fell in love with Soho Young Lady at first sight?”

“Soho Young Lady’s admiration is countless among the Three Great Saint Territories. Seeing Brother Chu’s indifferent personality didn’t expect…”

Upon hearing this, Chu Fengmian just laughed and said casually.

“She and I should be regarded as old friends, but we haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

“What about people?”

Before Lei Wei spoke, another middle-aged man standing on the deck suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“I don’t know how many people admire Soho Young Lady. There is nothing sorry about it. According to the old folks, it’s a bit nonsense. As far as I know, Soho Young Lady grew up in Su Family. , Who has never left home, where did you come from?”

This middle-aged man is also a traveling merchant who lives in a king-class guest room, named Si Zong.

He was also an admirer of SoHo. He was a little unhappy when he heard that SoHo was going to marry the Celestial Emperor. Now when he heard Chu Fengmian’s words, he sneered directly.

“As you and me, you are not qualified to stand in front of Soho Young Lady, so don’t daydream.”

Chu Fengmian didn’t care about the words of Sizong, his sight still fell on Soho.

This Soho in front of him is indeed an deceased of Chu Fengmian. It is Chu Fengmian who was in Nine Domains before. After the deceased Soho, Chu Fengmian rescued her once before and saw her bring her in. In the Nine Domains, in the Holy Land of Su Family.

It’s just that Chu Fengmian didn’t expect it. Today, he encountered Soho in Three Great Saint Territories, and in Three Great Saint Territories, there is also a heavenly soldier Su Family. The two seem to be related.

Otherwise, Soho will not become a member of the Su Family among the Three Great Saint Territories.

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