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Chu Fengmian is already the master of Divine Palace. If he wants to leave Divine Palace, a single thought is enough.

But Chu Fengmian was not at all anxious to leave, but his gaze, looked towards the front, not far from the front, one after another God’s Force condensed and finally turned into a silhouette.

This silhouette, ten thousand zhang high, showed a bronze-like color all over the body, and on the skin, there was a lot of fire of the wizard god, on the back grows a pair of wings, I glanced over and followed Chu Fengmian’s appearance now is very close.

Only compared with Chu Fengmian, the breath of this silhouette is even older and purer.

“I can’t fully agree to your conditions. I’m impossible to stay in the ancient territory forever and guard the witch race.”

Looking at the silhouette in front of him, Chu Fengmian slowly opened the mouth and said.

At the same time, he also knows the identity of this silhouette.

The witch god of fire.

One of the ten witch gods.

In the starry sky of Foreign Domain, Demon Ancestor, also known as Bronze Heavenly Demon, exists.

Before Chu Fengmian entered the deepest part of the Divine Palace of the Witch, he not only got the control of the Divine Palace, the Jade Huang, which contains the ten great witch gods inheritance, but also saw the fire witch god.

It’s just this fire witch god, just an illusory shadow, a consciousness.

With the help of the power of the witch Divine Palace, we can struggling on whilst at death’s door. The real fire witch god has long since fallen, and his fleshy body was also acquired by Chu Fengmian, which made Chu Fengmian embark on the road of the witch family. .

Chu Fengmian himself did not expect that he actually encountered this kind of legendary existence, but when Chu Fengmian got the ten great witch god inheritance and the witch Divine Palace inheritance, he put forward a condition.

Very simple, that is to guard the witch clan.

Only if you are willing to fulfill this condition, you can get the Divine Palace of the witch, and the inheritance of the ten great witch gods.

This condition is not considered a condition for any witch clan. As a witch clan, they have lived in the ancient territory of the northern realm all their lives. The condition for protecting the witch clan is nothing at all.

But for Chu Fengmian, he could not accept this condition.

Chu Fengmian is not a pure witch race.

He is also impossible to stay in the northern border of the ancient territory.

Nine Domains in the foreign domain starry sky is Chu Fengmian’s real hometown.

He came to the North Territory only by chance. Even if he went to the Three Great Saint Territories, it was only compelled by circumstances. He was impossible to stay in the North Territory to protect the Witch Clan.

“I don’t need you to protect the Witch Clan forever, I just hope you can promise to make two shots at the moment of the Witch Clan’s Life and Death. After two shots, all cause and effect will be cancelled.”

The Fire Sorcerer looked towards Chu Fengmian, slowly opened the mouth and said.

“This is the result of our discussion. If you don’t agree, you can leave the inheritance of the ten great wizard gods, and the Divine Palace will open again to screen new descendants.”

Among the fire witch gods, we are the top ten witch gods.

The ten great witch gods have all fallen. It is not difficult for a strong person to reach their level, even if they fall and leave a mass of consciousness.

The consciousness of the ten great witch gods remains in the Divine Palace of the witch, but this time Chu Fengmian is the Bloodline of the witch god of fire, so he will come forward.

“2 times?”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes flickered.

If he was allowed to stay in the northern realm and guard the witch clan, then Chu Fengmian would rather not have the witch Divine Palace than the witch god inheritance, and he would not agree to the terms of the fire witch god.

But if only 2 times.

At the critical juncture of Life and Death, it might be worth considering.

Chu Fengmian is not a pure witch clan. This witch god inheritance is far less important to Chu Fengmian than other witch clan.

Without the witch god inheritance, Chu Fengmian is also confident that he can step into the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

It just takes longer, and what Chu Fengmian lacks most now is time.

“I can agree to this condition.”

Chu Fengmian thought about it and got the answer immediately.

The cause and effect of Chu Fengmian and the Wu Clan are inseparable. Now Chu Fengmian owns the Bloodline of the Witch God of Fire, which condenses the true fate of the Witch. His own destiny is inseparable from the Wu Clan.

Chu Fengmian now has a huge power among the Witch Clan, and naturally he will not sit and watch the Witch Clan’s destruction.

“However, you should also know my identity. Are you willing to let me be an outsider and get the witch god inheritance? Get this witch Divine Palace?”

Chu Fengmian suddenly asked the wizard god of Xianghuo.

Chu Fengmian is not a pure witch race.

Even the King of Jinjue, Red Moon and the others can see this point, but they have not broken that’s all, the god of fire, naturally impossible to see this point.

The witch god inheritance, but the highest inheritance of the witch clan, and even rumored that whoever can get him can become the eleventh witch god of the witch clan.

Such inheritance, they are willing to let Chu Fengmian this outsider get?

“Your body, Bloodline, the body of the witch god, naturally belongs to the witch clan, and you are not repulsive to the witch clan, and even helped the witch clan solve a big problem. Compared with those witch clan who collude with foreigners, you are more qualifications.”

The God of Fire looked towards Chu Fengmian, said in a tranquil voice.

The fire witch god refers to the time witch emperor, empty witch emperor, and Jinjue witch emperor.

Their three people are the witch emperor of the witch clan, but they are actually to deal with Chu Fengmian, colluding with the Luoshen generals, and finally asking for trouble. They didn’t get any benefits, but lost 3 incarnation.

“And, I believe in your promise.”

The fire wizard suddenly said with a smile.

Although his silhouette is extremely vague, he can still see the smile on the corner of the mouth of the God of Fire.

“is it?”

Chu Fengmian’s face was indifferent, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. After a long time, Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said again.

“The witch god inheritance is really as magical as the rumors? Who can get it, who is the eleventh witch god of the witch race?”

Chu Fengmian is not struggling with promises.

Since he had agreed to the God of Fire, he would naturally not regret it.

Even more how the cause and effect of the Wu Clan made Chu Fengmian impossible completely out of the picture, and got such a huge benefit from the Wu Clan. Once he left, Chu Fengmian’s own Taoism couldn’t make it through.

The so-called strong, the most need is the word “freedom”, to have a good mind, to be able to communicate with the gods, and to get such a huge benefit from the Wu Clan. If Chu Fengmian is allowed to sit and watch the Wu Clan fall, his own Dao Heart cannot accept it, and the future will be strength. It is difficult to go further.

So this condition was actually considered by Chu Fengmian and simply agreed.

The conditions were agreed, and what Chu Fengmian wanted to care about now was the witch god inheritance, what it was.

“Eleventh witch god? I don’t know who passed it out, but witch god, impossible was born eleventh. This is an ancient rule. Our top ten witch gods are all born according to the operation of Heaven and Earth. Only cultivation can never reach the level. “

The fire wizard explained calmly.

“The words of the eleventh witch god are just exaggeration. Whoever can obtain the witch god inheritance and cultivation to the extreme, the authenticity can surpass the ordinary Immortal Emperor, the witch emperor, although he can’t reach the dominance, it is enough to barely contend with one or two.”

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