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Among the Three Great Saint Territories and all influences, they all learned the news immediately. For this news, all influences also behave differently.

There are indifferent, doubtful, nervous, etc., but almost all the powerhouses of Three Great Saint Territories are understood, among the witches, the name of the sword witch emperor.

The name of the Sword Witch Emperor also resounded in the Three Great Saint Territories.

As the sword witch emperor, “Chu Fengmian” was indifferent to all this.

At the moment of this news transmission, Chu Fengmian had already left the palace of the Vulcan Lord and flew towards the depths of the Wizard God.

When Chu Fengmian got the witch god inheritance, he also understood, the top ten witch gods, once in the deepest part of the witch god leader, left the rule of inheritance.

In the inheritance experience left by the ten great wizard gods, if it is to create Smaller Thousand Worlds, the ten basic rules should be incorporated into it.

It is necessary to thoroughly comprehend the ten basic rules before creating Smaller Thousand Worlds. This is almost impossible for a witch king. Therefore, the ten great witch gods are in the witch god’s domain. They laid down their comprehend on the ten basic rules.

Chu Fengmian also intends to try to follow the ideas of the ten witch gods, when creating Smaller Thousand Worlds, integrating the ten basic rules into it. Since this is the way to choose, it is more difficult than just creating Smaller Thousand Worlds. 100 times.

However, if you really follow this step, then Chu Fengmian will be a lot smoother when he hits the Ruler Realm world in the future.

For Chu Fengmian, his goal has never been Immortal Emperor.

It is the master, or even the higher level.

His Master, the Lord of Sword Dao, possesses the strength comparable to the ruler. He was besieged and fell 10,000 years ago. Chu Fengmian wants to avenge the Lord of Sword Dao, even if it is the strength of the ruler, it is not enough.

As for the realm of the Immortal Emperor, it is even less worth mentioning. At the beginning, even the Lord of Sword Dao, who was the master of the strength, could besiege to kill, so killing an Immortal Emperor was even more with no difficulty.

The strength of the Immortal Emperor alone, and even Chu Fengmian did not even have the ability to protect himself.

Therefore, the thoughts left by the ten great wizard gods coincide with those of Chu Fengmian.

Of course, the methods left by the ten witch gods are just their imaginations. No one can really do this step yet, but Chu Fengmian decided to try it.

Chu Fengmian has little experience of comprehend for the ten basic laws, so the comprehend left by the ten witch gods is of great use to Chu Fengmian.

“According to the memory left by the ten great wizard gods, it should be around here.”

The witch god leads the depths.

Here, there is no longer any palace to see. This is the gathering place of the pure witch God’s Force. Even a witch emperor can hardly act in it.

Only Chu Fengmian, who has been approved by the top ten wizard gods, can act freely from it. The wizard God’s Force around here will not affect Chu Fengmian in the least.

Chu Fengmian step by step walked towards the depths, and finally in the ten-color streamer, suddenly saw a group of crystal-glazed gems, in this crystal-glazed gemstone, it contains the ten-color streamer .

“The Crystal of Time, is this thing unexpectedly?”

The moment Chu Fengmian saw the crystal-like gemstone, he instantly recognized what it was.

The crystal of time, one of the most mysterious treasures in the world, is said to be born in the long river of time, so there is a divine force that is not affected by Power of Time. What is sealed in it can transcend time without being affected by Power of The influence of Time.

Even when an era is broken, the crystals of this time can survive.

The era is destroyed, all the world, Great Thousand Worlds, Intermediate Wide World, Smaller Thousand Worlds, all of them, laws, Martial Dao, will be destroyed.

And in this catastrophe of destruction, there is also a glimmer of survival, which can survive from it, the master is one of them, and the crystal of time is also one of them.

According to the Heaven and Earth Rule, the strong cannot inherit the comprehend of the law to the next person. Otherwise, an Immortal Emperor will be born from one force. This Immortal Emperor will inherit the comprehend of the law. I don’t know how many Immortal Emperors will be born.

This is something Heavenly Dao cannot tolerate.

So even if it is Jade Talisman, the inheritance of books will be destroyed by Heavenly Dao.

And the only thing that can circumvent this is the Crystal of Time. Only the inheritance left in the Crystal of Time can evade Heavenly Dao’s punishment and inherit.

However, if you want to use the Crystal of Time, you have to pay a great price. Once you leave Martial Dao in the Crystal of Time, you will lose this Martial Dao yourself.

And what the ten witch gods left in this crystal of time is not as simple as a Martial Dao, but their understanding of Heaven and Earth Law Comprehension.

They left this understanding in the Crystal of Time, which means that they will lose the Heaven and Earth Law Comprehension, and for a shaman god, an Immortal Emperor strong, there is only one Possibly, it is loss of strength.

“No wonder a strong man like the Fire Sorcerer God, his fleshy body actually only has such a weak power. It turns out that he has long left the law in the crystal of time. When it is about to fall, there is not much Power.”

It suddenly occurred to Chu Fengmian that when he got the skeleton of the God of Fire, there was not much power on the skeleton.

Chu Fengmian didn’t notice any problems before, but later when Chu Fengmian got the black whale horns or the bones of idols, he could clearly feel the huge power left in it.

But in the bones of the fire witch god, it was different.

Chu Fengmian didn’t know before that the rumored bronze Heavenly Demon was the god of fire, so it was strange not at all, but now that I think about it carefully, it is indeed unusual.

The bones of the Fire Sorcerer God, even if it has fallen for 100000000 million years, its power will not decay.

Just like the ancient territory, like the Divine Palace of the witches, the power left by the ten great witch gods still contains extremely terrifying power.

“For the sake of inheritance, I am willing to lose my strength.”

Chu Fengmian all sighed. He was amazed at the dedication of the ten witch gods to the inheritance of the witch clan. Chu Fengmian will not pay for the Sword Dao.

The ten great witch gods are also worthy of being worshipped and worshipped by the witches for generations.

“I promised you, I will do it naturally, and protect the Wu Clan.”

Chu Fengmian muttered to himself, he extended the hand and grabbed the crystal at that time.

This crystal of time felt the power of Chu Fengmian, without the slightest resistance, it was directly caught in the palm of his hand by Chu Fengmian. In the crystal of time, a stream of light, which contained supreme mysterious, The ten great witch gods are all recorded in the Law Comprehension.

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