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The world seed is actually the coordinates of a world. As long as power is injected into it, it will become a channel leading to that world within the realm.

Where the world seed is opened, this channel will stay where it is, and this channel is extremely fragile.

Therefore, when opening the seeds of the world, you must choose a place that is extremely safe and stable.

Once the space channel is broken and Chu Fengmian wants to return to the ancient territory, he must search for each and everyone world. From the broken Desolate Ancient, Smaller Thousand Worlds has hundreds of thousands, several millions of them. many.

Most of the Smaller Thousand Worlds were born naturally in Heaven and Earth. Of course, some of them were Smaller Thousand Worlds created by the Immortal Emperor.

Many Immortal Emperors have fallen due to various reasons, but their own worlds have become a world by themselves, even if the Immortal Emperor falls, many Smaller Thousand Worlds will still survive and become an unowned world.

It’s just that the value of Smaller Thousand Worlds is not as valuable as the Smaller Thousand Worlds created by Heaven and Earth.

Three Great Saint Territories, as the Great Thousand Worlds, in which many huge monster sects, they all occupy each and everyone Smaller Thousand Worlds, and even Smaller Thousand Worlds under the command of Sect, more than one are used as Direct Disciple experience.

At the same time, Smaller Thousand Worlds is also continuously providing resources.

Because of this, the sect forces in the Three Great Saint Territories are completely different from the foreign domain starry sky, and each and everyone is the real huge monster.

According to the Black Witch Emperor, 9 Li Witch Emperor told Chu Fengmian that in Li Heng Tian, ​​he has the power of Two Great Sects and is not under the Witch Clan.

If it is said that the entire Three Great Saint Territories, plus the Nine Domains, the strength of the Wu clan can not even enter the top 20, this is enough to prove the true formidable sect of Three Great Saint Territories, how terrifying.

No wonder the Witch tribe has such strength. Each and everyone of the Witch tribe is a natural warrior, but at most they can only occupy a corner of the northern border. The ancient territory is also passed down because of the ten great wizard gods, otherwise the current Witch tribe, even There is no Intermediate Wide World.

“The strength of the Witch tribe seems to be strong, but it is only strong in appearance but weak in reality. If the forces of human martial artists unite to destroy the Witch tribe, it will almost with no difficulty.”

“If it weren’t for the human martial artist forces, it would be divided into countless forces, and they would be hostile to each other. No one would be willing to expend great efforts to deal with the Witch Clan. I’m afraid the Witch Clan would have been extinct now.

“However, in addition to the Witch Clan, there are still many races in the Desolate Ancient 100 Clan. Among many ancient races, there are also strong people at the Immortal Emperor level. The power of these races alone is not strong, but when gathered, It is also an extremely terrifying force.”

“Human martial artists have all influence. They are unwilling to act on these alien races, and they are afraid that they will unite. After all, once they do, everyone knows the truth that their lips will die.”

Chu Fengmian also knows a lot about the situation of the Three Great Saint Territories.

Three Great Saint Territories is now maintained in a balance.

Among all races, all influence, although there is a small friction, all influence will not really do it, at most it is just a trial, or let the Little Brat of the disciple generation hone each other.

No one wants to break this balance.

It’s just this time that among the witch clan, the time witch emperor, empty witch emperor, and Jin Jue witch emperor were suddenly judged from the witch clan, but the balance was suddenly broken, and the three Immortal Emperors changed. , Is enough to affect the balance, only then will many forces in the Three Great Saint Territories begin to stir up.

Of course, this is just a small wave. The real big change is the birth of Nine Domains. Once the first of the four Sacred Domains, Great Thousand Worlds’ Nine Domains, once the Nine Domains of Great Thousand Worlds are completely born, what reaction will it cause? No one knows. .

“Strength, my strength is not enough, even the strength of Immortal Emperor, in the face of such a general trend, it is nothing.”

Chu Fengmian sighed. In the face of the general trend, his strength alone is indeed far from enough, and the Immortal Emperor barely protected himself.

And not to become immortal emperor, even the ability to protect himself.

The more he knows, now Chu Fengmian is more eager for power.

“First, find a place to release the seeds of the world.”

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved, ready to leave the wizard god.

The witch God’s Force is permeated everywhere in the witch god’s leader. For Chu Fengmian, it is extremely comfortable, but for the world seed, once the space channel is opened in the wizard god.

This endless witch God’s Force will crush this space channel in an instant. Chu Fengmian doesn’t want to waste a world seed in vain.

Such a Supreme Treasure, it is a great opportunity to get one, and it is almost impossible to get a second one.

Chu Fengmian’s figure flickered from the witch god’s collar, and flew toward the witch god’s collar, but when Chu Fengmian was about to leave the witch god’s collar, suddenly his figure stopped in the air.

“The Dark Witch Emperor is calling me?”

A jade talisman in Chu Fengmian’s arms was shining with dark rays of light. It was the black witch emperor who called Chu Fengmian.

When Chu Fengmian left before, he also told the Black Witch Emperor and 9 Li Witch Emperor that he was preparing to practice hard to impact the Immortal Emperor’s realm. If it weren’t a matter of greatness, the Black Witch Emperor wouldn’t find Chu Fengmian at this time.

“What happened?”

Chu Fengmian frowned.

He is already short of time now. If there is any trouble, Chu Fengmian’s time will be even more urgent, which he does not want to see.

Chu Fengmian body flashed, turned into a ray of light, and directly entered the dark god collar, the dark god collar, the great hall of the black witch emperor, the black witch emperor, 9 witch emperor Li, are already sitting in it.

The silhouettes of the King of Jinjue and the King of Shangtu are nowhere to be seen. The two of them are also beginning to attack the realm of the Immortal Emperor, in secluded bitter cultivation.

“Peerless Sword is here.”

Black Witch Emperor, 9 When Li Witch Emperor saw Chu Fengmian’s arrival, he all rose from the throne to show respect.

Chu Fengmian has become the third witch emperor of the witch tribe, enough to be on an equal footing with them.

In order to conceal the identity of Chu Fengmian, they now call Chu Fengmian by the name of Peerless Sword.

“What happened?”

Chu Fengmian stepped into the great hall and said straight to the point.

Nothing happened, Black Witch Emperor and 9 Li Witch Emperor would not call Chu Fengmian here.

“There is the Immortal Emperor, entering the northern territory, and coming towards the ancient territory.”

Seeing Chu Fengmian’s attitude, the Black Witch Emperor is not wasting time either, he is also straight to the point directly opening the mouth and said.

“This Immortal Emperor is mostly directed at you.”

“Is there an Immortal Emperor and entered the north? Is it incarnation?”

Chu Fengmian frowned asked.

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