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The sudden change of Wu Divine Palace is not accidental.

The Array above Divine Palace slowly condensed and turned into a spatial tunnel. Suddenly, one after another silhouette emerged from the Array.

“Someone really came out of Divine Palace.”

“This breath, really strong, is much stronger than us.”

“This is the Witch King? How could the power of a Witch King be so terrifying?”

The gazes of some Witch Kings looked towards the moment they stepped out of the silhouette, their gazes condensed.

Even from a distance, he could see the terrifying aura emanating from this silhouette. Although it was only a witch king, the aura on his body was infinitely close to the level of the witch emperor.

The ordinary Witch King, in front of this silhouette, does not even have the confidence to contend with it. The power gap between the two is like worlds apart.

“Who the hell is this? This person contains the incomparable essence of God’s Force. It seems that he should be a God’s Force who once entered it. He can live out, which means that in the Divine Palace, the ten Has the inheritance of the witch god left behind by the great witch god fell into this person’s hands?”

“I don’t know, I have never heard of such a Witch King.”

“Divine force of the soil, isn’t Bloodline the god of soil witches already decayed? Where is such a strong man?”

The moment when many Witch Kings looked towards this silhouette, their eyes were a little dazed, and they couldn’t recognize the origin of this silhouette for a while.

The god sons of the Witch clan are all well-known geniuses in the history of the Witch clan, impossible and unknown.

But they didn’t even recognize the origin of this silhouette. The only possibility is that the origin of this silhouette is too old. Even most witch kings in this era have never seen him before. Would not recognize him.

“Ancient territory, I am finally back.”

This silhouette slowly walked out of the Wu Divine Palace, his face also showed a bit of joy. Finally, he could leave the Wu Divine Palace and return to the ancient territory, from the endless Divine Palace of the Wu Escaped from the prison.

“This is? The King of Commercial Land?”

Suddenly an extremely old witch king seemed to recognize the origin of this silhouette and said in surprise.

“The King of Commercial Land?”

“I remember seeing this name in an ancient book. It is said that this is the most monster genius among the bloodline witches of the earth witch god. He entered the witch Divine Palace million years ago, and then there was no news. Is it him? Is he still alive?”

“Million years ago, there was indeed such a character. It was him. Did he live millions of years in Divine Palace?”

“This kind of power is no longer at the level of the Witch King, I am afraid it is only one step away from becoming the Witch King.”

“He can live out of Divine Palace, that is to say, Divine Palace inheritance, is he got it?”

“Doesn’t it mean that the earth witch god family is about to rise?”

One after another discussion, opinions vary.

“The king of business and land, didn’t expect it was him.”

9 When Emperor Li Wu looked towards the King of Commercial Land, his eyes were somewhat surprised.

The king of business land is considered to be a strong man in his era, but he is not a god son of the witch clan, he has been practicing hard in the ancient territory, and finally became the witch emperor.

The King of Shangtu, as the son of the witch clan, entered the Divine Palace of the witch, and since then there is no news.

Speaking of aptitude, as the king of the witch clan, the king of business and land, he was the most talented witch clan in that era. Unfortunately, after he entered the witch Divine Palace, there was no more news.

Therefore, there have always been rumors that the King of Commercial Land has fallen, but I did not expect that this time the King of Commercial Land actually came out of the Divine Palace.

“Commercial land.”

9 Emperor Li Wu gave a long roar.

“Oh? 9 Li?”

Upon hearing this shout, the King of Commercial Land looked towards the sky, and saw 9 Li Wudi at a glance.

“You have become the witch emperor?”

The King of Shangtu was also a little surprised. Million years later, he could still see a familiar person, even 9 Li Wudi, who became a Wudi.

When he body moved, he came into the air and stood in front of 9 Li Wudi.

Although the King of Shangtu was only a Witch King, when he faced 9 Li Wudi, there was no unnaturalness. The King of Shangtu has not been able to break through and become the Witch Emperor, because of the restrictions of the Divine Palace.

His power had already reached perfection, and because he had swallowed the body of the witch god before, he had restored all the flesh and blood he had lacked.

Immediately after leaving Divine Palace, the King of Commercial Land clearly felt that his Law Comprehension was being advanced by leaps and bounds, the accumulation of millions of years in Divine Palace, once he left Divine Palace, it would begin to be released. , Have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly.

The distance to become the emperor of the witch is no more than 3-5 years for the king of business.

even more how his current strength, even if he didn’t step into the witch emperor, he still has the ability to retreat in the hands of the witch emperor. Facing the witch emperor, he naturally meets with peers.

“Million years, I didn’t expect that you would have been living in Divine Palace. I thought you would have fallen a long time ago.”

9 Li Wudi didn’t put on the pretense of the Wudi. He met the same generations. He also saw that the current king of business and land was only a step away from the Wudi.

“Shang Tu, since you opened the Divine Palace of the Witch, it means that the Divine Palace of the Witch, and the inheritance of the Witch God in it, have all fallen into your hands.”

9 Li Wudi curiously asked.

Upon hearing this question, a smile appeared on the corner of the King of Commercial Land’s mouth, and then the mysterious opened the mouth and said.

“The one who opened the Divine Palace is not me.”

“Not you?”

9 Li Wudi, the Black Wudi was taken aback when he heard these words, before he had time to ask the next question.

Suddenly below, Vulcan led the periphery, and suddenly there was a cry of exclamation.

9 Li Wudi, the Black Wudi heard the exclamation and looked towards the direction of Wu Divine Palace.

I saw the Transmission Array above Divine Palace. After the King of Commercial Land left, not at all dissipated, but from it, another silhouette stepped out.

The breath of this silhouette is as old as the king of business land. One after another golden light dropping from the sky is shrouded in this silhouette. The breath of this silhouette is only compared to the king of business land. A little weaker, but also standing in the Peak of the Witch King.

“Another one came out?”

“Could it be that there are more than one witch god son still alive in the witch Divine Palace?”

“What’s going on, Divine Palace, the witch god inheritance, isn’t it only available to one witch god son? How come two witch god sons come out.”

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